Hard Real-Time

537 papers
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Hard real-time refers to a computing system where the correctness of operations is strictly tied to time constraints. In such systems, tasks must be completed within predetermined deadlines, and failure to meet these deadlines can result in catastrophic consequences, making timing predictability and reliability critical.
Failure of a safety-critical application on an embedded processor can lead to severe damage or even loss of life. Here we are concerned with two kinds of failure: stack overflow, which usually leads to runtime errors that are difficult to... more
Fixed-priority scheduling with deferred preemption (FPDS) has been proposed in the literature as a viable alternative to fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling (FPPS), that obviates the need for non-trivial resource access protocols and... more
In this paper we present a modification of the Dual Priority Scheduling Algorithm to work on shared memory multiprocessor systems improving the average-case schedulability. The proposal deals with global fixedpriority preemptive... more
There exist certain systems which generate real-time data at high bandwidth, but do not necessarily require the long-term retention of that data in normal conditions. In some cases, the data may not actually be useful, and in others,... more
In real-time task scheduling on multiprocessor systems, partitioning approach has received the attention of many researchers because of its higher least upper bound utilization of safe systems. Semi-partitioning allows some tasks to be... more
This paper considers the use of lock-free shared objects within hard r eal-time systems. As the name suggests, lock-free shared objects are distinguished by the fact that they are not locked. As such, they do not give rise to priority... more
Roll-call polling mechanisms are considered for fieldbus networks. Based on a producer/consumer communication model, two different protocols are presented, namely the standardized FIP (Factory Instrumentation Protocol) and a modified FIP... more
We present an approach to bus access optimization and schedulability analysis for the synthesis of hard real-time distributed embedded systems. The communication model is based on a time-triggered protocol. We have developed an analysis... more
This paper considers the use of lock-free shared objects within hard r eal-time systems. As the name suggests, lock-free shared objects are distinguished by the fact that they are not locked. As such, they do not give rise to priority... more
In this paper, we derive bounds on performance guarantees of online algorithms for real-time preemptive scheduling of jobs with deadlines on K machines when jobs are characterized in terms of their minimum stretch factor α (or,... more
Rapid Prototyping has been proposed as a means to reduce development time and costs of real-time systems. Our approach uses a heterogeneous, tightly coupled multiprocessor system based on off-the-shelf components as target architecture... more
Rapid Prototyping has been proposed as a means to reduce development time and costs of real-time systems. Our approach uses a heterogeneous, tightly coupled multiprocessor system based on off-the-shelf components as target architecture... more
Multi-core platforms represent the answer of the industry to the increasing demand for computational capabilities. From a real-time perspective, however, the inherent sharing of resources, such as memory subsystem and I/O channels,... more
ITER Plant Systems I&C will be connected to CODAC System via Plant System Host (PSH) and High Performance Networks (HPN). Some functions of CODAC require deterministic, hard real-time communication and synchronization between distributed... more
Many tasks in safety-critical embedded systems have hard real-time characteristics. AbsInt's worst-case execution time analyzer aiT can estimate precise and safe upper bounds for the WCETs of program tasks, thus providing the basic input... more
We propose two novel heuristic search techniques to address the problem of scheduling tasks under hard timing constraints on a single processor architecture. The underlying problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and it is a fundamental... more
This essay is to point out some of the basic differences between conventional and real-time applications of AI and to provoke discussion on whether or not a new paradigm would facilitate better understanding of these differences. Some of... more
This paper presents the PRIDE research project, developed by Intecs and co-funded by the Italian Space Agency. The project aims at providing an integrated software development environment for dependable systems based on UML, which... more
In this report we study hard real-time systems composed of dependent strictly periodic preemptive tasks in the monoprocessor case. Although preemptive scheduling algorithms are able to successfully schedule some systems that cannot be... more
A challenging research issue of analyzing a real-time system is to model the tasks composing the system and the resource provided to the system. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic component-based model which abstracts in the... more
Algorithms based on semi-partitioned scheduling have been proposed as a viable alternative between the two extreme ones based on global and partitioned scheduling. In particular, allowing migration to occur only for few tasks which cannot... more
This paper is a synthesis of different works [12, 9, 8, 13]. Problems addressed in this paper consist in assigning periodic tasks to distributed processors in the context of fixed priority preemptive scheduling. A cooperative technique... more
by Al Mok
In this 25th year anniversary paper for the IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium, we review the key results in real-time scheduling theory and the historical events that led to the establishment of the current realtime computing... more
Mobile robots are physical agents that move and interact continuously while embedded in a dynamic environment. Communications can be one of the most difficult parts of building robot architecture because of the increasing complexity of... more
This paper addresses a control allocation method in order to compensate for the effect of thrusters' dead-zones, on the actuation system of an underwater vehicle. This solution concurrently considers dead-zone effect and actuation... more
Fault tolerance has become more and more important in the development of autonomous systems with the aim to help the system to recover its normal activities even when some failures happen. Yet, one of the concerns is how to analyze the... more
With the end of Moore's law and the breakdown of Dennard scaling, multicore processors are the standard way to continue improving performance while reducing Size, Weight and Power (SWaP). However, this performance is typically achieved at... more
Several years before the popularization of the Internet, Mark Weiser proposed the concept of ubiquitous computing with the purpose of enhancing the use of computers by making many computers available throughout the physical environment,... more
On-chip temperatures continue to rise, in spite of design efforts towards more efficient cooling and novel low-power technologies. Run-time thermal management techniques, such as speed scaling and system throttling, constitute a standard... more
We present a method for providing hard r eal-time guarantees for tra c through an Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM network. Guaranteed delivery also implies that we have to guarantee that no cells are lost due to over-full bu ers in the... more
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles): This work presents an implementation of a digital PID (Proportional Integral Differential) controller in a PC machine running RTAI. PID controllers are well known and have a wide... more
The major research in the resource management literature focuses primarily on two directions: 1) specification languages for formulating resource requests and 2) constraint problems modelling allocation and scheduling. Both directions... more
Generally, multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithm fall into two basic approaches, partitioned and global. The hybrid solution that we proposed applies the partitioned scheduling approach to the task set until all processors have... more
In this paper, we propose a state-based, modular model for automation systems enabling the calculation and optimization of switching strategies for energy-efficient operation. This concept is based on the model of networked (priced) timed... more
Beagleboard can be used as rapid prototyping and product development platform, however the full computational and networking capability of its ARM processor AM3358 and programmable real time unit are not fully utilized due to the... more
This paper presents a Fast Forward MAC layer designed for hard real-time applications in wireless sensor networks. This protocol is an enhancement to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard MAC layer proposed for Low-Rate Personal Area Network. The... more
An allocation of resources to a virtual machine specifies the maximum amount of each individual element of each resource type that will be utilized, as well as the aggregate amount of each resource of each type. An allocation is thus... more
A new token-passing algorithm called AR-TP for avoiding the nondeterminism of some networking technologies is presented. This protocol-based on RT-EP, a research protocol also based on transmission control techniquesallows the... more
An allocation of resources to a virtual machine specifies the maximum amount of each individual element of each resource type that will be utilized, as well as the aggregate amount of each resource of each type. An allocation is thus... more
In most real-time applications, deadlines are artifices that need to be enforced to meet different performance requirements. For example, in periodic task sets, jitter requirements can be met by assigning suitable relative deadlines and... more
Offline (cyclic executive) and online preemptive, priority-based scheduling are not exclusive options but rather complementary techniques that can be combined to improve analytically verifiable schedulability. Selective offline scheduling... more
In real-time systems, time is usually so critical that other parameters such as energy consumption are often not even considered. However, optimizing the worst energy consumption case can be a key factor in systems with severe... more
In the last years industrial control systems have increased their complexity, using a great variety of hardware and software elements of all kinds. In larger systems a big number of different protocols, communication networks and... more
Hard real-time embedded systems have stringent timing constraints that must be met in order to ensure the correct functioning of the system. In many cases, these systems are composed of several CPU-bound tasks, which may need to rely on... more
The objective of this paper is to introduce the impact of faulty links on Quality of Service in Network-on-Chip (NoC) under different traffic pattern. NoC paradigm has made it possible to concurrently run multiple applications on IP-core... more
The simple notion of soft real-time processing has fractured into a spectrum of diverse soft real-time types with a variety of different resource and time constraints. Schedulers have been developed for each of these types, but these are... more
Safety-critical automotive systems must fulfill hard real-time constraints to guarantee their reliability and safety requirements. In the context of network-based electronics systems, high-level timing requirements have to be carefully... more