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SummaryA score that can accurately determine the risk of major bleeding during anticoagulant therapy may help to make decisions on anticoagulant use. RIETE is an ongoing registry of consecutive patients with acute venous thromboembolism... more
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Summary. Background: Protein Z (PZ) serves as a cofactor for activated factor X inhibition by the PZ-dependent protease inhibitor. In vivo and in vitro studies aimed at investigating the role of PZ levels in venous thombosis have produced... more
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      Deep Vein Thrombosiscerebral Venous sinus thrombosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisGene
To cite this article: Ulrichts H, Harsfalvi J, Bene L, Matko J, Vermylen J, Ajzenberg N, Baruch D, Deckmyn H, Tornai I. A monoclonal antibody directed against human von Willebrand factor induces type 2B-like alterations. J Thromb Haemost... more
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      Flow CytometryPlatelet aggregationvon Willebrand factorMonoclonal Antibodies
Background: Quercetin, a flavonoid present in the human diet, which is found in high levels in onions, apples, tea and wine, has been shown previously to inhibit platelet aggregation and signaling in vitro. Consequently, it has been... more
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      Signal TransductionPlatelet aggregationCollagenDietary Supplements
SummaryThe natural history of patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) who develop a major bleeding complication while on anticoagulant therapy is not well known. RIETE is a prospective registry of consecutive patients with symptomatic,... more
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      AdolescentTherapeutic drug monitoringChildPoint of Care
Recurrent epistaxis is the most frequent clinicalmanifestation of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia( HHT). Its treatment is difficult. Our objectivewas to assessthe useoftranexamic acid (TA), an antifibrinolyticd rug, fort he... more
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      Treatment OutcomeSignal TransductionSpainProspective studies
To cite this article: de Bastos M, de Bastos MRD, Bogutchi T, Carneiro-Proietti ABF, Rezende SM. Duration of symptoms and D-dimer testing in the ruling-out of venous thromboembolism. J Thromb Haemost 2006; 4: 2079-80.
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      cerebral Venous sinus thrombosisDifferential DiagnosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisThromboembolism
To cite this article: Iorio A., Marcucci M., Makris M. Concentrate-related inhibitor risk: is a difference always real? J Thromb Haemost 2011; 9: 2176-9. See also Aledort LM, Navickis RJ, Wilkes MM. Can B-domain deletion alter the... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesHemophilia Afactor VIII
Hemorheologic tests were performed in 52 obese healthy subjects (OB; 31 females, age range 14-56,), with body mass index (BMI) ranging between 32-54, before (TO) and after 3 months (T3) of VLCD (470 Kcal/day), and in a control group (CG)... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesShell Half-LifeThrombosis
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      Indiacerebral Venous sinus thrombosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisClinical Sciences
Currently, molecular diagnosis of haemophilia A and B (HA and HB) highlights the excess risk-inhibitor development associated with specific mutations, and enables carrier testing of female relatives and prenatal or preimplantation genetic... more
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      AlgorithmsMolecular GeneticsMolecular DiagnosticsNext generation sequencing
To cite this article: Appel IM, Grimminck B, Geerts J, Stigter R, Cnossen MH, Beishuizen A. Age dependency of coagulation parameters during childhood and puberty. J Thromb Haemost 2012; 10: 2254-63.
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      AdolescentChildBlood Coagulation FactorsYoung Adult
Alpha granule release plays an important role in propagating a hemostatic response upon platelet activation. We evaluated the ability of various agonists to cause a granule release in platelets. Alpha granule release was measured by... more
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      Membrane ProteinsSignal TransductionPlateletG protein-coupled receptors
Previous studies investigating continuous unfractionated heparin (UFH) therapy report age-related differences in UFH response in children, as measured by APTT and anti-Xa assay. This study determined the age-related response following... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineAdolescentChildAge
Summary.  Background: The metabolism of estrogen contained within hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is influenced by the route of administration, and this may affect the risk of venous thromboembolism. Thrombin generation, a global... more
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      RiskThrombinHaemostasis and ThrombosisClinical Sciences
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesAged
SummaryWomen with a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), thrombophilia or both may be at increased risk of thrombosis during pregnancy, but the optimal management strategy is not well defined in clinical guidelines because of limited... more
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      EpidemiologyRisk assessmentPreventionGermany
This review summarizes the nature of ambient air pollutants, which are either gaseous or particulate of various sizes, the latter determining their penetration into the body, the smallest even translocating from the lung into the systemic... more
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      Air pollutionAmbient Air PollutionHaemostasis and ThrombosisAcute Myocardial Infarction
Results: Haemoglobin concentration of 6.22±1.75 g/dl and HCT of 18.45±6.43% for SCA subjects in VOC; Hb of 7.42±1.36 g/dl and HCT of 22.83±4.68% in steady state were significantly decreased(p<0.01) compared with Hb(13.0±1.04 g/dl and... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisFibrinolysis
SummaryCongenital afibrinogenemia (CAF) is a rare coagulation disorder characterized by very low or unmeasurable levels of functional and immunoreactive fibrinogen in plasma, associated with a hemorrhagic phenotype of variable severity.... more
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      FibrinogenPregnancyChildGenetic Testing
All 120 strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Hadar isolated during 2007-2010 in Greece were characterized by phenotypic and molecular methods. High rates of resistance to nalidixic acid (92%) and low levels of ciprofloxacin resistance... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyHuman GeneticsBiofilms
Summaryα2-Antiplasmin (α2-AP) is the main physiological plasmin inhibitor in mammalian plasma. As a first step toward the generation of α2-AP deficient mice, the murine α2-AP 1 gene was characterized and a targeting vector for homologous... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesThrombosisCardiovascular medicine and haematology
To cite this article: Kremer Hovinga JA, Mottini M, Lä mmle B. Measurement of ADAMTS-13 activity in plasma by the FRETS-VWF73 assay: comparison with other assay methods. J Thromb Haemost 2006; 4: 1146-8.
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      Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfervon Willebrand factorHaemostasis and ThrombosisClinical Sciences
Investigators (on behalf of FCSA, Italian Federation of Anticoagulation Clinics). Sex, age and normal post-anticoagulation D-dimer as risk factors for recurrence after idiopathic venous thromboembolism in the Prolong study extension. J... more
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      RiskTreatment OutcomeFollow-up studiesHaemostasis and Thrombosis
bration procedure, based on the relationship, was investigated. Calibrators were the median PT of 21 normal plasma at dilutions representing 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5% and 6.25% of normal PT activity.These were assigned INR values of 1.00,... more
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      AtlasAutomationCalibrationHaemostasis and Thrombosis
Matrix γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla) protein (MGP) is an important local inhibitor of vascular calcification, which can undergo two post-translational modifications: vitamin K-dependent γ-glutamate carboxylation and serine phosphorylation.... more
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      Rheumatoid ArthritisFeasibility StudiesMonoclonal AntibodiesHaemostasis and Thrombosis
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      cerebral Venous sinus thrombosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisRisk factorsClinical Sciences
Despite advances in secondary prevention strategies in patients with cardiovascular disease, the residual risk of recurrent atherothrombotic events remains high. Dual-antiplatelet therapy is the standard of care for secondary prevention... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesCardiovascular medicine and haematology
BL, on behalf of the AVTERS investigators. Effect of a public awareness campaign on the incidence of symptomatic objectively confirmed deep vein thrombosis: a controlled study.
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      Health CommunicationPolandPulmonary EmbolismYoung Adult
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      CulturePlacebo EffectHaemostasis and ThrombosisPatients
To cite this article: Li Y, Bezemer ID, Rowland CM, Tong CH, Arellano AR, Catanese JJ, Devlin JJ, Reitsma PH, Bare LA, Rosendaal FR. Genetic variants associated with deep vein thrombosis: the F11 locus. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7: 1802-8.... more
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      GeneticsAdolescentDeep Vein ThrombosisHaplotypes
Hospitalized patients with acute medical conditions are at significant risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE): approximately 10-30% of general medical patients may develop deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, and the latter is a... more
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      Decision Treescerebral Venous sinus thrombosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisThromboembolism
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      Hemostasis and ThrombosisDeep Vein ThrombosisHaemostasis and ThrombosisThromboembolism
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical Sciences
To cite this article: Harenberg J. The safety of dosing dalteparin based on actual body weight for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism in obese patients: a rebuttal. J Thromb Haemost 2005; 3: 1550. See also Al-Yaseen E, Wells... more
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      BioethicsObesityInformed ConsentSafety
... 7 Lopaciuk S, Bykowska K, Kwiecinski H, Czlonkowska A, Kuczynska-Zardzewialy A. Protein Z in young survivors of ischemic stroke. ... J Neurol 2003; 250: 63–6. 10 Adams HP Jr, Bendixen BH, Kappelle LJ, Biller J, Love BB, Gordon DL,... more
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      StrokeHypertensionDrug ResistanceHaemostasis and Thrombosis
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      Research DesignRiskStentsProspective studies
Obesity, and especially excessive visceral adipose tissue accumulation, is considered as a low-grade inflammatory state that is responsible for adipocyte dysfunction and associated metabolic disorders. Adipose tissue displays endocrine... more
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      Haemostasis and ThrombosisClinical Sciences
To cite this article: Hitos K, Cannon M, Cannon S, Garth S, Fletcher JP. Effect of leg exercises on popliteal venous blood flow during prolonged immobility of seated subjects: implications for prevention of travel-related deep vein... more
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      AdolescentTravelExercisecerebral Venous sinus thrombosis
Oral anticoagulants are a mainstay of cardiovascular therapy, and for over 60 years vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) were the only available agents for long-term use. VKAs interfere with the cyclic inter-conversion of vitamin K and its 2,3... more
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      CardiologyEuropeAdvisory CommitteesHaemostasis and Thrombosis
Vascular injury leads to formation of a structured thrombus as a consequence of platelet activation and aggregation, thrombin and fibrin formation, and trapping of leukocytes and red cells. This review summarises current evidence for... more
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To cite this article: Rossetti LC, Radic CP, Larripa IB, De Brasi CD. Developing a new generation of tests for genotyping hemophilia-causative rearrangements involving int22h and int1h hotspots in the factor VIII gene. J Thromb Haemost... more
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      Polymerase Chain ReactionHaemostasis and ThrombosisClinical SciencesGenotype
Using a systems approach to profile self-limited inflammatory exudates, we identified three novel families of lipid-derived mediators, coined the resolvins, protectins and most recently, the maresins that control both the magnitude and... more
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      Systems BiologyBiologyMetabolomicsInflammation
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      KineticsFibrinThrombinHaemostasis and Thrombosis
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      Membrane ProteinsPlateletModelsBlood Coagulation Factors
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      Flow CytometryCell AdhesionCardiovascular diseaseBacteria
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      Breast CancerPulmonary EmbolismHaemostasis and ThrombosisAnemia of Inflammation
Platelet secretion not only drives thrombosis and haemostasis, but also mediates a variety of other physiological and pathological processes. The ubiquitous SNARE machinery and a number of accessory proteins have been implicated in... more
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      Hemostasis and ThrombosisHaematologySNAREsPlatelets
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      Flow CytometryOxidative StressCardiovascular diseaseBlood Glucose