Habitual Abortion

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Habitual abortion, also known as recurrent miscarriage, refers to the occurrence of three or more consecutive pregnancy losses before the 20th week of gestation. This condition is often investigated for underlying causes, which may include genetic, anatomical, hormonal, or immunological factors.
Background and objectivesProgesterone is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Cochrane review called for a definitive trial to test whether or not... more
Background and objectivesProgesterone is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Cochrane review called for a definitive trial to test whether or not... more
Introducción. Las complicaciones vasculares placentarias usualmente derivan en embarazos de alto riesgo con consecuencias como prematuridad o muerte fetal. Las guías actuales recomiendan sólo el estudio de los anticuerpos antifosfolípidos... more
Objective To assess depression, domestic violence and the use of substances in women with recurrent miscarriages. Methods The Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS), the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Alcohol, Smoking and... more
Tartışma ve Sonuç: CVS ilk trimester de prenatal tanı için kullanılan altın standart testtir. CVS endikasyonlarından bağımsız olarak, fetal sitogenetik analiz sonuçlarının çoğu trizomidir. NT kalınlığı ve kistik higroma olanlarda fetal... more
Uterus myomlari 30 yasin uzerindeki kadinlarin %20-50’sinde gorulebilen benign tumorlerdir. Tum gebeliklerin yaklasik % 1.4-8.6’sinda uterin myomlar gorulur. Cogunlukla uterus fundus ya da govdesinde yerlesen myomlarin yaklasik % 3’u... more
Background and objectivesProgesterone is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Cochrane review called for a definitive trial to test whether or not... more
Amaç: Abortus imminens 20.gestasyonel haftadan önce servikal değişiklikler olmaksızın vajinal kanama görülmesi olarak tanımlanır ve gebelik sonuçlarını etkileyen bir klinik durumdur. Çalışmamızın amacı abortus imminensin (Aİ) gebeliğin... more
Background and objectivesProgesterone is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Cochrane review called for a definitive trial to test whether or not... more
Introducción: La pérdida gestacional recurrente (PGR) es Recurrent pregnancy lost (RPL) is a common condition that una patología frecuente, que causa gran impacto en las causes great impact on partners leading frustration, parejas... more
Objective To assess depression, domestic violence and the use of substances in women with recurrent miscarriages. Methods The Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS), the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Alcohol, Smoking and... more
Background and objectivesProgesterone is essential to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a Cochrane review called for a definitive trial to test whether or not... more
Objective: To standardize the investigation and clinical management of women with laboratory and/or clinical abnormalities suggestive of thrombophilia, in order to optimize antithrombotic approach and indication of laboratory tests.... more