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      Computer ScienceMicroeconomicsDecision AnalysisAnalytic Hierarchy Process
El presente artículo plantea un modelo en el que se describe el proceso a través del cual el estrés psicosocia] puede inducir el desarrollo de la úlcera péptica duodenal (UPD) y los sistemas psicológicos, biológicos y sociales que se... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStressRevista Latinoamericana de Psicología
Despite its ubiquity as the term, ‘student movements’ are not easy to build or sustain. This is because campus activism typically features a diversity of political views and tactical preferences, and is organisationally restricted by the... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsEducationSocial Sciences
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of the Subject
The telecommunications industry has undergone major paradigm shifts in previous years. One of these is the shift from circuit-switched networks towards packet-switched networks. There is hardly any doubt that IP will be the ubiquitous... more
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      MultimediaPacket SwitchingTechnological changeParadigm Shift
The four human IgG isotypes are highly conserved in amino acid sequence, but show differential ability to activate complement (C'): IgG3 and IgGl are very active. IgG2 is active under certain conditions, and IgG4 is inactive. Although the... more
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      ImmunologyComplement activationDNSMolecular Immunology
We may not be able to make you love reading, but the disappearance of the social in american social psychology will lead you to love reading starting from now. Book is the window to open the new world. The world that you want is in the... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyFolk PsychologyCultural AnthropologyInterdisciplinary History
Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) is a research programme funded by the National
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      HealthGovernment expenditureCustoms UnionH
We describe the design of a mobile collaborative tool that helps teams managing critical computing infrastructures in organizations, a task that is usually designated Business Continuity Management. The design process started with a... more
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      Business Continuity ManagementUniversalH
The appearances of agricultural  products are important indices for evaluating the quality of commodities and the characteristics of different varieties. In general, the appearances are evaluated by experts based on visual observations.... more
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      EngineeringImage AnalysisANOVAPca
B lymphopoiesis is a differentiation process in which hematopoietic stem cells are converted into antibody-producing plasma cells. B cell differentiation involves multiple steps, including cell specification, commitment to the B cell... more
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      ImmunologyTranscription FactorsCell DifferentiationTranscription Factor
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      Social PsychologyMeaningCategorizationHypothesis testing
Within days of the Singapore parliamentary election in May 2011, Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong announced that they had decided to leave the nation's Cabinet, where they had been serving as "Minister Mentor" and "Senior Minister,"... more
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      Comparative PoliticsHuman RightsProperty RightsConstitutionalism
Background: It has been previously demonstrated that the enzyme α-l-iduronidase (IDUA) of patients with MPS I shows a different biochemical behavior in each of the three clinical forms of these. In heterozygotes, its biochemical behavior... more
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      KineticsCopperEnzymeClinical Sciences
This paper reconstructs GDP from the output side for medieval and early modern Britain. In contrast to the long run stagnation of living standards suggested by daily real wage rates, output-based GDP per capita exhibits modest but... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthEconomic DevelopmentLondon School of Economics
MUVIS is a series of CBIR systems. The first one has been developed in late 90s to support indexing and retrieval in large image databases using visual and semantic features such as color, texture and shape. During recent years, MUVIS has... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalImage RetrievalMPEG
Yadav, Gilles Zumbach, and participants at the SIRIF volatility workshop (Glasgow) and the AFA meetings (New Orleans) for helpful comments. We also thank three anonymous referees and the editor for many helpful comments and suggestions... more
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      BusinessEconomicsGlobalizationCorporate Governance
The (h, k)-coloring problem, better known as the L(h, k)-labelling problem, is that of vertex coloring an undirected graph with non-negative integers so that adjacent vertices receive colors that differ by at least h and vertices of... more
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      Distributed ComputingApproximation AlgorithmsWireless networksMobile Networks
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the main agent causing gastroduodenal pathologies in humans. The infection with this microorganism is efficaciously treated with a combination of two antibiotics and one anti-acid, although, the... more
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      FaithSocial and Cultural HistorySoulHistorical Studies
The long-term foetal surveillance is often to be recommended. Hence, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the recorded... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSoftware QualityMedical Biotechnology
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      Ancient HistoryGenealogyAdoptionEssentialism
In this paper we introduce two procedures for variable selection in cluster analysis and classification rules. One is mainly oriented to detect the "noisy" non-informative variables, while the other deals also with multicolinearity. A... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsPattern RecognitionExperimental Design
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy ConversionPower Plant
1. Introduction, 2. Brothers and sisters â€" adelphoi, 3. The believers, 4. The saints â€" hoi hagioi, 5. The assembly â€" hÄ" ekklÄ" sia, 6. Disciples â€" mathÄ" tai, 7. The way â€" hÄ" hodos,... more
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      Church HistoryCommunityNew Testament and Christian OriginsLanguage
The abstraction reaction of D adatoms by H atoms have been investigated on the Si(110) surfaces. The direct abstraction to form HD molecules obeys a second-order rate law in D coverage θ D . On the other hand, the indirect abstraction to... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSurface ScienceKinetics
Dalam rangka menghadapi era keterbukaan dan pasar bebas di kawasan Asia Tenggara atau Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, baik dalam hard skill ataupun soft skill.
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published by the press syndicate of the university of cambridge The Pitt
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      Cognitive PsychologyExpert SystemsTechnologyDecision Making
The practice of management, although quite recent, embodies one of the major challenges for planning sustainable historic cities. Environmental, climatic, social and cultural issues affecting historic contexts, make management a... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationHeritage ManagementMultidisciplinary
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      Personality PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySocial Networks
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      Organizational CultureStrategic ManagementCulturePerformance
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      Educational PsychologyAdvertisingCognitionCulture
In this paper, we make a short foray through coding standards for still images and motion video. We first briefly discuss standards already in use, including: Group 3 and Group 4 for bilevel fax images; JPEG for still color images; and... more
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      Image ProcessingMultimediaMetadataData Compression
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyCognitive ScienceBias
Se escribe siempre en primer lugar el símbolo del elemento o radical menos electronegativo (metal o grupo que actúe como tal) y a continuación el del elemento o radical más electronegativo; sin embargo, al nombrarlos se hace en orden... more
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      BiasPanel DataMeasurement ErrorsSimultaneity
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      Cognitive PsychologySociolinguisticsCognitive SemanticsCognitive Linguistics
The aim of this study was to examine production and health of fast-growing broilers fed diets with and without hemp seed cake (HSC) in organic broiler production. Two diets, a control diet (C) and a diet including HSC (H), were fed to... more
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      Animal ProductionHSCHC
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eds., Evolution and the human mind: Language, modularity and meta-cognition. Cambridge U.P. 2000, pp 218-237 0. where I'm going The theme of this chapter is that some seemingly arcane philosophers' disputes about the nature of rationality... more
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      Game TheorySocial GroupsCognitiveRationality
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      Comunicación Y LenguajeHED
El poqomchi es un idioma maya, emparentado con el idioma pocomam.
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Edited by J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage 1l11 riflll tJ/tltll Unlursity of Cambrid111 ltlprlftt rmJ srlf 11/1 malfffllr of hooks WQ.f ftDrtltd by Htrtry V11ll11 1.5J4. Tlr11 U,inrsity .\a.r prlntNI (11ft/ publislt11d... more
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      Social PsychologyDisplaysInitiationH
Research at York St John (RaY) is an institutional repository. It supports the principles of open access by making the research outputs of the University available in digital form.
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsSociologyPsychology
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhysicsTechnology
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