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Transgenic and non transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L (cultivar Wisconsin) containing Ri T-DNA were treated with 0, 0.2 and 0.4 mgL -1 GA 3 in Murashig and Skoog medium. Some physiological parameters including shoot length, leaf area, number... more
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      BiochemistryMolecular BiologyNicotiana TabacumGrowth parameters
This research was conducted to determine the effect of salicylic acid on the drought tolerance of three pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) rootstocks. The treatments were included three irrigation levels (Control: 100 % ETc, medium stress: 65%... more
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      OsmoregulationGrowth parametersGas ExchangeRelative Water Content
A field experiment was conducted at the Demonstration Farm, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Shambat to investigate the effect of different types of fertilizers on growth and yield of soybean... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceNatural ResourcesOrganic agriculture
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of Thymus vulgaris on growth performance, morphometric, carcass, and blood parameters in local Kabir rooster. Chicks were randomly assigned to one of the... more
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      BiochemistryZoologyAnimal ScienceAgronomy
The relationship between compatible solutes (osmolytes) and antioxidants are the strategies that plants have developed to tolerate salt stress. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study the response of presoaked Sweet Peppers... more
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      Seed germinationSalinityAscorbic AcidGrowth parameters
In this paper, we gathered from the literature: (a) a total of 80 length-length relationships for 20 Greek freshwater fish species and one hybrid; and (b) von Bertalanffy growth parameters for 54 freshwater fish stocks, belonging to 22... more
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      GreeceFreshwater Fish BiologyGrowth parameters
A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 at Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Spices Board research farm in Kabi (1567 m amsl) Sikkim. Among the moisture conservation practices, treatment having trench... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyConservation BiologyAgriculture
The study was undertaken to know the effects of graded levels of wild sunflower meal (WSM) on the growth and haematological changes in thirty-six (36) weaner rabbits. Six (6) rabbits were placed on each of the 6 dietary treatments... more
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      BiochemistryHaematologyGrowth parameters
To cite this paper: Eleroğlu, H., A. Yıldırım, A. Şekeroğlu, F.N. Çoksöyler and M. Duman, 2014. Comparison of growth curves by growth models in slowgrowing chicken genotypes raised the organic system. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16: 529-535
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      Growth ModelsOrganic productionGrowth parametersBroilers
Urbanization in the world increased the pollution levels in the environment making it for worsen life.
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      BioremediationAmmoniaGrowth parametersAcclimatization
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      FisheriesAquacultureCrabGrowth parameters
Endosulfan, a persistent organochlorine pesticide, is widely used in agriculture, causing negative effects on non target organisms, especially aquatic biota, including disruption of hormonal systems. However, the effect of endosulfan on... more
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      Environmental ToxicologyAquatic ToxicologyOxidative StressSex Hormones
The study aimed to know the effect of cement industry pollutant viz. SPM, RSPM on morphological as well as yield characteristics of groundnut plants grown at different distance from the cement industry at Kodinar, Gujrat, India. The... more
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      BiochemistryConservation BiologyEcologyChlorophyll
The main objective of the present study was to analyze and discriminate among nine growth forms (GF) of Haplophyllum tuberculatum collected from six natural sites along the Mediterranean coastal desert of Egypt by applying the phenomenon... more
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      AllelopathyGrowth parametersRaphanus sativusLepidium sativum
Moringa seeds were cultivated in polyethylene bags (1 kg capacity) filled with clay loamy soil. Bags were treated with microorganisms using three methods of inoculation i.e. soil inoculation (single or mixed cultures); leaf inoculation... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyvitamin CBiofertilizers
A field experiment consisting of seven treatments (Oats sole + RDF, Chinese Cabbage sole + RDF, Oats + Chinese Cabbage (1:1) + RDF, Oats + Chinese Cabbage (2:1) + RDF, Oats + Chinese Cabbage (1:2) + RDF, Oats + Chinese Cabbage (2:1) + 75%... more
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Response variation for salt tolerance was assessed in two Zea mays L. cultivars; Giza 2 (salt tolerant) and Hybrid triple 314 (salt sensitive) amended in presence of Rhizobium radiobacter strain (HQ 395610-Egypt) under two N fertilization... more
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      BiochemistrySalinityGrowth parameters
Current study investigated the impact of greenhouse on selected water quality and growth parameters of Nile tilapia. Fingerlings were cultured and uniformly fed on isonitrogenous diet for six months in greenhouse and open ponds. At the... more
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      FisheriesAquacultureGREENHOUSEGrowth parameters
The present experiment designed to evaluate the response growth characteristics of two soybean cultivars (032 and BP) to cold stress (5 °C) at two light intensity levels [normal (8000 lux) or low light (2000 lux) intensity]. Treatments... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesResponses of plant to abiotic stressesStress
— A field study was carried out to at Agriculture Research Institute, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, to investigate the effect of various nitrogen levels on growth and yield contributing traits of two wheat varieties. Wheat... more
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      Soil ScienceAgronomyAgricultureWheat
This is the first detailed study on the age and growth of the Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi in Brazilian waters. A total of 3,651 specimens obtained from surveys and sampling landings using trawlers and long-lines in the... more
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      OtolithGrowth parametersAge Structure
Monocropping of rice is practiced in Assam (situated at north east part of India) throughout the year in different agro-ecosystems (upland and lowland) primarily under rainfed conditions. The estimation of methane emission has been... more
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      Statistical AnalysisWater AvailabilityBiologyApplied Ecology
Tocopherols, identified as vitamin E, are amphipathic molecules known as antioxidant & able to remove ROS in lipophilic conditions. In this study, tobacco plants were cultured on MS medium containing concentrations of 0, 100, 200 mM NaCl... more
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      Salt StressGrowth parametersΑ-Tocopherol
Medicinal plants in developing countries are used as a formational basis for the maintenance of good health, whereas in developed countries they are used for the extracts, development of several drugs, cosmetic purpose, therapeutics and... more
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      Medicinal PlantsGrowth parametersTulsi
Automatic detection and classification of objects is an important functionality of image analysis. Due to the nature and size of objects and the varied visual features, it becomes challenging to detect and classify objects in aerial... more
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      Growth parametersYoloAutomatic Detection
Three hundred sixty juveniles were randomly distributed into 4 treatments each with three replicates and reared in 300 liter tanks for 2 month. Three experimental treatments were fed with stevia supplemented diet at different... more
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      Growth parametersCyprinus Carpio
Two hundred and forty slow–growing chickens consisting of equal numbers of Hubbard S757 (S757) and Hubbard Grey Barred JA (GB–JA) strains were utilized for the investigation in organics system and were used to estimate growth curve in... more
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      Poultry ScienceAgriculture (Biology)Growth ModelsOrganic production
• Seeds of Andrographis paniculata, Barleria prionitis and Rhinacanthus polonnaruwensis are orthodox and do not need special conditions for long term storage. • Seeds of R. polonnaruwensis do not have dormancy while B. prionitis and A.... more
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      Traditional MedicineMedicinal PlantsSeed germinationSeed dormancy
This study was conducted on saline soil collected from Biosaline Research Station (BSRS) of Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) Faisalabad, Pakistan to determine the effect of potassium fertilizer (KCl) on growth... more
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      EucalyptusGrowth parametersSaline Soil
A field experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bijapur on medium deep black soil during rabi seasons of 2004 and 2005 to study the influence of different rabi intercrops on growth and productivity of senna.... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureIntercroppingGrowth parameters
A field experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bijapur on medium deep black soil during rabi seasons of 2004 and 2005 to study the influence of different rabi intercrops on growth and productivity of senna.... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureIntercroppingGrowth parameters
Whitespotted rabbitish, S. canaliculatus is the dominant species in the catches of siganids of Oman. In recent years, the fishing pressure on the stock of S. canaliculatus has increased considerably. No information on the stock parameters... more
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      FisheriesMortalityOmanGrowth parameters