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The purpose of this 2-part opinion article was to project the developments expected to occur in the next few years in orthodontic materials research and applications. Part 1 reviewed developments in bonding to enamel. Part 2 looks at... more
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental ResearchForecasting
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      PhysicsDentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental Materials
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      Analytical ChemistryMicrostructureCorrelationTHERMAL DIFFUSIVITY
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of radiant heat, ultrasonic treatment, and 42.7 wt% CaCl 2 solution on fluoride release and surface hardness in three conventional glass-ionomer cements (GICs). The fluoride release... more
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A new extracellular charged polysaccharide composed mainly by galactose, with lower amounts of mannose, glucose and rhamnose, was produced by the cultivation of Pseudomonas oleovorans NRRL B-14682 using glycerol as the sole carbon source.... more
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      MicrobiologyOrganic ChemistryMetallurgyMedical Microbiology
The optical properties of four currently ysed and two recently introduced maxillofacial prosthetic materials were evaluated after the materials were subjected to the following seven environmental variables: natural weathering; normal... more
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      Physical ChemistryDentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental Materials
The clinical performance of light polymerised dental composites is greatly in#uenced by the quality of the light-curing unit (LCU) used. Commonly used halogen LCUs have some speci"c drawbacks such as decreasing of the light output with... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCompositesDental MaterialsPolymerization
Adhesive organs like arolia of insects allow these animals to climb on different substrates by creating high adhesion forces. According to the Dahlquist criterion, adhesive organs must be very soft, exhibiting an effective Young's... more
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      Biological SciencesInsectsHardnessSurface Properties
Preparation of thermoplastic natural rubber (TPNR) was carried out by blending high density polyethylene (HDPE) with natural rubber powder (NRP) obtained from spray drying of pre-vulcanized natural rubber latex. The blend ratio of... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceRecycling
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      GeographyHydrologyConservationQuality Control
The nanoparticles are superparamagnetic at room temperature and display a blocking temperature of 17.6 K. Their anisotropy (2.7 10 5 J m À3) is determined to be more than two orders of magnitude higher than that of the bulk NiFe alloy (10... more
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The densification of silicon nitride was carried out by Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) sintering via glass-encapsulation method. The sintering performing techniques were studied in order to obtain high strength properties. a-Si:JN4 raw powder... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructureDensity
Needles with asymmetric bevel tips naturally bend when they are inserted into soft tissue. In this study, we present an analytical model for the loads developed at the bevel tip during needle-tissue interaction. The model calculates the... more
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      Computer SimulationViscosityHardnessAnalytical Model
It is presented here how some cure characteristics and mechanical properties of rubber compounds based on nonpolar rubber, natural rubber (NR), are affected by filling with conifer wood flour, both nonmodified or corona treated in air or... more
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      EngineeringKineticsNatural rubberDurability
Towards a real time release approach for manufacturing tablets using NIR spectroscopy, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2014),
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      Analytical ChemistryNIRSPharmaceutical ChemistryHPLC
Objectives. This study evaluated the effect of composite pre-polymerization temperature and energy density on the marginal adaptation (MA), degree of conversion (DC), flexural strength (FS), and polymer cross-linking (PCL) of a resin... more
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      EngineeringPolymersDental MaterialsPolymerization
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMicrostructure
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      Materials EngineeringModelingFractureComputer Simulation
Epoxidized natural rubbers (ENR) with various levels of epoxide groups were prepared. Thermoplastic vulcanizates based on 75/25 ENRs/PP blends with Ph-PP compatibilizer were later prepared by dynamic vulcanization using sulfur curing... more
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      EngineeringMorphologyPolymer BlendsMixing
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of variations in 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) concentrations in an experimental comonomer blend on degree of conversion, water sorption, solubility, and ultimate tensile strength of adhesive resin.
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      DentistryWaterDental MaterialsTemperature
As the introduction of piezoelectric materials into micro electromechanical systems increases, there is a correlating requirement for understanding the mechanical properties of these films. We have investigated the mechanical properties... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringTechnology
The importance of breakfast cereal flakes (BCF) in Western diets deserves an understanding of changes in their mechanical properties and microstructure that occur during soaking in a liquid (that is, milk or water) prior to consumption.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceMicrostructureWater
By means of computer simulation, we study the deformation of nanoscale poIymer films under the action of external bending forces. The polymer is represented by a generalized bead-spring model, intended to reproduce characterisUc features... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyKineticsContinuum Mechanics
Windows for infrared sensors on missiles, aircraft and high energy laser systems must be of excellent spectral properties, high optical quality, large and durable enough to protect delicate sensors from harsh operating conditions. This... more
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      Materials EngineeringGlassTransparencyHeavy Metal
Hair clipper Ion nitriding PVD CVD a b s t r a c t Making the angle of a hair clipper blade edge acute improves its cutting ability but causes the edge to be susceptible to wear, resulting in decreased cutting service life. An enhancement... more
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      Materials EngineeringSurface modificationVacuumCVD
TiN coatings can be obtained in a relatively wide range of compositions around stoichiometry. Changing the stoichiometry around the 1:1 composition broadens the spectrum of colors and can modify the mechanical properties as compared with... more
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      Materials EngineeringNitrogenVacuumHardness
Summary of the doctoral dissertation The main purpose of this work was to recognize the technological construction of individual elements of hand-held firearms. The analysis of literature sources and conducted material science researches... more
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      Heritage ConservationMetallographyHardnessGuns
Torsion extrusion (TE) process was performed successfully for consolidation of commercially pure aluminum powder at 350 °C. It was shown by a specific mechanism that the shear strains applied during consolidation of aluminum powder by the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPowder MetallurgyPorosity
To evaluate the radiopacity, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), microhardness (KHN), degree of conversion (DC), water sorption (WS) and solubility (SL) of experimental adhesives. Five experimental adhesives with different concentrations of... more
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Residual stress and strain
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermodynamicsBiomedical Engineering
The load dependence of the Vickers microhardness on the as-grown (0 1 0) and (0 0 1), and cleaved (0 0 1) faces of cadmium tartrate pentahydrate (CTPH) single crystals has been investigated. The experimental results showed that, with an... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSurface ScienceHardness
Abrasive wear is an important component in failure analyses in mining equipment. This work relates to a wear test for mill components after the occurrence of a failure in an iron ore pelletizing plant at Vale’s Tubarao Complex, Vitoria,... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentFailure AnalysisOptical microscopyGrinding
The research on application of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma with spiral-cylindrical configuration to produce ozone has been done. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ozone on the physical characteristics of... more
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      HardnessOzoneDielectric Barrier Discharge
Ca 3 ZrSi 2 O 9 (baghdadite) has become a major research focus within the biomaterial community due to its remarkable in-vitro and in-vivo bioactivity. Although baghdadite seems to exhibit interesting biological properties, as yet there... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceBiomedical Engineering
Since nearly all adult insects fly, the cuticle has to provide a very efficient and lightweight skeleton. Information is available about the mechanical properties of cuticle-Young's modulus of resilin is about 1 MPa, of soft cuticles... more
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      ZoologySelf AssemblyComposite MaterialHardness
Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of single and combined use of ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA), ethylene glycol bis [b-aminoethylether] N,N,N=,N=-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), EDTA plus Cetavlon (EDTAC),... more
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      DentistryNonparametric StatisticsTreatmentTetracycline
CN x /ZrN multilayers were prepared by a dual-cathode unbalanced DC magnetron sputtering system. The results showed that under proper deposition conditions, the multilayer coatings were dense and fully crystalline with hardness exceeding... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyHigh Resolution Transmission Electron MicroscopyPhysical sciences
For heterogeneous integration in many More-than-Moore applications, surface preparation is the key step to realize well-bonded multiple substrates for electronics, photonics, fluidics and/or mechanical components without degradation in... more
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      Materials SciencePhysical ChemistrySurface RoughnessHardness
Duplex stainless steel samples were aged at low temperatures of the 300ºC and 400ºC for 3000, 5000 and 7000 hours. The changes at the micro-structure were fol-lowed during the annealing time using an optical micro s-copy and measurements... more
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      Materials ScienceMechanicsHardnessPrecipitation
Nekoofar MH, Aseeley Z, Dummer PMH. The effect of various mixing techniques on the surface microhardness of
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Strain rate effects on surface deformation behavior of exfoliated nylon 66 (PA66)/organoclay nanocomposites have been explored by nanoindentation in present study. Sharp indenter (Berkovich) has been used to indent on the surfaces of... more
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      EngineeringNanoindentationSmall Angle X Ray ScatteringMorphology
Since nearly all adult insects fly, the cuticle has to provide a very efficient and lightweight skeleton. Information is available about the mechanical properties of cuticle-Young's modulus of resilin is about 1 MPa, of soft cuticles... more
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      ZoologySelf AssemblyComposite MaterialHardness
This study investigated the effect of 3 staining solutions and 3 over-the-counter tooth-bleaching systems on the microhardness of 2 dental resin composites. Forty-five specimens of Filtek Supreme and Esthet-X were randomly assigned to 3... more
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      DentistryCoffeeDental MaterialsWine
The influence of ionic substituents in calcium phosphates intended for bone and tooth replacement biomedical applications is an important research topic, owing to the essential roles played by trace elements in biological processes. The... more
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      HydroxyapatiteMultidisciplinaryRietveld refinementCarbonates
Background Currently, most of mitral valve annuloplasty surgeries are performed by using open heart surgery. However, if such operation would be performed by using minimally invasive surgery via catheter-based techniques (CBT), it offers... more
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      Computer Aided DesignTransducersComputer SimulationTouch
Objectives. To analyze the influence of two placement techniques on Knoop and Vickers hardness of class II cavities restored using packable (A.L.E.R.T., Solitaire 2, SureFil) and conventional microfilled and hybrid (Filtek A110 and Z250,... more
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      EngineeringWaterDental MaterialsTemperature
The present study makes a start on characterising the cognitive processes by which physical effects of eating on the senses are transformed into quantitative judgments about perceived characteristics of a food. It was hypothesised that... more
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      PerceptionFoodMultidisciplinaryBite force
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of cetrimide with or without 5% EDTA solution on the microhardness of human root dentin in vitro. Methods: Twenty-five recently extracted... more
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      DentistryHardnessRoot Canal IrrigantsTooth Root