Handheld Devices

1,647 papers
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Handheld devices are portable electronic gadgets designed for personal use, typically featuring a touchscreen interface and capable of performing various functions such as communication, internet browsing, and multimedia playback. They include smartphones, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles, and are characterized by their compact size and user-friendly design.
Zoe builds a tower in the block area, taking care to leave a hole at the top. Her teacher pulls a smartphone from her pocket and snaps a picture. "What are you building, Zoe?" she asks. "Rapunzel's tower," Zoe replies. The children have... more
Zoe builds a tower in the block area, taking care to leave a hole at the top. Her teacher pulls a smartphone from her pocket and snaps a picture. "What are you building, Zoe?" she asks. "Rapunzel's tower," Zoe replies. The children have... more
The case studies in this volume enforce technology is a principle catalysts for transnational collaborative interventions in providing learning and professional development opportunities to the people of both developed and developing... more
This article discusses the impact of the Internet in education in India, and in particular the difference it has brought to corporate affairs, which is a large focus of English language training in India. As an English language teacher,... more
Web site: understanding how social innovation might happen in the landscape of literacy and essential skills is by describing and analyzing how different forms of social innovation are crystallizing in the... more
Web site: understanding how social innovation might happen in the landscape of literacy and essential skills is by describing and analyzing how different forms of social innovation are crystallizing in the... more
Reasoning about ecosystems includes consideration of causality over temporal and spatial distances; yet learners typically focus on immediate time frames and local contexts. Teaching students to reason beyond these boundaries has met with... more
This study is a descriptive and survey type work. Main objective of this research is to explore e-learning system components needs among students of colleges of education (one year Bachelor of Education or B.Ed. degree programme)... more
Technology, artificial intelligence, and more robots are all around us. People in the twenty-first century primarily use technology in all spheres of their daily lives. There are no industries or fields where technology and artificial... more
This deliverable provides an updated and extended description of the KP-Lab co-design framework as well as a summary of main design methods used so far. The purpose of this deliverable is to explicate the underlying rationale as well as... more
This paper describes an evaluation of tablet devices for a Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS). The purpose of this evaluation is to assess what type of tablet device could meet the needs of a GEMS student. GEMS requirements for the... more
This paper describes an evaluation of tablet devices for a Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS). The purpose of this evaluation is to assess what type of tablet device could meet the needs of a GEMS student. GEMS requirements for the... more
1 Luis Fernando Ramos Molinaro, University of Brasilia, NMI – Multimedia and Internet Laboratory, Brasilia [email protected] 2 Humberto Abdalla Jr., University of Brasilia, NMI – Multimedia and Internet Laboratory, Brasilia... more
Abstract: This study highlights ways in which generative activities may be coupled with network-based technologies in the context of teacher preparation to enhance preservice teachers' cognizance of how their own experience as... more
This study aims to explore the effects of digital interaction on language development in children aged 8-13, viewed through a psycholinguistic lens. At this critical age, children undergo rapid growth in vocabulary, grammar, and more... more
In the context of classroom, it is possible to create a playground with digital technology beneficial for learning in spite of rising enthusiasm in incorporating educational games in classroom. This paper is an essay to describe a... more
Students in network-based learning environments may have their own learning paths based on either their learning results or status. The learning system can choose suitable learning materials for individual students depending on students’... more
The HANDS (Helping Autism-diagnosed teenagers Navigate and Develop Socially) research project involves the creation of an e-learning toolset that can be used to develop individualized tools to support the social development of teenagers... more
Note to committee members: I have not yet begun work on the two sections highlighted below because I think it will be useful to hear from each of you, after you have read the draft, regarding what you think needs to be included. Dr.... more
Note to committee members: I have not yet begun work on the two sections highlighted below because I think it will be useful to hear from each of you, after you have read the draft, regarding what you think needs to be included. Dr.... more
This study presents findings from a survey of secondary special education teachers who teach reading to students with learning disabilities (LD). Respondents were 392 special education teachers from a large Midwestern State who completed... more
paper reports on an investigation of podcasting as a tool for honing pronunciation skills in intermediate language learning. We examined the effects of using podcasts to improve pronunciation in second language learning and how students'... more
Gummi is an interaction technique and device concept based on physical deformation of a handheld device. The device consists of several layers of flexible electronic components, including sensors measuring deformation of the device. Users... more
We show interaction possibilities and a graphical user interface for deformable, mobile devices. WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, pointer) interfaces are not practical on mobile devices. Gummi explores an alternative interaction technique... more
What, if anything, connects the formal writing teens do and the informal e-communication they exchange on digital screens? A considerable number of educators and children's advocates worry that James Billington, the Librarian of... more
Dear TME Readers, We are pleased to present you with this concluding issue of The Mathematics Educator's Volume 19. This issue displays the variety of article types published in TME. Although all draw upon the work of researchers, the... more
The paper calls for a fresh new perspective in thinking about the application of ICTs in postmodern learning environments. Adopting a Lefebvrian view of theoretical approximations, it sets the challenge to reconsider the value of... more
Resumo – Não é novidade que o prontuário em papel já não atende mais as necessidades da medicina moderna. O prontuário eletrônico passa a ser uma necessidade para o gerenciamento da grande quantidade de informações sobre o paciente.... more
Mobile devices play an important role on modern society. Their functionalities go beyond the basic communication, gathering a large set of productivity and leisure applications. The interaction with these devices is highly visually... more
The purpose of this survey was to determine the usefulness of MP3 players in the educational experience of women religious in five sub-Saharan countries. The women's ability to implement cellphones led to the assumption that other... more
Despite recent technological advances, the promise of the virtual classroom with anywhere, anytime access and rich data sharing remains largely unfulfilled. To address this need, Project Numina researchers are developing a mobile learning... more
Este trabalho apresenta a proposta de um sistema web para realizar a automacao de um instrumento de coleta de dados da area da enfermagem. O instrumento foi produzido para atender pacientes do Hospital Geral da Santa Casa de caridade de... more
Students now have at their disposal a range of Web 2.0 authoring forms such as audio and video podcasting, blogging, social bookmarking, social networking, virtual world activities and wiki writing. Many university educators are... more
Interactive television (iTV) is a new media technology that has great potential for supporting second language learning, particularly for independent adult learners. It has many characteristics demanded by modern second language (L2)... more
JODI A. HIFT: IGeneration: A Study in Challenge Based Learning at a Small Private University Faculty-buy in is an essential component of successful technology integration processes at the Higher Education level. The goal of this case... more
ommunication through technology occupies an increasingly greater role in our lives, whether by way of cell phones and other handheld communication devices, such as Blackberries and iPods, or Internet access using computers. Not... more
This study aimed to evaluate radiation doses from handheld X-ray devices, specifically NOMAD Pro 2 TM (DvcN), Rextar X (DvcRX), and Diox 602 (DvcD), targeting operator and patient's critical organs and tissues. Calibrated TLD-100H... more
Interactivity and inquiry-based learning science are effective ways of helping students overcome their perception of chemistry as an alien and abstract topic and instead approach the subject as a creative way of understanding ideas and... more
This study explores the relationship between students' extracurricular experiences online and their performance on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), focusing specifically on students' competence in digital reading.... more
More recent motivational research focuses on the identification of effective techniques for enhancing instructional design and meeting the needs of diverse student populations (Wlodkowski R. J., 1981). Learning-motivation researchers are... more
Rapidly increasing educational needs of the information society individuals make it necessary and commonplace to use information and communication technologies for instructional purposes. These technologies regulate, direct and shape... more
This research study explored the effects of the use of clicker technology as a means of formative assessment in large, college introductory psychology courses. Academic achievement, as measured by performance on tests of knowledge, was... more
This study determined the effectiveness of integrating podcasts into learners' lessons to enhance agricultural literacy. Through quantitative methods, including surveys and pre-and post-tests, the study assessed the effectiveness of... more
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) technology and pedagogy have gained recognition globally for their success in supporting second language acquisition (SLA). In Saudi Arabia, the government aims to provide most educational... more
THE LAW OF THE PHYSICS OF WAR (Pendulum of War) is a succinct essay on my interpretation on the physics of war which has been a continuous influence on my military theory.

Luis Lazaro Tijerina, Salina, Kansas