Harold Bloom
Recent papers in Harold Bloom
1. L'ideologia dentro la critica dell'ideologia 2. La questione della prospettiva e il problema del tempo 3. Lo specchio e la lampada. La Widerspiegelungstheorie 4. Una mimesis dialettica, oltre soggettivismo e rispecchiamento meccanico... more
This dissertation seeks to examine the canons of knowledge that have traditionally dominated Western culture, and asks whether it is possible to maintain such a canon in today’s fragmented, relativist society, especially one in which huge... more
forthcoming in Journal of Aesthetic Education
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Derridian traces in the Spider-Man mythos are explored and explicated -- years *before* Doc Oc and Peter Parker switched consciences!
rat or The Wtstern Canon. . H Bl m brill iant! reanimat s the c ncept of the w tern canon an ' a h t b t rep�e ent it. a ·me when th culture o · rea 'nc · n, th · b k. ill b gre tly prized by educate read It-Richard. Poiri r "H rei ok to... more
This paper will describe how the concept of literary canon cannot hold a possibility of infinite readings. This is so because the mental acts of individuation, choosing concrete literary objects, and the cultural practice of reading, are... more
Es una ensayo sobre las razones que plantea Harold Bloom sobre Shajespeare como el centro del canon.
When Bloom (1998) claims that Shakespeare invented our sense of personality, he appears to be chiefly referring to a characteristic inwardness which underlies a constant process of personal change that finds in Shakespearean characters... more
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es re-localizar la obra del poeta, narrador, traductor, ensayista y crítico cubano contemporáneo Jesús David Curbelo (1965) en el mapa del canon.
An introduction to the Epic genre focussing on how Milton's Paradise Lost relates to its Homeric, Virgilian and Dantean predecessors.
Are imagining and misimagining two elements of imagination which differ from each other so much, that they establish two different imaginations? Or do they characterise two disparate imagining subjectivities? The eponymous distinction,... more
Harold bLoom, Jesús y Yahvé. Los nombres divinos. México, Taurus / Aguilar, 2006, 242 pp. [Jesus and Yahweh: The names divine. Riverhead: usa, 2005].
A canonical critical approach to a canonical author was defined by Harold Bloom as a combination of two critical standpoints. One aspect concerns the critic’s ability to solve formal and phenomenological issues which arise in a work of... more
Effi Briest is a celebrated work of realism and is considered the best novel of Theodor Fontane. Published back in 1894 the work still enjoys an important role in today's world. Effi Briest has joined the canon literature due to its... more
... Title: Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human (review) ... mous (or infamous) for deidealizing the imaginations of canonical European, British, and American writers as ... almost unprecedented fash-ion, his precursor in this matter... more
Este ensayo, instructivo y práctico a un tiempo, no va destinado a los medios eruditos y universitarios, sino al público en general amante de la lectura, al que ofrece un brillante análisis de las obras literarias fundamentales. El... more
הנתניהוז, בלום והקטסטרופה הבאה אריה דובנוב • הזמן הזה Review essay on Joshua Cohen's novel, "The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family" (and Israel in the mind of... more
Pro}i:m-Dtpartammtode~ f..lni<umiiWJN:tcimd AMonserr.11 Oroó&zin mtmoriam sostenida por el prestigio de Pound y .Eliot, y elaborada en términos formal~de nuo del campo académ[co porCieanrh Brooks, Yvor Winters y otros.' La labor de Bloom,... more
Ο Χάρολντ Μπλουμ (δεξιά) με τον Τζον Γουόρντ της Oxford University Press, στη Νέα Υόρκη, 17 Απριλίου 1970. © John Sotomayor / The New York Times «καὶ ἐπηρώτα αὐτόν· τί ὄνομά σοι; καὶ ἀπεκρίθη λέγων· λεγεὼν ὄνομά μοι, ὅτι πολλοί ἐσμεν»... more
Not unlike the much more famous ‘Jewish heretic hermeneutics’ studied by Susan Handelman, such as those of Freud, Derrida, Bloom and others, painter and philosopher Norman Raeben has formulated his own new method for artistic creation... more
A number of prominent critics have observed that Irish Studies is a practice configured by a sense of crisis. In Irish Classics Declan Kiberd notes that 'Irish Studies, for all its hopes of academic objectivity, remains a crisis-driven... more
But the course ‘literary criticism’, the reason why I am writing this piece, was unsatisfactory and the contents only kept us ‘outmoded’. We had Eliot’s ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’, Arnold’s ‘The Study of Poetry’, Wordsworth’s... more
In The Anxiety of Influence, Harold Bloom argues that poets are under the influence of their predecessors. In order to construct an authentic voice in poetry, the younger poet needs to undergo a process of “misunderstanding,... more
L’assegnazione del premio Nobel per la letteratura a Bob Dylan ha aperto un grande dibattito. Partendo dall’analisi dei commenti, si è notato che tale dibattito non era sul Nobel, ma sul canone letterario. A tal proposito, è stato preso... more
This paper reviews the existing literature and established protocols for the use of intended learning outcomes (ILOs) in UK higher education, stressing the need to incorporate a wider range of taxonomies than just the dominant notion of... more
Harold Bloom has promoted an idea of the Western Canon in literature and culture, which has an implicitly political value, aimed at demonstrating Anglophone supremacy, first British and then American. Bloom's Canon has a main prejudice at... more
El trabajo, tanto crítico como cinematográfico, de Víctor Erice es analizado bajo la perspectiva de su rigurosa continuidad, en la medida en que su obra está recorrida por un hilo conductor que pone de manifiesto la tensión entre lo... more
Om faedre, sønner og litteraer indflydelse i Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp Det handler om faedre og sønner. Om faedrene i Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp. Om Karl Oves -romanens fortaeller og hovedperson -og hans forhold til sin far. Og om... more
Recent work in psychology has postulated a role for imitation in such diverse aspects of cognition and human development as self-recognition, acquisition of linguistic and moral systems, and even eory of Mind-or how we learn that other... more
En la «Crítica del juicio», Kant introduce la figura del genio como aquel que tiene talento para "dar regla al arte" y le atribuye un a serie de condiciones, entre ellas, ser "original" y "ejemplar". Sin embargo, la originalidad de un... more
A personalíssima trajetória de um crítico literário norte-americano que andou na contramão das principais tendências teóricas e ideológicas do seu tempo. FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus Exemplar incomum de intelectual com formação... more
Diplomová práce, obhájená roku 2015 na pražské komparatistice, si klade za cíl nejenom nabídnout co nejširší spektrum Erótových výskytů na poli evropské literatury, ale i vyvinout tomu odpovídající metodu erotické intepretace.
In year 1984 Adam Kulawik, one of the most eminent researchers amongst the Polish theoreticians of versification have published a revolutionary article “The principle of verse organisation”, in which showed a completely new approach to... more