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Outbreaks of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella have caused significant economic losses to the salmon industry in the south of Chile. However, the precise ichthyotoxic mechanism by this paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) – producing... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyHarmful algal bloomsLipid peroxidationAlexandrium catenella
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      Ocean EngineeringCoastal ManagementQualityWater
Macroalgal blooms may lead to dramatic changes in physicochemical variables and biogeochemical cycling in affected waters. However, little is known about the effects of macroalgal blooms on marine bacteria, especially those functioning in... more
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      Marine Microbial EcologyHarmful algal bloomsVibrio choleraeBiological Nitrogen Fixation
50-day's free access ........................................................................................................................................... Cyanobacteria are notorious for... more
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      AlgorithmsRemote SensingAquatic EcologyAquatic Toxicology
In addition to answering Hutchinson's question ''Why are there so many species?'', we need to understand why certain species are found only under certain environmental conditions and not others. Trait-based approaches are being... more
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      Earth SciencesAdaptationHydrobiologyHarmful algal blooms
Dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are photosynthetic microalgae that have an extreme importance due to the impact of some toxic species on shellfish aquaculture industry. Alexandrium catenella is the species responsible for the... more
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      TechnologyGenomicsHarmful algal bloomsEnvironmental Sciences
The Raphidophycean Fibrocapsa japonica Toriumi & Takano was detected for the first time offshore in the Eastern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) in October 2006. Its distribution appeared very localised and atypical, as it was abundant... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyHarmful algal blooms
This report of A. catenella is important due to the following issues; · it shows a northward expansion of the species range · it is the first record of the species in SE Pacific coastal oceanic waters, off Chiloé Island. This new... more
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      Harmful algal bloomsAlexandrium catenella
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been documented along the coasts of India and the ill effects felt by society at large. Most of these reports are from the Arabian Sea, west coast of India, whereas its counterpart, the Bay of Bengal... more
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    • Harmful algal blooms
The report presents a review of the studies on cyanoprokaryotes from Bulgarian coastal wetlands carried out in the period 1890-2017. The biodiversity of cyanoprokaryotes in coastal water basins (their phytoplankton and phytobenthos) was... more
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      Conservation BiologyCyanobacteriaInvasive SpeciesBiodiversity
''Red tide'' has become a familiar shorthand for unusual changes in the color of ocean waters. It is intimately related both to blooms of creatures like dinoflagellates and to the devastating effects they pose to coastal fisheries. This... more
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      History of JapanAnimal StudiesEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
The three Alexandrium species A. tamarense, A. fundyense and A. catenella include strains that can be potent producers of the neurotoxin saxitoxin (STX) and its analogues, the causative agents of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). These... more
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      PhylogeneticsDinoflagellatesHarmful algal bloomsToxicity
This paper examines normative and political aspects of the peer review, scientific consensus and public policy processes related to harmful algal blooms of Pfiesteria in estuarine waters of North Carolina and Maryland in the 1990s. After... more
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      Environmental SciencePhilosophy of ScienceEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceHarmful algal blooms
The called Harmful Algal bloom (HAB) is a natural phenomenon produced by an input of nutrients to the water that is being very extended in many water bodies worldwide. In this project, we focus on the HAB that the Mar Menor lagoon,... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsHarmful algal bloomsEconomic Impact
The growth and toxin production of a Philippine Pyrodinium bahamense isolate in nutrient replete batch cultures were investigated at various stages of the life cycle and under conditions affected by varying salinity, temperature and... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyDinoflagellatesHarmful algal bloomsPSP toxins
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      Phytoplankton EcologyTaxonomyHarmful algal bloomsAquaculture
A system of ultrasonic buoys was installed in the Canoe Brook Reservoir #1 in Short Hills, NJ to assess the impact of the system for controlling algae and cyanobacteria in the reservoir. The four buoys operated for five months in the... more
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      Water qualitySustainable Water Resources ManagementAlgaeHarmful algal blooms
Wireless sensor systems have been used in several innovative applications during past few years. However, the key constraints like system design, energy, cost are significantly application dependant. In this paper, we design a wireless... more
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      Remote SensingWater qualityWireless Sensor NetworksCyanobacteria
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      DinoflagellatesDiatomsHarmful algal bloomsMarmara Sea
The paper is a review in which some types of cyanotoxins and the relevant socially significant diseases, which they can cause, are discussed. The cyanotoxins found in Bulgaria are pointed with special attention on the risk for human... more
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      Harmful algal bloomsCyanotoxinsHuman healthAlgal Toxins
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      CyanobacteriaHarmful algal bloomsHarmful Algal Blooms (Biology)Algology
In this study, data mining using box plots and multivariate statistical analysis using factor analysis are employed for a spatio-temporal analysis of coastal water quality data from Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. The analysis of box plots... more
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      Civil EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceInformaticsCoastal Engineering
The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication. [new solution to the problem, prevention, control and reversal of eutrophication, new way of improving water quality, how to solve the problem, new method to combat... more
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      Aquatic EcologyWaterWater qualityWater resources
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      Harmful algal bloomsAquacultureFish Kill EventsSalmonids
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      CyanobacteriaPublic HealthHarmful algal bloomsEutrophication
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      MARINE POLLUTIONAlgaeHarmful algal bloomsPencemaran Laut
The harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum has different effects upon various species of grazing bivalves, and these effects also vary with life-history stage.
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      ImmunologyImmune responseHarmful algal bloomsBiological Sciences
Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms (or CyanoHABs) represent one of the most conspicuous waterborne microbial hazards in aquatic environments mostly due to the production of harmful secondary metabolites, known as cyanotoxins. In this... more
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      Climate ChangeCyanobacteriaMediterraneanHarmful algal blooms
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      DinoflagellatesHarmful algal bloomsFish Kill EventsMariculture
A B S T R A C T Current climate trends resulting in rapid declines in sea ice and increasing water temperatures are likely to expand the northern geographic range and duration of favorable conditions for harmful algal blooms (HABs),... more
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      Harmful algal bloomsHarmful Algal Blooms (Biology)Harmful algae bloomsBenthic Harmful Algal Bloom
Dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are photosynthetic microalgae that have an extreme importance due to the impact of some toxic species on shellfish aquaculture industry. Alexandrium catenella is the species responsible for the... more
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      Harmful algal bloomsMarine Harmful AlgaeAlexandrium catenellaRed tides
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      SeabirdsHarmful algal blooms
The impact of environmental variables and processes of nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton community at Epe lagoon was studied for 18 months (November 2012-April 2014). Two cyanobacterial bloom incidences were observed in the two dry... more
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      Coastal ManagementAquatic EcologyPhytoplankton EcologyCyanobacteria
Over the last decade, our understanding of the environmental controls on Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and domoic acid (DA) production has matured. Pseudo-nitzschia have been found along most of the world's coastlines, while the impacts of its... more
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      Trace MetalsPublic HealthEcosystem healthDiatoms
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      Environmental HealthMolecular GeneticsHarmful algal bloomsBiological Sciences
Mass appearances of the toxic dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis are known to cause dangerous respiratory symptoms in humans exposed to aerosols. The outbreaks can appear in shallow marine waters of temperate regions around the globe. We... more
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      BiofilmsMicroalgaeHarmful algal bloomsEutrophication
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      MicroalgaeHarmful algal bloomsScientific CommunicationRed tide
Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis genus are a recurrent phenomenon in tropical and temperate regions worldwide. The most widely distributed species in the Mediterranean Sea, Ostreopsis cf. ovata, produces blooms with... more
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      Marine EcologyMarine Microbial EcologyEcologyHarmful algal blooms
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    • Harmful algal blooms
Heavy metals have been reported as priority pollutants, due to their mobility in natural ecosystems and due to their toxicity. Bioremediation is cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative for removal of heavy... more
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      MicrobiologyMedicinal PlantsFungiHarmful algal blooms
Microcystis aeruginosa blooms and production of associated toxins, microcystins, are a common occurrence in freshwater systems throughout California, and microcystins have recently appeared in nearshore marine environments along the... more
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      SeabirdsHarmful algal bloomsWildlife RehabilitationWaterbirds
Monitoring programs for harmful algal blooms (HABs) are currently reactive and provide little or no means for advance warning. Given this, the development of algal forecasting systems would be of great use because they could guide... more
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      PhycologyRemote SensingPlant BiologyForecasting
Dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are photosynthetic microalgae that have an extreme importance due to the impact of some toxic species on shellfish aquaculture industry. Alexandrium catenella is the species responsible for the... more
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      TechnologyGenomicsHarmful algal bloomsEnvironmental Sciences
As part of an ongoing monitoring study of phytoplankton in Yemeni coastal waters we report, for the first time, a dense bloom (14.310 6 cell L −1) of the marine dinoflagellate species Protoperidinium quinquecorne (Abé) Balech on June 6,... more
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      Harmful algal bloomsMarine dinoflagellates
El fitoplancton del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV) ha sido estudiado principalmente en su diversidad y ecología. De las especies fitoplanctónicas hasta ahora registradas (326 taxones) destacan cuantitativamente las... more
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      Marine BiologyPhytoplankton EcologyHarmful algal blooms
The data produced from Earth Observation (EO) satellites has recently become so abundant that manual processing is sometimes no longer an option for analysis. The main challenges for studying this data are its size, its complex nature, a... more
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      Environmental ScienceComputer ScienceRemote SensingMachine Learning
During the past three decades, harmful algal blooms (HAB) events have been frequently observed in marine waters around many coastal cities in the world including Hong Kong. The increasing occurrence of HAB has caused acute influences and... more
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      Machine LearningWater qualityHarmful algal bloomsMarine Environment
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      BioinformaticsLife historyLife SciencesPublic Health
A total number of 40 potentially toxic microalgae and 5 taxa causing discolorations have been identified along the coasts of the Campania region (South Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). This number is based on results of over 20 years... more
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      TaxonomyHarmful algal bloomsBiological SciencesMediterranean Sea
The Northern Adriatic Sea is the area of the Mediterranean Sea where eutrophication and episodes related to harmful algae have occurred most frequently since the 1970s. In this area, which is highly exploited for mollusk farming, the... more
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      MicroalgaeHarmful algal bloomsAquacultureAerosols