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Analysing textiles from Hallstatt in Austria always involves studying the whole chaîne opératoire. Due to their excellent preservation in the salt mine it is worth considering how the items were produced as well as the end point of the... more
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      TextilesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of TextilesTextile Archaeology
‘KNOT+ED’ was an event facilitated by the Sir James Fletcher Museum to bring together and share the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous Taiwanese and Māori weavers. The purpose of the event was to encourage the... more
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      Cultural HeritageKnowledge sharingCross-Cultural CollaborationsIndigenous Knowledge
ÖZET Dünya nüfusundaki artışa bağlı olarak tekstil ve hazır giyim sektöründeki tüketim oranlarında önemli bir artış görülmektedir. Bu artışın neden olduğu çevresel etkilerin iyileştirilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu anlamda... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentHand Weaving
Abstract | PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION ON PAGE 59. TEXT STRUCK OUT IN RED SHOULD READ: "The Dowager Queen Gyalyum" After more than two centuries of industrialized textile production, despite the displacement of textiles into the margins of... more
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      Bhutan (Anthropology)History of weavingWeavingHand Weaving
A World of Looms: Weaving Technology and Textile Arts Edited by Zhao Feng, Sandra Sardjono and Christopher Buckley Published by Zhejiang University Press, 2019. English language, large format, illustrated in color throughout,... more
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      TextilesChina (Archaeology)Ethnographic fieldworkCultural Anthropology
The Natural History Museum Vienna undertakes extensive research at the site Hallstatt, comprising not only interdisciplinary analysis of the finds and the contexts but also Experimental Archaeology. Here we focus on a tablet woven band... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyTextilesMaterial Culture Studies
Woven textiles of Thailand are especially evident for their intangible cultural heritage, which contributes to the Soft Power of Thailand through various means, i.e. the national identity and branding. However, in the recent decades, a... more
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      Co CreationDesign processWeavingTypes of Pattern in Textile Designing
Woven textiles of Thailand are especially evident for their intangible cultural heritage, which contributes to the Soft Power of Thailand through various means, i.e. the national identity and branding. However, in the recent decades, a... more
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      Co-creationDesign processWeavingTypes of Pattern in Textile Designing
We are indebted to various sources for our knowledge of the pre-Roman Iron Age textile production on the territory of Austria (800-15 BC), such as well-preserved textiles, grave finds, textile tools, archaeological evidence in settlements... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyTextilesProduction
In the last few decades, studies on organic finds increased, especially in Germany, Switzerland and Austria; some finds from Slovenia have also been recorded so far. The discussion of a find from the site of Molnik near Ljubljana, in... more
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      TextilesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of TextilesWoven Textiles
The contribution of this thesis to the existing field of tiraz textile studies is that it has tried to overcome the existing rift between historians and textile specialists, in approaching the subject in a more unified way, which takes... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryEconomic History
|| EG = Egyptology || CO = Coptology || AA = Archaeoastronomy || TH = Theology || AN = Anthropology || || HRAPH = Helleno-Roman Archaeology/Philology, History || AT = Ancient Textiles || FOR = Forensics || || MEA = Middle Eastern... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyHistory of CostumeHistory of Textiles
Weaving is one of the most valuable items of material cultural assets, a product of a long-established past.Although the history of the Eflani çember (kerchief) weave dates back to the very early ages, it has gradually decreased because... more
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      ClothingWeavingHand Weaving
Kültürel kimliğimizin bir parçası olan halı, renk ve desen zenginliğinin yanı sıra üretim ve tüketim biçimi, sosyal ve kültürel işlevi ile kuşaktan kuşağa aktarılarak günümüze kadar gelmiş bir ortak bellek ürünüdür. Halı dokumacılığı... more
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      WeavingHand Weaving
The aim of this paper is to discuss what happens when repeating a reconstruction of the same textile. The author of this article is also the craftsperson that made the four reconstructions presented. The original collar reconstructed... more
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      TextilesHistory of TextilesHistory of weavingWeaving
This paper presents the collaboration between international's 'pactioners' in textile weaving and fibre artists and textile researchers. A spiral design preserved on a late Roman papyrus from Egypt had to be 'transferred' to the medium... more
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      Late AntiquityHistory of weavingPapyrusTextile Research
Review of "Roots of Asian Weaving" (Eric Boudot and Chris Buckley) by Rebecca Hall, appears in Textiles Asia May 2017 Vol 9 Issue 1, reproduced by kind permission of the journal editor
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTextilesSoutheast AsiaEast Asian Studies
The aim of this study is to specify and to document the characteristics of the Kırşehir prayer rugs that are registered in the inventory of the Museum of the Şeyh Şaban-ı Veli Foundation. It focuses on their techniques, colors, motifs and... more
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      MotifsWeavingTraditional ArtsIslamic Prayer Rugs
The career of weaver Gunta Stölzl (1897-1983) spanned almost 60 years, ranging from her position as Meisterin of the weaving workshop at the Bauhaus to leading her own weaving companies in Zurich. What remained constant throughout her... more
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      Exhibition DesignHans-Jörg RheinbergerEpistemic ThingsGunta Stölzl
A brief communication presents
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      BorneoHand WeavingDayakKaharingan
A Study On The Historical Examples Of “Çekmeli” (With Loops/ Uncut Piles) Weavings From The Weft In The Museums Around The World When considered from the historical development process, it can be seen that weaving is one of the most... more
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyWoven TextilesTextiles DesignCoptic textiles
Recent excavations at the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Africa have revealed new information about some of the earliest hominins, probably Homo habilis, from 2 million years ago. For the purposes of this article, the main point is that these... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyWeaving TechnologyLower Paleolithic
Recent excavations at the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Africa have revealed new information about some of the earliest hominins, probably Homo habilis, from 2 million years ago. For the purposes of this article, the main point is that these... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyWeaving TechnologyLower Paleolithic
Published in Artlink, Vol 29:2, 2010. The phenomenon of talented, entrepreneurial Papua New Guinean women has largely escaped attention. The skillfully knotted bilum (netted bag) is part of the persona of PNG women - ranging from a... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPacific Island StudiesPacific Islands artPapua New Guinea (Pacific Islands art)
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      Modern and contemporary crafts (Art)Traditional and contemporary Textile Craft PracticeTapestryHand Weaving
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      Buddhist PhilosophyCritical Disability StudiesArt Practice as ResearchContemporary Art
CRETAN WEAVING and EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES “CRETAN BLANKET ” Experimental Approach to a local technique in Anatolia ABSTRACT Weaving culture is one of the most moving continous and permanent elements of social... more
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      DesignWoven TextilesAncient TextilesWeaving
This exhibition highlights the need to develop wider awareness of first nation cultural practice. Traditional skills are counterpointed with a contemporary vision. The work lends itself to the contemplation of materials, experience and... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary Indigenous ArtsArt and CultureAboriginal Australia, contemporary Australian Indigenous culture, Aboriginal spirituality
Доклад посвящен обзору основных типов тканей уис и их функций в современной культуре батаков каро (о. Суматра, Индонезия). Окрашенные индиго темно-синие ткани, представленные в батакских коллекциях МАЭ РАН (Кунсткамеры), сегодня почти... more
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      TextilesSumatraHand Weaving
Why is yarn diameter and "sett" related to the square root of yarn measure? Beginning weavers often get confused about the relationship between yarn measures (yarn sizes), the corresponding yarn diameters and "sett" (yarns per inch or cm)... more
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      Textile TechnologyWeavingHand Weaving
Investigates the origins of a double weave coverlet, dated 1729, recently acquired by National Museums Scotland. Despite a family tradition that coverlet was made in Scotland, it is more likely to be of Swedish origin.
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      DesignScottish HistoryScandinavian StudiesWeaving Technology