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      SociologySocial TheoryEthnographyPhenomenology
Translation of H. Garfinkel's  "Passing and the managed achievement of an intersexual identity", chap. 5 of Studies in Ethnomethodology
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      Gender StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityEstudios de Género
El habla interaccional, i.e., el habla natural que ocurre en toda interacción social humana, ha sido desde nuestros orígenes la herramienta determinante del progreso de nuestra especie, el nutriente indispensable de nuestro bienestar... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial Research Methods and MethodologyLanguage and Social InteractionSociolinguistics
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      Social TheoryMichel FoucaultRobin George CollingwoodMax Weber
This book discribes the main current sociological paradigms. Attention is paid to the main focus of the theories and their methodological consequences. In ten chapters the following theories are discussed: M. Weber, E. Durkheim,... more
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      Jurgen HabermasFunctionalismEthnomethodologySociological Theory
In this book, Anastasia Marinopoulou conducts a systematic comparison of modern epistemology and the epistemological concerns of the Frankfurt School, addressing phenomenology, structuralism and poststructuralism, modernism and... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Статья представляет анализ конструирования гендерного порядка в общественных туалетах и гендерных норм вообще. В статье рассмотрена история туалетных комнат и развитие бинарных гендерных туалетов, обобщены идеи о гендере, в целом, и... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesGender and SexualityGender
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      EthnomethodologyErving GoffmanMax WeberAnthony Giddens
The paper sketches out a praxeological history of the credit card, with an emphasis on its mediating qualities. Temporal borrowing via credit card is regarded as a highly dynamic neighborhood technology that produces emergent topologies... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySocial TheoryHistory Of Computing
Chapitre 2 de ma thèse (Venir à la communauté : une sociologie de l'hospitalité et de l'appartenance) soutenue en 2009.
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      SociologySocial PsychologyPragmatismSocial Sciences
On pourra lire ici la première d'un ouvrage (encore sans éditeur) sur "La théorie de l'étiquetage" (Vol. I) qui traite des sources de ce paradigme en sociologie de la déviance. Les auteurs classiques des années 50-60 sont présentés et... more
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      John DeweyErving GoffmanHarold GarfinkelPragmatisme
“Harold Garfinkel: Etnometodolojide Araştırmalar” İncelemesi
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      EtnometodologíHarold Garfinkel
Io venni fuori, sculacciata e lavata in quest'ordine. Dopo avermi avvolta in una coperta mi esposero tra altri sei bebè, quattro maschi e due femmine, tutti quanti, diversamente da me, con il cartellino giusto. Jeffrey Eugenides,... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityEthnomethodologySociology of the Body
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      EthnomethodologyHarold Garfinkel
Few contemporary sociologists are as creative as Erving Goffman. One product of this creativity is frame analysis (Goffman, 1974), a method that is both admired and neglected. Comparing Goffman's approach to other paradigms seems not only... more
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      EthnomethodologyAlfred Schutz (Sociology)Interpretative Phenomenological AnalysisErving Goffman
Ahora que han caído en descrédito las narrativas que hablaban de sociedades lejanas, puras y distintas, este libro recupera la fascinación de las teorías de la cultura examinando críticamente las principales tendencias de los últimos años... more
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      Claude Lévi-StraussCarlos CastanedaClifford GeertzHarold Garfinkel
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGeographyDevelopment Economics
Selon Garfinkel, l'ordre social consiste en l’ensemble des activités ordinaires régies par des règles définissant des normes, auxquelles les individus souscrivent et qu’ils intègrent comme allant de soi. Ces normes agissent comme des... more
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      EthnomethodologyEthnomethodologieHarold Garfinkel
This article is the editors’ introduction to the transcript of a lecture that Harold Garfinkel delivered to a seminar in 1993. Garfinkel extensively discusses the relevance of Aron Gurwitsch’s phenomenological treatment of Gestalt theory... more
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      PerceptionPractice theoryConversation AnalysisEmbodiment
La dimensione latente dell'azione sociale
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      SociologyPierre BourdieuJon ElsterErving Goffman
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureCultural Policy
Essays in which we use an action perspective inspired by Garfinkel and others, to engage with complex online interactions, learning practices and community formations. A follow-up of "Durkheim and the Internet".
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      SemioticsSociologySocial TheoryAnthropology
Durante la década de los años 1960-70, comenzaron y se extendieron diferentes críticas a la metodología empleada, sobre todo en la sociología. Estas críticas desafiaban varios de los presupuestos más familiares de esta disciplina, con... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesHarold Garfinkel
Cet article reprend, à la lumière des épistémologies féministes, un questionnement proprement sociologique. Il aborde en effet la catégorie « femme » en tant qu’elle est une modalité du classement des personnes en fonction du genre.... more
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      PerformanceJudith ButlerGenre TheorySociologie
There is a general agreement among critics and readers that the works of Pierre Bourdieu and Harold Garfinkel are to be regarded as incommensurably different in many respects, and in fact a substantive divergence between them has been... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryCultural SociologyRoutines
Perché mentre l'espressione "dichiaratamente gay" è così usata l'equivalente "apertamente etero" non lo è? Quali sono gli assunti che stanno alle spalle di locuzioni come "donna in carriera" o "infermiere maschio"? Perché Obama è... more
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      Social TheorySociology of Everyday LifeErving GoffmanEveryday Life
This article argues that the symbolic interactionist sources of the first generation of constructivists in IR theory are worth recovering because of their ability to address what constructivists have always wanted to understand – the... more
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      International RelationsSelf and IdentityInternational Relations TheoryConstructivism
What might a disciplined inquiry into events occurring always for "another first time " (Garfinkel, 1967) look like? Whilst traditionally, we have always sought a hidden order behind appearances, this may be a misleading aim in human... more
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      CommunicationWittgensteinLater WittgensteinSingularity
Commentaire sur le chapitre V: Agnès, une femme naturelle, normale Christopher Zahonero Ballesteros (étudiant Erasmus) Épistemologie des sciences sociales Professeure : Brigitte Steinmann Université de Lille 1 -2014/2015
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      EtnometodologíHarold Garfinkel
La vie et la sociologie d'Alfred Schütz et ses échanges avec Harold Garfinkel " Vivre, c'est passer d'un espace à un autre en essayant le plus possible de ne pas se cogner " George Perec Résumé : La vie est organisée sous la forme de... more
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      SociologyPhenomenologyHarold GarfinkelAlfred Schutz
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      SemioticsHuman RightsVisual SemioticsShame Theory
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      PhilosophySocratesHans-Georg GadamerCommunity
La transidentité de Chelsea (Bradley) Manning relève d’une production de genre dont l’analytique de la performance, à laquelle s’adossent les théories dramaturgiques de Judith Butler et Harold Garfinkel, ne peut rendre compte qu’en partie... more
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      GenrePerformanceJudith ButlerEspace public
O principal objetivo desse trabalho é discutir os significados (re) produzidos através das representações sociais, compartilhados nos contextos da docência e o modo como tais discursos orientam a forma de pensar e de agir dos sujeitos... more
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      Jurgen HabermasGilles DeleuzeMichel FoucaultJacques Derrida
Der Aufsatz bietet eine Revision der Ethnomethodologie, um ihren kritischen Gehalten einen positiven Status einzuräumen. Für diese Revision werden die basalen Maximen des „Doing Ethnomethodology” ausbuchstabiert. Die Maximen verrichten... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyQualitative methodologyCritical Discourse Analysis
Der vorliegende Text führt in die Schwerpunktausgabe "Harold Garfinkels 'Studies in Ethnomethodology'-ein Interviewprojekt" ein. In dieser sind acht Interviews mit Wissenschaftler*innen aus der Ethnomethodologie und benachbarten... more
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      EthnomethodologyHarold Garfinkel
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      EtnometodologíHarold GarfinkelAlfred SchutzAgência E Estrutura
Il volume presenta per la prima volta al pubblico italiano la teoria socio-logica radicale di John I. Kitsuse. Tra i primi fondatori della prospettiva della reazione sociale, Kitsuse propone una delle riflessioni più originali... more
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      Sociology Of DevianceJapanese StudiesSociology of EducationSociology of Crime and Deviance
In the following conversation Eric LAURIER talks about the role of ethnomethodology's foundational account-the "Studies in Ethnomethodology" (GARFINKEL, 1967)-within the UK and the influence of the book on his own research as well as on... more
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      Conversation AnalysisEthnomethodologyHarold Garfinkel
The subject of this theoretical study, namely, the problem of knowing the other in social discourse, is of" course extensive and crucia! to every discipline and social science. My study does not try to present all the important or even... more
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      EpistemologyHegelPhilosophy Of FriendshipImmanuel Kant
Latour is widely considered a critic and renewer of research in the social sciences. The ecologically minded Left has also acclaimed him as a theorist interested in bringing nature back both into sociological theory and into society and... more
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      Actor Network TheoryBruno LatourEmile DurkheimHarold Garfinkel
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      Jacques DerridaEventfulnessHarold GarfinkelIterability
Michael LYNCH is widely known as one of the key figures of ethnomethodology. In this interview, he takes the discussion of GARFINKEL's "Studies in Ethnomethodology" (1967) as an opportunity to take the reader back to California in the... more
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      Conversation AnalysisEthnomethodologyHarold Garfinkel
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      SociologyNew MediaEthnographySocial Interaction
Unexceptional by definition, the natural appearance of everyday life is not a matter of conscious awareness, let alone deliberate calculation, but an uneventful background against which, ordinarily, nothing special seems to happen. This... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryPhenomenologySymbolic Interaction
National Health Service directives in the UK specify that, in any primary care consultation where a patient either demonstrably has – or is suspected to have –depression, a “direct question” should be asked regarding their thoughts or... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyHealth Psychology
This study describes the differing overall structural organization of political radio phone-in interactions in Israel and the USA. The American phone-in is highly organized, tightly controlled by the host, who knows and introduces the... more
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      Hebrew LanguageIsrael StudiesConversation AnalysisRadio
O artigo realiza uma incursão seletiva ao terreno plural das microssociologias interpretativas, perfazendo uma análise crítica das contribuições à teoria social legadas pela sociologia fenomenológica de Alfred Schutz e pelo desdobramento... more
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      EtnometodologíHarold GarfinkelAlfred SchutzAgência E Estrutura
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      Erving GoffmanParanoiaEarly Medieval MonasticismBenedictine Monasticism