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      AlgorithmsPhysiotherapyMalaysiaMedical Microbiology
Nerve repair is usually accomplished by direct suture when the two stumps can be approximated without tension. In the presence of a nerve defect, the placement of an autologous nerve graft is the current gold standard for nerve... more
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    • Hand Surgery
This study investigates which position (grip span) on the standard grip dynamometer results in maximum grip strength. Our null hypotheses included (1) no optimal grip span exists for measuring grip strength and (2) optimal grip span is... more
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      AlgorithmsHand SurgeryClinical SciencesAged
A retrospective survey of the medical charts of all 36,518 patients attending the Accident and Emergency Department of the VU University Medical Centre, in Amsterdam, from January 1 to December 31, 1996 was performed. Of these, 4303... more
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      AdolescentHand SurgeryChildInfant
Purpose To evaluate long-term efficacy and safety of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH) after the third year of a 5-year nontreatment follow-up study, Collagenase Option for Reduction of Dupuytren Long-Term Evaluation of Safety... more
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      Treatment OutcomeHand SurgeryFollow-up studiesRecurrence
The most important difference between the various approaches to postoperative digital flexor tendon rehabilitation is how the repaired tendon is treated during the first three to six weeks, in the earliest stages of healing. Early... more
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      Hand TherapyHand Surgery
Five hundred and eight patients with 840 acute complete flexor tendon injuries in 605 fingers in zones 1 and 2 underwent surgery and postoperative mobilization in a controlled or early active motion (active flexion-active extension)... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesAdolescentHand SurgeryRisk factors
We aimed to validate the translated and cross-culturally adapted Persian version of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). The final Persian SPADI was administered to 190 patients, out of whom 83 patients returned for the retest.... more
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      RehabilitationPsychometricsCultural CompetencyQuality of life
Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome (Kiloh-Nevin Syndrome) is the triad of weakness of the flexor pollicis longus, the flexor digitorum profundus of the index finger, and the pronator quadratus. It is a manifestation of neuropathy... more
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      Orthopedic SurgeryPlastic SurgeryMusculoskeletal RehabilitationPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery
In this series of 1,000 cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (888 patients) there is a statistically significant incidence of bilaterality in patients with cervical arthritis. There is also a statistically significant increase in the incidence... more
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      RiskAdolescentMedicineHand Surgery
Purpose: To establish the accuracy, precision, and clinical feasibility of a novel technique of computer-assisted distal radius osteotomy for the correction of symptomatic distal radius malunion. Methods: Six patients underwent a... more
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      Computer assisted orthopaedic surgeryHand SurgeryClinical SciencesAged
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a challenging neuropathic pain state, quite difficult to comprehend and treat. Its pathophysiological mechanisms are unclear and its treatment is difficult. Multiple factors play a role in the... more
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      AlgorithmsInflammationHand SurgeryHair
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      RehabilitationSystematic ReviewsHand SurgeryCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a methodical approach to clinical practice where experience, best research evidence, and patient goals and values are integrated to make optimal decisions when making a diagnosis, selecting a diagnostic... more
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      PublishingResearch DesignEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based Practice
Purpose: To quantify and compare the disabilities caused by reduced and absent wrist motion using objective measurements of task performance and perceived disability, and to assess the compensatory motions of the shoulder, elbow, forearm,... more
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      RheumatologyPerformanceActivities of Daily LivingHand Surgery
The need for lateral release or “venting” of the A2 and A4 pulleys either to facilitate repair of the flexor tendon(s) or to allow free gliding of the repair(s) was examined in 126 consecutive zone 2 flexor tendon injuries within the... more
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesAdolescentHand SurgeryProspective studies
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in cadavers a new method for treating scapholunate dissociations, dorsal intercarpal ligament capsulodesis (DILC), and to compare its performance with that of a previously described soft tissue... more
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      Orthopedic SurgeryBiomechanicsClinical TrialTreatment
The long-term outcome of algodystrophy is unknown. Ten years after Colles' fracture, 26% of 55 cases showed features of the syndrome. The finding of poor finger function three months following the fracture correlated significantly with... more
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      Hand SurgeryFollow-up studiesClinical SciencesAged
"Abstract Early postoperative treatment after Dupuytren's fasciectomy traditionally has included the application of mechanical stress to digital extension with splints and exercise. This study examines the effect of mechanical stress,... more
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    • Hand Surgery
IMPORTANCE Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compressive neuropathy, affecting 6% of the population. Numerous different operations are performed globally to treat it; however, prior conventional (pairwise) meta-analyses... more
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      SurgeryNeurosurgeryMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewMeta-Analysis
Mitten deformities of the hands and feet occur in nearly every patient with the most severe subtype (Hallopeau-Siemens) of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, and in at least 40-50% of all other recessive dystrophic epidermolysis... more
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      AdolescentHand SurgeryChildEpidermolysis Bullosa
Two hundred and fifty subjects were recruited. Age, sex, hand preference and anthropometric measurements were recorded for each subject. Grip strength was measured using a Jamar hydraulic dynamometer. Multiple regression analyses were... more
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      AnthropometryAdolescentHand SurgeryRegression Analysis
Cold intolerance has been recognized as one of the most disabling sequelae of upper extremity trauma, especially when neurovascular structures are involved. In this study, we aimed to describe cold intolerance in a normative study... more
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      AdolescentHand SurgeryClinical SciencesQuestionnaires
To assess the safety and efficacy of 2 concurrent injections of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH) in the same hand to treat multiple Dupuytren flexion contractures. In a multicenter, open-label phase IIIb study, 60 patients... more
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      Hand SurgeryClinical SciencesAgedFinger Joint
Over the recent past few years, there is a huge innovation in plastic surgery and orthopedic surgery through implantation of new techniques, which enabled a great level of success in hand salvage. Conditions such as trauma, tumor, sepsis,... more
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      Orthopedic SurgeryPlastic SurgeryHand SurgeryImmunosuppression
Increased handling, increased bulk at the repair site and an increase in external suture material may affect adhesion formation and gliding after tendon repair. A previous study 1 showed no significant difference in biomechanical or... more
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      RheumatologyBiomechanicsHistologyTendon and Ligament injuries
Purpose: A large series of patients with Preiser's disease was reviewed to compare 2 potentially different categories of this disorder: complete versus partial vascular impairment of the scaphoid bone as determined by magnetic resonance... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingTreatment OutcomePathophysiologyHand Surgery
Between January 2000 and July 2009, five adults who had suffered bilateral traumatic below-elbow amputations, received bilateral hand-forearm allografts performed by the Lyon team. We report the functional benefits achieved over a mean... more
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      Organ Donation and TransplantationTransplantationHand SurgeryHand Surgery and rehabilitation
During the past 3 decades implant arthroplasty of the destroyed wrist has become a reliable and satisfying procedure. However, the first total wrist replacement was performed in Berlin as early as 1890. This paper describes the history of... more
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      Hand SurgeryClinical Sciences
Details of the clinical history were elicited by questionnaire from 8,223 patients with suspected carpal tunnel syndrome and compared with the neurophysioiogical findings. Distribution of symptoms to the radial part of the hand and... more
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      AdolescentHand SurgeryChildCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
Study Design: Retrospective cohort study. Introduction: Somatosensory rehabilitation is a standardized method of evaluation and conservative treatment of painful disorders of vibrotactile sensation, including the mechanical allodynia and... more
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      RheumatologySurgeryPlastic SurgeryOccupational Therapy
Agenesis, functional deficiency and the common type of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the little finger: A meta-analysis Age´ne´sie, de´ficit fonctionnel, et variations anatomiques les plus courantes du flexor digitorum... more
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    • Hand Surgery
Minimal important changes and differences describe the smallest changes and differences between individuals that are relevant to patients following treatment. Minimal important differences may vary between conditions, treatments and... more
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      Hand SurgeryClinical Sciences
Radiocarpal fracture-dislocation is an uncommon but complex injury that is often the result of high energy trauma. The combination of ligamentous and osseous injuries demands meticulous attention to restoration of anatomy, especially of... more
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      Treatment OutcomeHand SurgeryDislocationsClinical Sciences
Purpose To describe changes in joint motion, sensibility, and scar pliability and to investigate the patients’ expectations, self-reported recovery, and satisfaction with hand function, disability, and quality of life after surgery and... more
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      Hand TherapyOrthopaedics SurgeryHand SurgeryDupuytren's disease
Purpose: Symptomatic isolated scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint arthritis affects approximately 10% of the population. Investigation of the technique of arthroscopic debridement of this joint was done to assess symptom relief achieved and... more
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      TreatmentTreatment OutcomeHand SurgeryArthroscopy
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentHand SurgeryChild
Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the 2nd most common compressive neuropathy. To improve both diagnosis and the selection of patients for surgery, there is a pressing need to develop a reliable and objective test of ulnar nerve 'health'.... more
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      NeurosurgeryPlastic SurgeryMRIDiffusion Tensor Imaging
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      Tendon and Ligament injuriesHand SurgeryCase ReportRecurrence
The results of basal osteotomy of the first metacarpal in the treatment of carpo-metacarpal osteoarthritis have been analysed from two small studies, one retrospective and one prospective. Assessment included clinical examination,... more
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      OsteoarthritisHand SurgeryProspective studiesStandardisation
Purpose: To understand the mechanical properties of the brachioradialis (BR) muscle and to use this information to simulate a BR-to-flexor pollicis longus (FPL) tendon transfer for restoration of lateral pinch. Methods: The BR mechanical... more
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      Decision MakingModelingHand SurgeryComputer Simulation
Purpose: To analyze the demographic, clinical, and microbiological profile of patients presenting to our unit with chronic wounds of various etiologies with an intent to give a current overview of chronic wounds. Patients and Methods: We... more
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      Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryHand SurgeryCosmetic surgeryBurns
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common upper extremity compressive neuropathy, with a prevalence of 3%-5% in the general population, and 6% in the group of females over the age of 40. It occurs about five times more common in... more
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      Peripheral Nerve InjuryHand SurgeryCarpal Tunnel SyndromeCentral Sensitization
Avicenna contributed to development in many fields of medicine. The Canon of Medicine is the masterpiece of Avicenna's medical books in which he wrote on the anatomy of the upper extremity, fractures, dislocations, and nerve and tendon... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryAnatomyHand Surgery
Our aim was to identify a cut-off value for self-reported, abnormal cold sensitivity and to identify cold sensitivity predictors after hand injuries. The Cold Intolerance Symptom Severity (CISS) questionnaire and a VAS question concerning... more
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      Hand SurgeryYoung AdultClinical SciencesVisual Analogue Scale
Introduction: To identify the strongest peak load resistance among four mallet finger fracture fixation methods (Kirschner wire, pull-out wire, tension-band wiring and the JuggerKnot™ (Biomet) soft anchor fixation). Methods: Fixation... more
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      BiomechanicsHand SurgeryCadaverMaterials Testing
HOXD13, the most 5 gene of the HOXD cluster, encodes a homeodomain transcription factor with important functions in limb patterning and growth. Heterozygous mutations of human HOXD13, encoding polyalanine expansions or frameshifts, are... more
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      Plastic SurgeryHand SurgeryCongenital Anomalies
The objective of this study was to compare the clinical results of unstable distal radius fractures treated with ORIF with plate and screws compared to EF. Patients with unstable distal radius fractures treated with ORIF or EF from... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsTreatment OutcomeHand SurgeryQuestionnaires
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the continuous horizontal mattress suture technique can replace the continuous simple suture technique and to compare the results with other microvascular suture procedures. Methods:... more
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      SurgeryElectron MicroscopyMicroscopyMicrocirculation
This study aims to identify the relationship of the radial nerve as it descends across the humerus with reference to a reliable soft tissue landmark, the tricipital aponeurosis. Following cadaveric dissection of 10 adult humerii, the... more
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    • Hand Surgery