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Una vez más, el onomástico se impone como pretexto para discurrir en torno a tres pilares de la música barroca contemporáneos entre sí: Handel (nacido el 23 de febrero de 1685), Antonio Vivaldi (4 de marzo de 1678) y el primaveral Johann... more
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      MusicMusicologySociology of MusicBaroque Music
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      Music HistoryMusicologyHandel
Sources, genesis and dissemination of the music from 'Orfeo' (London 1736).
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      MusicologyCastratiBaroque MusicHandel
Händels Opern (Das Händel-Handbuch, Band 2), hrsg. von Arnold Jacobshagen und Panja Mücke, Laaber (Laaber-Verlag) 2009, 2 Bände, XVI+483+498 S.
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      MusicologyBaroque MusicOperatic Reform in 18th Century OperaG F Handel
These extracts on music from the correspondence between Charles Jennens (1700–73) and Edward Holdsworth (1684–1746) reflect the authors' shared interests and (prohibited) political views. Though commonly known as the librettist of... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century British History and CultureG F HandelAnglo-Italian relations
The feast day of St. Cecilia has assumed a prominent place on the calendars of many a musician throughout the Christian world, as a matter of devotion and an opportunity for artistic celebration. In London, a series of fortuitous events... more
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      MusicologyChoral MusicBoethiusJohn Dryden
Baroque opera was invented on a deathly premise: reviving a tradition of sung ancient tragedy that had in fact never existed. Modern historiography has struggled with the notion of origins, focusing on relationships among the surviving... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicMusicologyRoman History
Monografia Handel elektroniczny jest próbą opisania wpływu czynników gospodarczych, kulturowych i politycznych na sferę usług e-commerce. Dokonuje oceny ich zakresu i siły oddziaływania. Przedstawia genezę i ewolucję historyczną handlu w... more
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      Internet StudiesThe Internet of ThingsE-BusinessEkonomia
Guicciardi, Borosini, Fabri, Pinacci, Antinori i tenori italiani a Londra.
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      HistoryBaroque MusicBaroque operaG F Handel
It has become a commonplace in the twentieth century to view opera as the most hopeless of theatrical genres, impossible to deal with in any fresh or original way. Then comes Andrei Serban ready to tackle a whole series of classic operas... more
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      MusicologyTheatre StudiesOperaCultural Musicology
"Giełdowy Handel Energią Elektryczną i Gazem Naturalnym"
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      Energy EconomicsPolitical ScienceEnergyEnergy Policy
Victory and defeat, hope and despair, love and hate. In the operas and oratorios by George Frideric Handel, all aspects of life are explored. Spotlighting tenor Leif Aruhn-Solén, New Trinity Baroque present arias in an intimate chamber... more
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      OperaBaroque MusicG F HandelGeorge Frideric Handel
An account of the changes made by Handel's librettist Newburgh Hamilton, to turn Milton's tragedy into an oratorio libretto. Written for the 2008 Buxton Festival production of Handel's 'Samson'.
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      MusicOperaG F HandelSamson Agonistes
In Singing in Signs: New Semiotic Explorations of Opera. Edited by Gregory J. Decker and Matthew Shaftel. New York, Oxford University Press. In this chapter, I make a case for the interpretive significance of Baroque topics by examining... more
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      SemioticsOperaBaroque MusicBaroque opera
Notas de Programa para a Temporada de Música Gulbenkian (2016-2017).
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      Baroque MusicG F HandelHandelEnglish oratorio
“I vanni occulti: Sonatas, Op. 2 by G. F. Handel, between lyricism and fury”. Notas musicológicas para el CD Georg Friedrich Händel. Trio Sonatas op. 2. Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, director. Challenge Records, CC72797,... more
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      Music HistoryBorrowingIntertextualityBaroque Music
The article examines the first Italian translation of Ursula Kirkendale's studies about Handel's Roman years and how influential her work has been until now - Prince Ruspoli Musical and Musicological Prize being one of its most welcome... more
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      Baroque MusicBaroque operaG F HandelStuart England
ABSTRACT Title: Research in Performance: Analysis of Five Trumpet Works Author: Frederick A. Sienkiewicz Research Area: Music Guidance Committee Chair & Dept: Eric M. Berlin, Music Guidance Committee Member & Dept: Nikki R. Stoia,... more
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      Music HistoryTrumpetHaydnHandel
Due partiture di Benedetto Marcello e un possibile contributo handeliano ROMA -TORINO ERI EDIZIONI RAI RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA MCMLXXXIII l Gli scritti cui faccio riferimento sono: Francesco Gasparini, virtuoso del principe Borghese?,... more
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      G F Handel18th Century Music HistoryHandelOratorio
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      TransportationHandelWegeforschungWasserhistorische Forschung
Die österreichischen Donauländer waren für die Transithandels- und Gewerbeexportstadt Nürnberg ein wichtiger Teil ihres binneneuropäischen Hinterlandes. Seit dem Spätmittelalter wurden die überregional bedeutenden Jahrmärkte in Linz und... more
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      J S BachBachG F HandelHandel
Grande conoscitore e amico dei pittori, egli stesso dilettante d’arte, Anton Maria Zanetti di Girolamo (1680-1767) è ben noto pure per il suo album di caricature, una galleria di trecentocinquanta indimenticabili ritratti: dai famosi divi... more
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      Music HistoryCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryCosmopolitanism
In my Bachelor Thesis for the English School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki I examined three operatic figures from three operas by G. F. Handel and their origins in great literary works by Tasso, Euripides and Ariosto.
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      OperaBaroque MusicG F HandelEuripides
Irving, David R. M. ‘Handel and the Violin’. Early Music Performer 32 (2013): 4–12.
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      Early MusicG F HandelHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Baroque Violin
Weite Teile des heutigen Sachsen-Anhalts bildeten im 10. und frühen 11. Jh. die zentrale Königslandschaft im ostfränkisch-deutschen Reich. Dieser Raum wurde durch zahlreiche Pfalzen, Königshöfe, Burgen und Marktorte sowie durch Klöster... more
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Wolfgang Wüst, Frühe Industrialisierung in Bayern abseits der Zentren – eine Einführung, in: Wolfgang Wüst (Hg.), Industrialisierung einer Landschaft – der Traum von Textil und Porzellan. Die Region Hof und das Vogtland (Mikro und Makro –... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesBiblical StudiesPerformance Studies (Music)French Baroque Music
Titel der Diplomarbeit "Zwei Besuche im österreichischen Litorale. Triest als Station der innerösterreichischen Erbhuldigungsreisen Leopolds I. 1660 und Karls VI. 1728" Verfasserin Daniela Hahn angestrebter akademischer Grad Magistra der... more
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern economic and social historyAdriatic Sea
This paper presents retail as a concept inherent both to the idea of the city, and to universal human needs. The author discusses the ideas of utilitarian and hedonic needs, closely related to the idea of urban retail. Next, the author... more
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      Evolution of Shopping MallsHandelSupermarketShopping Malls
Variazioni linguistiche nel Serse di Handel: un' ipotesi di lavoro.
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    • Handel
The traditional view of Handel as a master of late Baroque music has largely kept out of sight his claims to modernity. Since the early 1730s, the composer developed a growing independence from the institutions of aristocratic patronage... more
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      Eighteenth-Century British History and CultureHandelEnglish oratorio
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Reformation StudiesCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
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      Roman EpigraphyTerra SigillataRoman Trade NetworksHandel
Centrum handlowe jest obecnie ważnym elementem rozwoju gospodarczego. Wyznacza nowoczesne rozwiązania, kreuje trendy architektoniczne, zmienia styl życia. Staje się elementem struktury miejskiej. Celem artykułu jest próba pokazania... more
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      TradeHandelSHOPPING CENTER
Explores the claim of a meeting between "Gurudev" Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) and "'Abdu'l-Baha" Abbas Effendi (1844-1921) in 1912 and subsequent contact between these two outstanding personalities.
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      Baha'i studiesEarly ChristianityQur'anic StudiesIslamic Studies
The exchange and trading activities in the Roman period north of Pannonia can be understood in three major contexts: cross-border, long-distance and internal (barbarian). Both the Roman and domestic commodities could have been the objects... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman Provincial Archaeology
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      Instrumental MusicViolinJohann Adolph HasseSymphony
Entwicklung ist die Entstehung von Neuem. Mit diesem Satz könnte man wohl die grundlegende Leistung Joseph A. Schumpeter, den Begriff der Entwicklung in die ökonomische Theorie eingeführt und von Wachstum unterschieden zu haben,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesSocial Theory
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      G F HandelHandelConcerti grossi
John Mainwaring's "Memoirs" (1760), the first major biography of a composer, capture the lofty reputation and immense impact of George Frideric Handel in Georgian Britain. This first modern transcription of the text incorporates comments... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyBritish History
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      Benjamin BrittenMozartMendelssohnGiuseppe Verdi
A.-L. Fischer, Die Silexartefakte der bandkeramischen Siedlung Bruchenbrücken, Stadt Friedberg/Hessen. In: J. Lüning (Hrsg.), Untersuchungen zu den bandkeramischen Siedlungen Bruchenbrücken, Stadt Friedberg (Hessen), und Altdorf-Aich,... more
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      HandelSilexBandkeramik CulturePfeilspitzen
Crowned by many as one of the immortal composers, George Frederick Handel (1685 – 1759) was the central figure in forging England's cultural identity amongst its European neighbors during the late 18 th and early 19 th century. The... more
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      MusicologyQueer StudiesBritish HistoryGay And Lesbian Studies
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEastern European Studies
Wolfgang Wüst, Patrizischer Konsum- und Lebensstil – Luxuskäufe in süddeutschen Reichsstädten der Frühneuzeit, in: Wolfgang Wüst (Hg.), Regionale Konsumgeschichte. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne (Franconia 7. Beihefte zum Jahrbuch für... more
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      Histoire moderneHandelStadtgeschichteMittelalterliche Geschichte
Published in The Opera Journal, 47/2, September 2014 With few exceptions, there is a distinct paucity of modern analytical studies regarding the association of music and drama in Baroque opera seria. Authors who do mention these works... more
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      SemioticsOperaBaroque MusicBaroque opera
The contractual agreements about Corelli’s Op. 6 between the composer and Estienne Roger reveal above all that the former was a clever businessman. Because there are, as yet, no other documents known which could give insight into... more
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      MusicMusicologyZurichBaroque Music
Alexander's Feast, Messiah, and Acis and Galatea all received what seem to have been their first Italian performances in Florence between 1768 and 1772. The first of these performances, that of Alexander's Feast on 21 April 1768, is the... more
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      MusicologyEighteenth-Century MusicFlorenceHandel