Recent papers in Habitat
Thirty-seven years of fisheries records covering a fishing area of 6231 ha in the lower Havel River, Germany, have been analysed to address two issues: (1) detection of the effects of habitat bottlenecks caused by extreme floods and... more
Machicote, M., Branch, L. C. and Villarreal, D. 2004. Burrowing owls and burrowing mammals: are ecosystem engineers interchangeable as facilitators? Á/ Oikos 106: 527 Á/ 535. Terrestrial vertebrates exhibit dynamic, positive interactions... more
Rent control, which still can be found in many countries, is hampering construction of new housing and the maintenance of old housing units. Although the information about home-based economic activities is not so comprehensive, it is... more
To enable a relevant interpretation of otolith strontium : calcium (Sr/Ca) variations in terms of habitat shifts of eels, the Sr/Ca-salinity relationship in eel otoliths was validated. Downstream and upstream migrations of young eels were... more
Iroquoians become recognizable in the archaeological record of southern Ontario about AD 500, with the appearance of Princess Point sites and maize agriculture in the lower Grand River valley. AfterA.D. 1000, Iroquoians lived in longhouse... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the bird nesting microhabitat hole Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) in National Parks Aopa Watumohai Swamp, Southeast Sulawesi . Data were collected on the savanna region block... more
This booklet is an illustrated compilation of good practices and technical provisions with regard to sustainability, durability and resilience, identified within local building cultures of zones exposed to various constraints and types of... more
Klong Luang is a rapidly urbanizing district to the north of Bangkok with a high concentration of factories. The factories employ predominantly young, unmarried immigrant women workers, who have a specific housing demand: low-cost rental... more
Recruitment is essential for the maintenance of populations, but far more is typically known about the more easily-observed adult stages than their smaller, often microscopic early life-history counterparts. This discrepancy can be... more
Habitat features influence the ecological interactions and spatial distribution of fish species. For example, water transparency and macrophyte cover, as well as their interaction, can strongly influence predation risk and mortality.... more
The status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus, has been studied over a five-year period between 1994 and 1998 in the Foça Pilot Monk Seal Conservation Area. The identification of individual seals occurring in the area,... more
The factors responsible for widespread declines of grassland birds in the United States are not well understood. This study, conducted in the short-grass prairie of eastern Wyoming, was designed to investigate the relationship between... more
Aim We tested the usefulness of satellite based remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) techniques (1) in explaining the observed distribution of the threatened clouded apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne) and (2)... more
The abilities of species to use the matrix of modi®ed habitats surrounding forest fragments may aect their vulnerability in fragmented landscapes. We used long-term (up to 19-year) studies of four animal groups in central Amazonia to test... more
Habitat utilization of native young-ofthe-year (YOY) muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, was quantified by the type and density of vegetation present, water depth, and fish communities associated with their presence and abundance in nursery... more
Within the frame of different research projects, a large number of sites at the Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) have been sampled for the macrobenthos between 1994 and 2000. These samples cover a diverse range of habitats: from the sandy... more
Human-Wildlife Conflicts Fisheries The history of conflict between doublecrested cormorants (Figure 1) and human interest in fisheries is long and convoluted. Following a low point in the 1970s, populations of cormorants expanded in North... more
Fish communities and habitat structures were evaluated by underwater visual censuses a rocky location impacted by thermal discharge (I) and at two control locations, one in a Sargassum bed (C1) and the other in a rocky shore with higher... more
We compared the community structure of benthic algae inside and outside pomacentrid damselfish (Stegastes nigricans) territories in a moat at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. S. nigricans maintained ''algae farms'' that were dominated by... more
This paper summarises an M.Sc. (Physical Planning) field project carried out in 1997-98 on the planning of low-cost housing projects in Khartoum. The issue is one which calls for urgent rethinking. Planners seem inexplicably wedded to the... more
We analyse the factors controlling seedling establishment of Scots pine at its southernmost geographical limit (southern Spain), by monitoring emergence, survival and growth for up to 4 years in the microhabitats to which seeds are... more
Currently rising CO 2 levels in atmosphere and marine surface waters as well as projected scenarios of CO 2 disposal in the ocean emphasize that CO 2 sensitivities need to be investigated in aquatic organisms, especially in animals which... more
Palabras clave: hábitat, fragmentación, conectividad, corredores.
Southern Norway holds the last remaining population of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Europe. Roads, railroads, and power lines have fragmented the original population into 26 separate herds. The reindeer populations are... more
Fish communities and habitat structures were evaluated by underwater visual censuses a rocky location impacted by thermal discharge (I) and at two control locations, one in a Sargassum bed (C1) and the other in a rocky shore with higher... more
. Forest bird diversity in Mediterranean areas affected by wildfires: a multi-scale approach. -Ecography 25: 161-172. Fire is a key mechanism creating and maintaining habitat heterogeneity in Mediterranean landscapes by turning continuous... more
While marine protected areas (MPAs) can simultaneously contribute to biodiversity conservation and fisheries management, the global network is biased towards particular ecosystem types, as it was largely established in an ad hoc fashion.... more
As one of worlds prime megadiverse countries, Brazil holds an immense number of terrestrial invertebrates. Current knowledge of this biota is very heterogeneous. Several taxa are sufficiently well- known to be used as indicators of... more
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The sensory brain areas of a sample of < 100 deep-sea fish species were studied, and the relative volumes of the olfactory bulb, optic tectum, octavolateral area and gustatory area were determined. In the absence of direct observations on... more
Reproductive biology and social behaviour of the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense was studied in the Azores Islands, northeast Atlantic, to characterize its spawning season and general reproductive biology in the region, to clarify the... more
This article addresses the challenges faced by Mexican non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in attempting to perform their role as agents of development and empowerment among poor populations. Recently, NGOs have expanded and have gained... more
The influence of habitat structure on abundance and taxonomic richness of epibenthic harpacticoid copepods in seagrass beds of Port Phillip Bay, Australia was investigated using artificial seagrass plants. The density and length of... more
We compared the community structure of benthic algae inside and outside pomacentrid damselfish (Stegastes nigricans) territories in a moat at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. S. nigricans maintained ''algae farms'' that were dominated by... more
La problemática que origina la transición demográfica impacta en todos los países del mundo instituyendo una pirámide demográfica del tipo invertida. Siendo necesaria la consideración en todos los ámbitos al envejecimiento, dado que las... more
The aim of this research is to contribute to the development of public transport services for a heavily cardependent society. The paper investigates, through a set of actual empirical data, an optimal structure to improve the bus system... more
Most of the world's large rivers are fragmented by dams. Fragmentation of the river ecosystem alters migration patterns among fish populations and converts free-flowing river to reservoir habitat. In this study, we used an... more
The indirect effects of climate on species interactions were initially surprising, but ecological models that account for ecosystem decline have long underestimated their ubiquity and strength. Indirect effects not only yield "unexpected... more