Recent papers in Hackerspaces
WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) is estimated to be one of the fastest-growing waste stream worldwide and in the EU. Due to its content of dangerous substances, it is considered and regulated as hazardous waste. At the... more
This paper explores which rules and values are relevant to contemporary practices of hacking and making. It examines how members in hacker-and makerspaces conceptualise their communities and their use of digital technology. Based on... more
A implementable plan to seed the process of the Creative Economy and redeem America's misspent wealth. Utilizes the Pangaia World Game, available here, for managing it. Be sure to see the most recent version of both these documents at... more
L’article s’interroge sur les pratiques féministes de hacking qui ont évolué dans les dernières années et leurs effets spatiaux. C’est tout d’abord à travers le hacking du corps (hacking the body) que les pratiques féministes de hacking... more
‘HACKER SPACE’ คือพื้นที่เสมือนศูนย์กลางการเรียนรู้และพื้นที่สำหรับแบ่งปันองค์ความรู้ต่างๆ ทั้งในรูปแบบของ WORKSHOP การบรรยาย ซึ่งจะใช้ความสัมพันธ์แบบกลุ่มเป็นตัวนำพาผู้คนให้มาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดและสร้างสรรค์สิ่งใหม่ๆ ร่วมกัน... more
Co-authored with Vasilis Niaros and Vasilis Kostakis
Una ciudad moderna no sólo es el espacio por antonomasia de la diferencia, sino que debe hacer de la diversidad el motor de su crecimiento. La diversidad lejos de ser un problema es la principal fuente de inspiración de sus políticas, es... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
Maker culture, the so-called revolution bringing digital fabrication technologies to the common citizen, has gained a lot of ground in the last few years. Maybe too much, in fact. We can of course ignore those people who are only, as... more
Makerspaces are at once an emerging architectural and institutional typology and a manifestation of the so-called sharing economy. But will they last? Originally published in Nov. 2015:... more
"A double is haunting the world--the double of abstraction, the virtual reality of information, programming or poetry, math or music, curves or colorings upon which the fortunes of states and armies, companies and communities now depend.... more
Since the microcomputing revolution in the 1970s we live in the age of permanent technological disruptions, but institutional and educational practices remain unchanged. As noted by Flavin, " technologies come and go but the university... more
A large number of community based spaces for individual and social creation and production have emerged over the past decade. The new and easy access these spaces provide to small scale production technologies and specialized design and... more
Los hackers han capturado nuestra imaginación a través de memorables imágenes en televisión, cine y el periodismo. Los medios los presentan como criminales informáticos expertos; a veces, como activistas que buscan la libertad en... more
The Manual maps projects and hacks. The projects link streetscapes and data-landscapes. The hacks go after what’s in the way. Endgame is an urban design protocol. A protocol is a recipe. This recipe is for a street in “A City That... more
A promising method of enhancing the circular economy is distributed plastic recycling. In this study plastic waste is upcycled into 3-D printing filament with a recyclebot, which is an open source waste plastic extruder. The recyclebot is... more
This paper examines the recent emergence of feminist hackerspaces in the United States. As little data exist on this practice, this paper is based on interviews undertaken with intersectional feminist, queer and trans hackers who have... more
This chapter is part of an ongoing research project ('CityLabs') focusing on the role that so-called maker-spaces and hackerspaces (may) play in developing new forms of bottom-up urbanity. While too soon to lay out the project's findings... more
The particular characteristics and affordances of technologies play a significant role in human experience by defining the realm of possibilities available to individuals and societies. Some technological configurations, such as the... more
This thesis examines hackathons and their outcomes for participants and organizers. These events exemplify issues in collective identity and the recursive relationships between individual and collective concerns. Hackathons in the... more
Esta pesquisa investigou modos de mediação tecnológica em experimentos com interfaces vestíveis (REILLY, 2017; MARINI,2017). Os vestíveis neste caso são conceituados como objetos ou protótipos construídos em Espaços do Fazer que se dão em... more
Makerspaces have helped frame processes of design, adaptation, and the repair of things and systems—hardware, software, networks, tools, food, currencies, energy, bacteria—as social activities (Sleigh et al., 2015). Makerspaces have also... more
From the rising number of hackerspaces to an increase in hardware start-ups, maker culture is envisioned as an enabler of the next industrial revolution – a source of unhindered technological innovation, a revamp of broken economies and... more
Social innovation requires a transformation in innovation practices. These transformations should be democratic. At least that is the argument in this paper. Makerspaces are studied as potential sites for democratising innovation... more
The contribution of this article consists on building on the types of innovation mechanisms in Living Lab networks (Leminen, Westerlund, & Nyström, 2012; Leminen, 2013) by relating each type to a different theoretical innovation logic... more
Les hackers et autres bidouilleurs développent souvent un goût précoce pour l'informatique et les usages détournés des dispositifs numériques. Ce travail s'appuie sur une enquête ethnographique au sein d'hackerspaces, ainsi que des... more
Disobedient Electronics: Protest (Hertz, 2016) is a limited edition publishing project that highlights confrontational work from industrial designers, electronic artists, hackers and makers from 10 countries that disobey conventions.... more
Social innovation requires a transformation in innovation practices. These transformations should be democratic. At least that is the argument in this paper. Makerspaces are studied as potential sites for democratising innovation... more
Enabled by ICTs and digital fabrication tools such as 3D printing, and facilitated by shared workspaces such as makerspaces and FabLabs, digital innovation and fabrication networks (DIFNs) are emerging globally. To open the debate on this... more
Hacker spaces, maker spaces, Living Labs, Fab Labs or co-working spaces are common denominations of localized spaces of collaboration (LSC) where knowledge communities meet to collectively innovate. These spaces can represent a key... more
Hacker spaces, maker spaces, Living Labs, Fab Labs or co-working spaces are common denominations of localized spaces of collaborative innovation (LSCI) where knowledge communities meet to collectively innovate. These spaces can... more
Esta dissertação relata as descobertas, hipóteses e conclusões de pesquisa a respeito de um tipo de produção colaborativa que aproxima arte, ciência, ativismo, inovação, design, entre outras áreas. Concentra-se no surgimento, em anos... more
This paper examines some of the initiatives that aim to teach programming skills at all levels in education to those for who would otherwise find it hard, due to nothing other than a lack of knowledge and opportunity within their... more
"Elevated age in cyber warfare Malware has become focused SCADA Systems (Stuxnet) Malware performs Operational Preparation of the Environment (OPE) Conficker (Millions still infected) Ransomeware Data is being held hostage The... more
This paper describes a peer-production movement, the hackerspace movement, its members and values. The emergence of hackerspaces, fablabs and makerspaces is changing how hacker communities and other like-minded communities function. Thus,... more
Recently there has been tremendous interest in “makerspace” and its potential in libraries: from middle school and public libraries to academic and special libraries, the topic seems very much top of mind. A number of libraries across... more
Recently there has been tremendous interest in “makerspace” and its potential in libraries: from middle school and public libraries to academic and special libraries, the topic seems very much top of mind. A number of libraries across... more
Nas últimas décadas, temos assistido à proliferação de diversos tipos de espaços alternativos de pesquisa, produção e aprendizado colaborativos. Neste artigo, abordamos um tipo específico deles, os hackerspaces, que se caracterizam por... more
Em Aberto, Brasília, v. 28, n. 94, p. 189-197, jul./dez. 2015 Abstract New students in the old classroom: the teaching of art and technology between institutionalization and possible worlds Six students from three federal universities,... more
In this paper, we discuss how a flourishing scene of DIY makers is turning visions of tangible and ubiquitous computing into products. Drawing on long-term multi-sited ethnographic research and active participation in DIY making, we... more