HACCP Hazard Analysis
Recent papers in HACCP Hazard Analysis
Tea is a major cultivation crop in Sri Lanka, although there many value added tea food products, Tea cake is not given much of consideration. This is mostly because tea cake is not a blooming industry in Sri Lanka`s import and export... more
Silver Dollar Egg Sandwich
Milk and dairy products are essential components to human diet, but it is also well known to be potentially hazardous food items due to several contamination sources (equipment, personnel, additives and packaging material) during their... more
Kokkinakis E.N., Fragkiadakis G.A., Ioakeimidi S.H., Giankoulof I.B., Kokkinaki A.N. (2008): Microbiological quality of ice cream after HACCP implementation: a factory case study. Czech J. Food Sci., 26: 383–391.
Blue Swimming Crab or Portunus Pelagicus is one of the most valuable fisheries commodities of Indonesia. The crab is very potential fisheries product due to its high demand on global market. On the other hand, the crab is a perishable... more
contoh penyusunan HACCP dasar
Après la préparation des graines et l’extraction, le raffinage constitue la dernière étape pour l’obtention d’huile alimentaire comestible et détermine son niveau de qualité. HITA figure parmi les grandes industries œuvrant dans le... more
A. BAHAN Bahan utama : 468 potong ikan bandeng Bahan tambahan : Nama produk Acar bandeng adalah bandeng yang diolah dengan bumbu acar. Konsumen Pasien kelas III dengan diet makanan biasa sejumlah 450 pasien. Metode pengolahan Pengolahan... more
Halaman : 1 Kebijakan Mutu PT Kraft Ultrajaya menjamin mutu dengan hanya memproduksi dan menjual keju yang aman, bergizi dan halal. Berkomitmen menerapkan HACCP
HACCP adalah suatu analisis yang dilakukan terhadap bahan, produk atau proses untuk menentukan komponen, kondisi atau tahap proses yang harus mendapatkan pengawasan yang yang ketat untuk menjamin bahwa produk yang di hasilkan aman dan... more
El presente trabajo se realizó en la empresa “Azucarera Río Turbio, C.A” específicamente en las áreas de refinería y envasado; con el objetivo de implementar un Plan de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control. Se procedió a... more
Hazard Analysys Critical Control Point (HACCP) merupakan salah satu sistem jaminan pangan Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui alur proses pengolahan sotong utuh beku dan rantai dinginnya, mutu organoleptik dan mikrobiologi bahan baku... more
Power point presentation on general aspects of Food regulation safety and quality
Bahan Materi untuk Training Keamanan Pangan (HACCP) di Disi Training Center
Guía orientadora para productores, procesadores y servicios de inspección 4 PREFACIO La globalización ha generado fenómenos que han repercutido en la modalidad de adquisición de alimentos, tanto por los consumidores como en las... more
Pengaruh globalisasi perdagangan pangan hasil pertanian sudah mulai meluas ke berbagai negara, dan kehadirannya tidak dapat dihindarkan. Ditinjau dari aspek keamanan pangan, globalisasi tersebut dapat memperbesar kemungkinan timbulnya... more
Rumah sakit berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk pemulihan kondisi pasien dari sisi medis dan dari sisi makanan yang diolah dan diberikan kepada pasien. Pasien berhak mendapatkan diet yang bermutu dan aman, tidak terkontaminasi bahaya.... more
Tanya Jawab Seputar Pangan dan GMP/CPMB/CPPOB (Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik).
Hal ini akan men-support HACCP, ISO 22000, dan sistem yang lainnya.
Hal ini akan men-support HACCP, ISO 22000, dan sistem yang lainnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan GMP dan SSOP pada proses pengolahan udang vannamei (litopenaeus vannamei) Peeled Deveined Tail On (PDTO). Penelitian dilakukan bulan November 2018 sampai Desember 2018 di Unit Pengolahan... more
PRP atau Program Persyaratan Dasar dalam HACCP
HACCP is a system that enables the production of safe food products through the thorough analysis of production processes, identification of all hazards that are likely to occur in the production establishment, the identification of... more
Mycotoxins are kind of major chemical hazards in food industry.A large number of fungi produce various types of Mycotoxins. Some are carcinogenic, some are mutagenic and some display both localized and systemic diseases. At least 14... more
Many in-flight caterings have met their passenger’s demands which are high quality hygienic food services prosperously by implementation of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system in their establishment. According to this... more
To obtain a sustainable water catchment in the dune area of the Flemish west coast, the integration of treated domestic wastewater in the existing potable water production process is planned. The hygienic hazards associated with the... more
Mycotoxins are kind of major chemical hazards in food industry.A large number of fungi produce various types of Mycotoxins. Some are carcinogenic, some are mutagenic and some display both localized and systemic diseases. At least 14... more
HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and... more
This paper brings to the fore, an analysis of the performance of Hazard analysis and Critical Control point (HACCP) certified companies in terms of sales of liquid milk. The researcher used a sample size of 100 respondents and used both... more
The HACCP system is an approach which ensures food safety and prevents hazards before they happen. In this survey-based study, the author presents and determines the awareness and barriers for HACCP practices in food business in Karachi.... more
OPRP atau Pengendali Bahaya yang signifikan tapi tidak kritis
Salah satu agroindustri pengolahan pascapanen pertanian adalah agroindustri jus buah-buahan. Jus buah-buahan merupakan buah-buahan yang diproses sedemikian rupa sehingga sangat baik dikonsumsi untuk kesehatan tubuh. Saat ini industri... more
As it is well known, there are three types of hazard which is has to be under taken and controlled in food industry and other industries as well. There are number of hazards that can be found in almost any workplace. There are obvious... more
Paseo Royal Country # 4596, Piso 20, Col. Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan, Jalisco. Tel. +52(33) 3648 9901 www.bestground.com.mx
It is widely recognized that the absence of any food safety program or system such as HACCP and ISO-22000, might lead to food poisoning among wide range of population caused by food contamination. The importance of such food safety... more
Every year,hundreds of fires occur in the forests and rangelands across the world and damage thousands hectare of trees, shrubs, and plants which cause environmental and economical damages. This study aims to establish a real time forest... more
HACCP Hazard analysis critical control point or HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, physical hazards and more recently radiological hazards in production processes that can cause the... more
Contamination of food and water supplies for terrorist purpose is real and current threat. Recently many governments started to protect its natural sources in order to provide safe food & water supplies by putting new roles which helps to... more