Guilt/shame (Psychology)
Recent papers in Guilt/shame (Psychology)
Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
Guilt and the Human Ego
There are two radically different ways of conceptualising ‘moral injury’. On one understanding, moral injury involves an arousal of the moral emotions, such as guilt and shame, to such an extent that they become debilitating. The soldier... more
The field of domestic violence has concentrated its theories, research, and treatment methods on the male–female dimensions of the problem. However, male–male issues also play a crucial role. The authors explain how traditional male... more
In conflicts with reciprocal violence, individuals belong to a group that has been both perpetrator and victim. In a field experiment in Liberia, West Africa, we led participants (N = 146) to focus on their group as either perpetrator or... more
Is our affective capability that makes us "moral"? Are our moral acts necessarily due to some emotion? I deny that. We might have unemotive moral agents; just regulated by internal moral principles and decisions. Conversely, only a... more
Стыд — болезненно переживаемая эмоция самосознавания, тесно ассоциирующаяся с психологическим дистрессом. В статье представлены результаты качественного анализа нарративов взрослых людей о собственном опыте переживания стыда. Основой для... more
Agressie en geweld zijn van alle tijden. Ook inspanningen om agressie en geweld te beheersen, zijn er altijd al geweest. Aan die beheersing kan nog veel verbeterd worden. Het is dan wel noodzakelijk om het geweldmechanisme eens te... more
Shame is one of the most stigmatized and stigmatizing of emotions. Often characterized as an emotion in which the subject holds a global, negative self-assessment, shame is typically understood to mark the subject as being inadequate in... more
Evaluación de un programa de intervención terapéutica en mujeres que han vivido abuso sexual infantil
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present further data for the validation of the Interpersonal Guilt Rating Scale-15 self-report (IGRS-15s; Gazzillo et al., 2018). We recruited a sample of 448 subjects, to whom we administered the... more
Guilt and shame operate in connection with individual and collective forces. This paper explores how space is contingent in psychic processes, and how the generation and negotiation of feelings of guilt and shame develop in the interplay... more
Jayson Georges. The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and
Fear Cultures. San Bernardino, CA: Timē, 2016. 80 pp. Pbk.
ISBN 978-0-692-33801-8. $8.99.
Fear Cultures. San Bernardino, CA: Timē, 2016. 80 pp. Pbk.
ISBN 978-0-692-33801-8. $8.99.
Domestic violence is an ongoing health issue affecting women around the world. Bystander intervention is one way to help minimize occurrences of domestic violence in the future. However, bystanders tend to be apathetic toward the victims... more
Особый класс эмоций, имеющих наиболее тесные отношения с чувством собственного «я» индивида, в современной научной литературе получил название эмоции самосознавания. Наряду с виной, смущением и гордостью, стыд относится к этой группе... more
Despite recent evidence that episodic shame can be linked to the constructive approach of failure (i.e., prosociality, self-improvement), the prevailing view is that shame is neither constructive nor approachoriented. To integrate these... more
Anecdotes abound about the frequent use of the Internet to view cat-related media. Yet, research has yet to seriously address this popular culture phenomenon rooted largely in social media platforms. It is possible that viewing of online... more
Spellbound’s theatrical portrayal of the pseudo-psychoanalytical narrative handles the adapted buildup of the way towards accessing the oblivious i.e., the unconscious. The fantasy sets i.e., outlook design of dream sets, planned by... more
The present study examined the role that unwanted identities play in accounting for extant findings concerning gender differences in shame-proneness. The construct of unwanted identities was also used to explain why powerful associations... more
Even while he was imaginatively limited by a static model of the psyche and expressively limited by the conventions of classical aesthetics, Euripides is able in Hippolytus to depict psychological phenomena that analysts would name,... more
A recurring theme in contemporary missiology is the need to provide Gospel presentations and ministry strategies which resonate in "shame cultures." The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that writers are using the term "shame... more
At a time when some modicum of formal gender equality has been won in many late-capitalist societies of the West, what explains the persistence of practices that extract labor and value from women and girls while granting a “surplus” of... more
In his Lectures on Aesthetics, Hegel describes tragedy as a ‘collision’ between opposing notions of the good. Two moral paradigms, each internally consistent, yet each apparently incompatible with the other, struggle ‘to destroy one... more
This essay offers an interpretation of the “Laws of Chaos," one of the most mysterious and unsettling but profoundly illuminating of the teachings from A Course in Miracles. The account is found near the beginning of Chapter 23, which is... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
The present research investigates whether and how mindfulness meditation influences the guilt-driven tendency to repair harm caused to others. Through a series of eight experiments (n > 1400), we demonstrate that state mindfulness... more
I use evolutionary game theory to assess how guilt can provide individual fitness benefits before and after bad behavior.
Previous research studies indicate that procrastination is often related to higher negative emotions and overall distress. Self-forgiveness, on the other hand, has been shown to be associated with lower distress and improved mental... more
The connection between shame, guilt and morality is the topic of many recent debates. A broad tendency consists in attributing a higher moral status and a greater moral relevance to guilt, a claim motivated by arguments that tap into... more
Years ago when I was casting around for a dissertation topic, I chose to focus on shame and guilt, because these emotions were often linked in the literature (and merged and confused); but they did seem like different emotions to me. I... more
Shame is the most social of all emotions. It is also the most human. It seems that the experience of shame is the price we pay for being human. Shame involves self-criticism, with an individual’s perception of social impropriety and... more
Travail d'Initiation à la Recherche en Littérature (L2 Etudes Anglophones). Nous devions choisir une nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe et proposer un angle d'attaque pour l'analyser. Mon travail se focalise sur la manière dont Poe brouille la... more
Special Issue: "Gender & the Politics of Shame" Volume 33, Issue 3, 2018 Guest Editor: Clara Fischer Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy seeks contributions for a special issue on “Gender and the Politics of Shame.”... more
A central question of human psychology is whether and when people change for the better. Although it has long been assumed that emotion plays a central role in self-regulation, the role of specific emotions in motivating a desire for... more
Turbulence is usually considered a negative property of an organization’s environment. Yet turbulence is also a feature of an organization’s internal dynamics and may be useful for productivity. This article argues that interactions... more
Psychotherapeutic approaches and self-development programs that focus on the development of mindfulness and self-compassion have been gaining popularity in recent years. But how exactly do mindfulness and self-compassion change our... more