Guidance and Counselling
Recent papers in Guidance and Counselling
The study investigated the influence of parenting styles and peer pressure on social adjustment of in-school adolescents in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo state Nigeria. The population of the study comprises students in senior secondary school... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students' sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
Seventy-two (n = 72) school counselors from South Carolina were surveyed to assess their perceptions of their pre-service training in relation to eight school-family-community partnership roles and their perceived level of involvement in... more
In the article, the author presents his own interpretation of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of social field research. At the beginning, he introduces the general field theory and then presents the counselling practice as a manifestation of... more
In most of the newly married families in Ghana today, both spouses are employed outside the home. Employment has a profound effect on the family life as well as on personal satisfaction. In turn, family life can influence the work... more
This article examined the influence of sexual content in popular media on the sexuality of public university adolescents. The survey utilised a researcher-made questionnaire to collect data from a random sample of 1580 adolescents from... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
There is an increase in the rate of cohabitation among the youth especially tertiary institution students. Youth engages in cohabitation without necessarily thinking about the consequences. Studies especially in Nigeria presume that... more
Cognitive restructuring is the process of learning to refute cognitive distortions or faulty thinking with the aim of replacing ones irrational, distorted thoughts and beliefs with more accurate and beneficial and adaptive ones. The two... more
Today, university students have become so much inclined with technology with a majority of them having personal computers at their disposal. In sub-Saharan Africa and Ghana particularly, emerging evidence has suggested a broad range of... more
Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning... more
This project gives attention on all autistic children who educated in rehabilitation centers. The project’s aim is preparing a psychological first aid, psychological helping after disaster programs for autistic children. Most required... more
This article discusses school counselors' multifaceted role as educator-counselor-leader-collaborator, inextricably linked roles so necessary to build strengths-based school-family-community partnerships. We examined the effects of one... more
Over the past two decades, research on urban schools has focused predominantly on achievement gaps. However, achievement gaps exist because of gaps in opportunities for urban, low-income, and racially/ethnically diverse students.... more
Chpt in R. Kunzendorf (Ed.) Imagery: Recent Developments, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, p. 101-112.
In this article I want to spend time with suffering - how we experience it, the critical role it plays and how we can come to terms with the elements of suffering that we cannot eliminate and still lead fruitful, dignified lives. I have... more
The study investigated the effects of self-management technique in the enhancement of academic self-concept of secondary school students. Quasi Experimental research design was employed for the study. Academic Self-Concept Scale (ASCA)... more
Setiap siswa berpotensi untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai dan norma yang berlaku di lingkungan sosial. Berbagai bentuk pola tingkah laku positif pada siswa lebih lanjut dikembangkan melalui proses... more
The research sought to assess the role of workplace counselling in changing employee behaviour. The research was carried in the form of a case study, in which a sample of 55 employees from a population of 120 employees was used.... more
Abstract Thestudyidentifiedthetypes,causesandhealthhazardsofimproperrefusedisposal inMaiduguriMetropolis,BornoState,Nigeria.Threeresearchquestionswereanswered inthestudy.Adescriptivesurveydesignwasadoptedforthestudy.Targetpopulation... more
This study examined the factor structure of the School Counselor Leadership Survey (SCLS). Survey development was a threefold process that resulted in a 39-item survey of 801 school counselors and school counselor supervisors. The... more
The investigation of the level of Social and Academic Adjustment and the relationship between both of them in Jordan is still inadequate due to lack of research and interest among scholars and researchers. This fact is occurring even... more
This study tested a parent empowerment framework using a national sample of 9,982 parents from the Parent and Family Involvement Survey (National Center for Education Statistics, 2007) to investigate relationships between parent... more
This is a lecture delivered to the students of MA in Sociology at The University of Burdwan. In this lecture, I have taught the basics of Guidance and Counselling.
This paper reviews literature on perspectives, models and dimensions of wellness in the human community. The paper is guided by the notion that individual wellness translates into family wellness which further translates into community... more
The authors examine the effects of school bonding on academic achievement (measured by math achievement scores) in a sample of 12th graders from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (Ingels, Pratt, Rogers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2005).... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students’ sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
adalah (a) Pancasila, mengingat bahwa profesi konseling merupakan usaha pelayanan terhadap sesama manusia dalam rangka ikut membina warga negara yang bertanggung jawab, dan (b) tuntutan profesi, mengacu kepada kebutuhan dan kebahagiaan... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
This study is based on the analysis of narratives during counselling sessions of two clients facing the problem of stuttering. Though the two cases were quite different with regard to their demographic characteristics, but during... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning... more
Abstract This study investigated the common substances abused by seniorsecondary school studentsinYobeState,Nigeria.Itadoptedasurveydesign.Thestudyhasapopulationof 7,684seniorsecondaryschoolstudentsinYobeState.Thestratifiedrandom sampling... more
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
Therapy is multidimensional and has many facets. In examining the style of a very successful therapist, Irvin D. Yalom, we can understand his method of therapy and how his form of therapy developed. In this understanding, we can begin to... more
International student’s enrolment in higher education in the Turkey has expanded considerably in the last decades with the help of Turkey Bursları Scholarship Program. The relevance of this work is determined by the real problems of... more
La gestione della classe La gestione della classe è considerata una delle abilità basilari della professione del docente che, per riuscirci, deve mettere in campo le sue competenze relazionali, affettive e organizzative, onde gestire, in... more
The main aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services in senior high schools in the Jaman North district of Ghana. Case study research design was used to study the topic. The targeted population... more