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      Sound and ImageFilm SoundFilm Music And SoundHarry Potter
Quaderns. Revista de traducció 9, 2003 121-134 Translating the imaginary world in the Harry Potter series or how Muggles, Quaffles, Snitches, and Nickles travel to other cultures Carmen Valero Garcés Universidad de Alcalá. ...
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      English LiteratureTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsArt
Dracorex was a dinosaur of the family Pachycephalosauridae, that lived during the Late Cretaceous of North America. The type (and only) species is Dracorex hogwartsia, meaning "dragon king of Hogwarts". It is known from one nearly... more
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      Native American ReligionsMythology And FolklorePrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontology
Swimming in the waters a half hour drive from Hermione's house, Hermione found some special seashells. She thought they were remarkably different from regular ones, in that these sparkled and transmitted coloured reflections from the... more
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      Harry PotterFan CulturesFandomShort story (Literature)
Embasado na perspectiva bakhtiniana da linguagem, a partir da constituição socioideológica da arte, este artigo propõe tecer uma análise dialógica acerca do discurso da "pureza da raça", como conteúdo temático materializado na narrativa... more
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      Harry PotterHistóriaRomancePolítica Brasileira
From Hogwarts to the Boxing ring: Courage, creativity and psychological wellbeing. In this public lecture Martin will be reflecting on psychological wellbeing and the ways in which it is linked to courage and creativity. He will of... more
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      Positive PsychologyGender StudiesCreativityAggression (Psychology)
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      Harry PotterHarry Potter studiesMagic and Harry PotterHarry Potter Influences
the strange, beguiling and pansexual amoralism that reigned on large areas of the earth before the coming of Christ, with his all-devouring message of pity.
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      Fantasy LiteratureThe Classical TraditionHarry PotterGreek Myth
J.K. Rowling had sworn she was finished with Harry Potter, sworn so loud that everyone knew it was a lie. She tried some other styles but it did not work really. So revive that poor dead and buried Harry Potter the author changes media... more
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      LiteratureMagicDramaTheater and film
The 9th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies gathers the proceedings of the symposium "Représentations animales dans les mondes imaginaires" (Université d'Artois, November 2019) organised by Marie-Lucie Bougon, Charlotte Duranton and Laura... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesFantasy LiteratureHarry PotterScience Fiction and Fantasy
This article traces the motif of death in Harry Potter series and its relation to the concept of child and childhood.
Eng. title: "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." The Child-Horcrux in Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
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      English LiteratureDeath StudiesChildren's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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      Harry PotterHarry Potter studies
Hospitality has always appeared in literature throughout the ages. In Classical Antiquity, for instance, a great deal of emphasis was placed on the centrality of hospitality, and its importance cannot be underestimated. There are at least... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePhilosophyHomerLeadership
Resumo O artigo dialoga a série literária Harry Potter com a liturgia eucarística a partir da religião vivida, entendida como um instrumento hermenêutica capaz de alçar novas experiências e reflexões teológicas e religiosas para além das... more
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      LiturgyPopular CultureEucharistHarry Potter
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      Popular CulturePhilosophy of FilmHarry PotterJean Paul Sartre
This article proposes that the experiences of screen tourists in Oxford help to create a theoretical "deep map" of the city which explores place through narrative. Building on the travel writing of William Least Heat-Moon and other recent... more
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      Tourism StudiesHumanitiesHarry PotterBritish Cinema (Film Studies)
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesHarry PotterHarry Potter studiesBoys' literacies and the Harry potter series
Poster from the event 'Harry Potter and Antiquity' where I presented speech 'Greek for geek. Ancient and Modern Greek translations of neologisms in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone'
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      Harry PotterAncient Greek LanguageModern Greek Language
The Harry Potter phenomenon created a surge in reading with a lasting effect on all areas of culture, especially education. Today, teachers across the world are harnessing the power of the series to teach history, gender studies,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyEnglish LiteratureTeaching and Learning
This book links the mounting demand for images of violent death with dramatic changes in death-related social rituals. It offers a conceptual framework that connects observations of fictional worlds—including The Twilight Saga, The... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
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      Harry PotterCiencia ficción
This article is an account of fieldwork carried out in a school in East Sussex, in the south of England, with a group of 10-and 11-year-old children, to discover whether they perceive social class in a selection of children's fantasy... more
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      EducationChildren's LiteratureReadingChildren's Voices
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      Harry PotterJ K Rowling
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesChinese StudiesPopular Culture
The House of Griffin or Griffin dynasty was a dynasty ruling the Duchy of Pomerania from the 12th century until 1637. The name "Griffins" was used by the dynasty after the 15th century and had been taken from the ducal coat of arms. Duke... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyPolish HistoryBaltic Studies
Tutti i personaggi principali della saga di Harry Potter sono condizionati in modo decisivo dalle relazioni familiari che hanno vissuto: Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna, Draco... ma anche Dumbledore/Silente e perfino Voldemort. Una lettura che... more
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      Family studiesJ. R. R. TolkienFamilyMoral Theology
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      PhilosophyOntologyFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      Reception StudiesDeathDeath StudiesIntertextuality
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      Film StudiesVideo GamesMedia IndustriesNeoliberalism
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    • Harry Potter
What is YOllr dee pest desire ? May be yOll know it a nd are actively working to wards satisfying it. O r pe rha ps yOll do n't know w ha t it is or find YOllr de sire to be like th e Go lden Snilch-tleeting and impossible to pin dow n .... more
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      Popular CultureHarry Potter
Life is so cyclical. It'll always come back to the same beginnings, and it's how we develop from those same events, or whether we make the same mistakes.
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      Audience StudiesChildren and FamiliesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureAudience and Reception Studies
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      Harry PotterScience Fiction and FantasyFiction
On December 20, 2015, the Palace Theatre announced the casting of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new play by Jack Thorne, based on a story by Potter creator J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, and Thorne himself. Set nineteen years in the... more
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      Theatre StudiesRace and EthnicityMedia IndustriesTheater and film
El propósito de este trabajo es abordar las continuidades y rupturas entre el mundo de los fans de la saga de Harry Potter y el deporte quidditch en Argentina, el cual se inspira en dicha obra, pero se muestra como una actividad... more
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      Harry PotterGéneroFansDeportes
Co-curated with Julian Harrison, Joanna Norledge and Tanya Kirk, this exhibition explored the history behind the magic in the Harry Potter stories. A once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between the British Library, Bloomsbury and J.K.... more
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      Harry PotterHarry Potter studiesHarry PotterImpact of Harry Potter on Today's Literature
In Being and Time, Martin Heidegger argues that death is always impending, waiting to claim us, and as such our existence in the world is one that is Being-toward-death. Despite the fact that we can never escape death, we are constantly... more
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      DeathAuthenticityMartin HeideggerHarry Potter
Paper written for Gonzaga University, SOCI 255: Sociology of Literature, taught by Dr. William Hayes.
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      SociologyPsychologySocial SciencesHarry Potter
Contemporary analysis of Harry Potter books does not necessairly employ the latest accomplishments of cultural theory, such as neomarxism (Piketty), the questions of psychoanalysis and the theory of politics (Žižek) and the literary... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
"Cet article démontre les éléments typiques et structurels de la fanfiction, choisissant des exemples variés de connections avec l’Antiquité, et traite de deux fics dans lesquelles la littérature ancienne est incorporée : prenant place... more
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      Harry PotterLucanClassical Reception StudiesCatullus
Este es un libro de estudios ficticio para la materia "Defensa contra las Artes Oscuras" basado en el mundo de JK Rowling, no ha sido escrito por ella y no es oficial, pertenece a la categoría "fan fic".
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      Harry PotterWizarding World
This critical anthropological assessment explores the concept of Harry Potter tourism, specifically at London's King's Cross station. This new-age form of tourism, solely based upon fans living through the Harry Potter fantasies (both... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesPopular CultureHarry Potter
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Subkultur Fandom sowie der zumeist dazugehörigen Fan Fiktion und setzt sich dabei mit Stereotypen, Vorurteilen, dessen Inhalt und Zweck sowie dem Verhalten der Fans anhand zweier praktischer Beispiele,... more
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      Internet StudiesHarry PotterFandomFanfiction
Amazing book for all those Potterheads that need to read it.
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    • Harry Potter
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      PlatoHarry PotterAristotle's Ethics
Rowling's use of tragedy and death, strength of communication and value of knowledge, and the empathy and sense of justice that Harry possesses epitomize the aspects of the canonical novels Rogers describes. Harry Potter takes us through... more
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      SociologyLiteratureLiterary CanonHarry Potter