Hélène Cixous
Recent papers in Hélène Cixous
The Feminist Uncanny in Theory and Art Practice investigates the widely debated, deeply flawed yet influential concept of the uncanny through the lens of feminist theory and contemporary art practice. Not merely a subversive strategy but... more
Qu’est-ce qu’une lettre ? Pourquoi certains enfants « réussissent » à ne pas apprendre à lire ? Comment d’autres, devenus adultes, choisissent de devenir écrivain , de passer leur vie avec les lettres ? A la fois symbole pur mais aussi... more
A reading of SY Agnon's short story "Another Face" as feminist utopia.
Ε Ει ικ κό όν νε ες ς Γ Γυ υν να αι ικ κώ ών ν --Μ Μι ικ κρ ρέ ές ς κ κα αι ι π πο ολ λύ ύ μ μι ικ κρ ρέ ές ς ι ισ στ το ορ ρί ίε ες ς τ το ου υ π πο οι ιη ητ τή ή Μ Μι ιχ χά άλ λη η Γ Γκ κα αν νά ά. . Το Γυναικών του Μιχάλη Γκανά μπορεί... more
"… eyes are lips on the lips of …" Encountering Cixous' and Derridas Veils as a Poem of Infinity For Cixous, the interest in the passage from blindness to vision stems from what can be discovered about non-seeing as much as about seeing.... more
In commemoration of the 45th year of their exile, 500 pieds-noirs and their families gathered in Toulouse, France in May 2007. During their meeting, the Amicale de Saida viewed the film Saida… On revient! sur les pas de notre enfance,... more
Hélène Cixous’s most recent autobiographical novel, Les Ruines bien rangées (2020), revisits her mother’s birthplace, Osnabrück, Germany, and explores the sites and fragmented memories of trauma entwined in the places and people of that... more
Yay.Haz. Deniz Bayrakdar ISBN 978-605-9911-29-0 Türkiye"de ancak 80"lerin sonunda sanatsal üretim biçimi olarak keşfedilen video, 90"lı yıllarda sıklıkla kadın sanatçılar tarafından kullanılır. Bu alanda üretim yapmaya daha önceleri... more
Gender: Laughter, part of the Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks series on gender, examines the significance of laughter in gender and sexuality studies. The volume presents laughter as an affective force that reverberates in and... more
This thesis examines the female gaze in conjunction with fashion photography. It incorporates a multidisciplinary theoretical framework, embracing feminist and psychoanalytical discourse and semiotics. 'In Search of the Female Gaze: Women... more
The purpose of the current paper is studying Zora Neale Hurston's masterpiece in the light of the post-structuralist feminist theories of the French philosopher, writer and critic Hélène Cixous. The article aims at scrutinizing the... more
A woman enters centre stage. She is known at the club as La Llorona, “the weeping woman”. She emerges from the dark space between two red velvet curtains, her auburn hair piled high on her head, loose curls hanging down around her face.... more
Kipling’s fiction, like the author, betrays a curiously twofold l’ecriture de soi. Critics up to Salman Rushdie and beyond have commented on the Kipling ‘paradox’ . Seeing Kipling as the absurdly incongruous ‘Ruddy Baba as well as Kipling... more
"This thesis brings together discourses concerning indexicality, touch, theatricality, and language to bear upon the photographic image in an attempt to open the parameters of current photographic discourse and carve a place for... more
aux éditions de la Pléiade 1 , tout en s'offusquant d'une part, que l'auteure du Deuxième Sexe ne soit que la quinzième femme à y figurer et d'autre part, que l'oeuvre que nous venons de mentionner et qui fut un point de « rupture dans... more
Henry Fielding's The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling (1749), portraying the panorama of the 18th century English society in a realistic manner, can be analyzed in the light of feminist philosophy due to the reflections of the... more
Brief Notes on Helene Cixous Sorties
Kadının Yazma Tarihi ve Özgün Bir Durak : Dişil Yazı (Écriture Féminine)". Kurgu, Düşün Sanat Edebiyat 7 (Mart-Nisan 2011) : 20-27. 1968 Mayıs'ının ardından 1970'lerin Fransasında öncülüğünü Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva,... more
From the beginning of the 1980 ́s, Hélène Cixous presented several seminars on Clarice Lispector’s work . Some of them were translated to English and published by Verena Conley, in Reading with Clarice Lispector (1990). From... more
Prólogo a la traducción del libro de cuentos de Clarice Lispector, Lazos de Familia.
This thesis explores how the novels of Virginia Woolf and Jean Rhys – To the Lighthouse (1927), Between the Acts (1941), After Leaving Mr Mackenzie (1930) and Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) – despite being set in times of wars and social change... more
Using Hélène Cixous' "Laugh of the Medusa" as a central point of discussion, I examine texts by Virginia Woolf and Linda Nochlin to connect similar ideological themes of feminist and artistic theory.
Jacques Derrida and Catherine Malabou both attempted to rethink the event by accounting for a certain poetizing essence of philosophy, or for a poetics of the event. Notably, they tried to approach the eventness of the event by... more
Dil bilimi çalışmalarına göre, içinde yaşadığımız dil dünyamızı oluşturur. Buna göre, düşünce yapımız ve algımızın sınırları doğduğumuz andan itibaren içinde yaşadığımız dil ile belirlenir. Feminist dil bilimi ise dilin cinsiyetçi bir... more
Tolerance of same-sex relations in the earlier Platonic dialogues is called into question in Plato's *Laws.* Jennings offers insightful historical and political motivations as to why this Platonic anomaly may have come about. The... more
In this paper I analyze and contrast Schachter-Shalomi's conception of gender through relating his thought to its Habad origins, utilizing Elliot Wolfson's study of Menahem Mendel Schneerson as a prism. I further contrast... more
But the course ‘literary criticism’, the reason why I am writing this piece, was unsatisfactory and the contents only kept us ‘outmoded’. We had Eliot’s ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’, Arnold’s ‘The Study of Poetry’, Wordsworth’s... more
In order to think about a range of literary configurations of mourning, the languages used to do this work, and the public and private injunctions addressed to women writers in particular, this essay considers works by Algerian women in... more
This article from 1996 puts Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in dialogue with Donna Haraway's "A Cyborg Manifesto," Helene Cixous's "The Laugh of Medusa," Percy Shelley's poem on Medusa, Shelley Jackson's "Patchwork Girl," and Ridley Scott's... more
"The gendered body takes a phenomenological turn in Brower’s cosmopolitan essay on oral sexuality within philosophical, feminist, and lesbian traditions..." ("Editorial" by Michelle Iwen) Abstract: The 'traditional philosophical... more
EN: Introducing artists who lead a dialogue with omitted or fictional cultural figures, the essay "My Significant Others: Artistic Strategies of Confronting the Canon" stirs up – in an imaginary and loving dialog with these figures –... more
Esta pesquisa reflete sobre os romances A paixão segundo G.H. e Água viva, de Clarice Lispector, a partir dos conceitos de fracasso da linguagem e fracasso do romanesco, elaborados por Benedito Nunes em seu livro O drama da linguagem: uma... more
A partir d'une analyse des occurrences du mot "sein" dans Le Corps lesbien de Monique Wittig, l'étude s'attache à expliciter les stratégies wittigiennes de l'écriture du corps. Contestant les représentations culturelles héritées, qui... more
If "event" is a proper name we reserve for monumental changes, crises, transitions and ruptures that are by their very nature unnameable or unthinkable, then this volume is an attempt to set up an encounter between such eventhood as it... more
Και γιατί δεν γράφεις; Γράψε! Η γραφή είναι για σένα, εσύ για εσένα∙ το σώμα σου είναι δικό σου , πάρ’το. Ελέν Σιξού Το σημείο εκκίνησης για το πειραματικό εργαστήρι φεμινιστικής ανάγνωσης και γραφής είναι το κάλεσμα της γαλλίδας... more
"Brower explores the way philosophers were inspired by entomological social systems and communication to reflect on human psyche, social behavior, community organization, communication, and inter-individual relationships. His essay... more