A vehicular ad hoc network is a capable method of making possible road well-being, traffic supervision, as well as information distribution for driving users and travelers. One definitive objective in the blueprint of this type of network... more
A Zero-knowledge protocol provides provably secure entity authentication based on a hard computational problem. Among many schemes proposed since 1984, the most practical rely on factoring and discrete log, but still they are practical... more
Acoustic territorial displays are common among birds but comparatively rare among mammals. An exceptionally vocal mammal well-known for its elaborate territorial displays is the polygynous greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata.... more
In this paper, we introduce Attribute-Based Signatures with User-Controlled Linkability (ABS-UCL). Attribute-based signatures allow a signer who has enough credentials/attributes to anonymously sign a message w.r.t. some public policy... more
This paper proposes a new efficient signature scheme from bilinear maps that is secure in the standard model (i.e., without the random oracle model). Our signature scheme is more effective in many applications (e.g., blind signatures,... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Vehicular adhoc network is one of the recent area of research to administer safety to human lives, controlling of messages and in disposal of messages to users and passengers. VANETs allows communication of moving vehicular nodes.... more
We propose a version of ring signatures for which the set of potential signers may be reduced: the real signer can prove that he or she has created the signature, while every other member of the ring can prove not to be the signer.... more
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a particular subclass of mobile ad hoc networks that raise a number of security challenges, notably from the way users authenticate the network. Authentication technologies based on existing security... more
Vocal learning is well known among passerine and psittacine birds, but most data on mammals are equivocal. Speci¢c bene¢ts of vocal learning are poorly understood for most species. One case where vocal learning should be favoured by... more
The advent of the cloud computing makes storage outsourcing becomes a rising trend, which promotes the secure remote data auditing a hot topic that appeared in the research literature. Recently some researches consider the problem of... more
Without trust, buyers may not join a coalition. Despite the tremendous need for trustworthy relationships in buyer coalitions, no current buyer coalition scheme explicitly tackles confidence issues with blockchain technology. This study... more
In order to improve road traffic safety, reduce congestion, improving driving experience, intelligent transportation systems and vehicular networking concepts arises at the historic moment. In vehicle larger density scene, can't guarantee... more
A Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) scheme allows anyone to verify the validity of the shares computed and distributed by a dealer. The idea of PVSS was introduced by Stadler in [18] where he presented a PVSS scheme based on... more
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is an advanced cryptographic technique that secures data by leveraging user attributes rather than conventional cryptographic keys. Expanding upon this, Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (MA-ABE)... more
It is considered a group signature scheme in frame of which different sets of signers sign electronic documents with hidden signatures and the head of the signing group generates a group signature of fixed size. A new mechanism for... more
Anonymity is an important feature in many twoparty communication systems. Its main meaning is that either the message sender or the receiver (or both) is unidentifiable to other users, even between themselves. Many mechanisms have been... more
This thesis studies a particular functionality for privacy-preserving systems, that allows a user to demonstrate a proof showing that the user has been approved by a number of authorities, without revealing their identities. We first... more
Linkable ring signatures is a useful cryptographic tool for constructing applications such as ones relative to electronic voting (e-voting), digital cashes (e-cashes) as well as cloud computing. Equipped with linkable ring signatures,... more
Linkable ring signatures is a useful cryptographic tool for constructing applications such as ones relative to electronic voting (e-voting), digital cashes (e-cashes) as well as cloud computing. Equipped with linkable ring signatures,... more
For increasing safety of driving, intelligent vehicles in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) communicate with each other by sending announcements. The existence of a system that guarantees the trustworthiness of these announcements seems... more
Many types of digital signature schemes have been researched and published in recent years. In this paper, we propose two new types of collective signature schemes, namely i) the collective signature for several signing groups and ii) the... more
The representative collective digital signature scheme allows the creation of a unique collective signature on document M that represents an entire signing community consisting of many individual signers and many different signing groups,... more
Due to the rapid development of new technologies, data security is one of the big challenges in today's world. Particularly, in the healthcare field, a large amount of data is generated every day. To maintain the patient personal records... more
G-Merkle (GM) (PQCrypto 2018) is the first hash-based group signature scheme where it was stated that multi-tree approaches are not applicable, thus limiting the maximum number of supported signatures to 2 20. DGM (ESORICS 2019) is a... more
Recently non-abelian groups have attracted the atten- tion of cryptographers for constructing public-key cryp- tographic protocols. In this paper we use the conju- gacy problem in non-abelian groups to construct a zero- knowledge... more
In group signature schemes, one of the important issues is the member revocation, and lots of revocable schemes have been proposed. Recently, Group Signature scheme with Probabilistic Revocation (GSPR) is proposed. In GSPR, by employing a... more
Artin's braid groups have been recently suggested as a new source for public-key cryptography. In this paper we propose the first group signature schemes based on the conjugacy problem, decomposition problem and root problem in the braid... more
Recently non-abelian groups have attracted the atten- tion of cryptographers for constructing public-key cryp- tographic protocols. In this paper we use the conju- gacy problem in non-abelian groups to construct a zero- knowledge... more
In this work we propose the first code-based group signature. As it will be described below, its security is based on a relaxation of the model of Bellare, Shi and Zhang [3] (BSZ model) verifying the properties of anonymity, traceability... more
Partially-blind signatures find many applications in the area of anonymity, such as in e-cash or e-voting systems. They extend classical blind signatures, with a signed message composed of two parts: a public one (common to the user and... more
In 2008, Groth and Sahai proposed a powerful suite of techniques for constructing non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs in bilinear groups. Their proof systems have found numerous applications, including group signature schemes, anonymous... more
We propose in this paper a security protocol based on periodic change of pseudonyms. The idea is to avoid illegal traceability of vehicles during their communications and preserve their privacy and confidential information. Two different... more
As the next generation of computing technology, as per customer demand and requirements, cloud computing offers the flexibility to dynamically add new resources and services. An increasing number of people and organizations are now able... more
We introduce a lattice-based group signature scheme that provides several noticeable improvements over the contemporary ones: simpler construction, weaker hardness assumptions, and shorter sizes of keys and signatures. Moreover, our... more
The increasing growth of storage data in the cloud and virtual reality allows it a significant challenge to maintain the security of data that is outsourced by the data owners. The existing protocols for the auditing of cloud storage... more
In 2005 I. Anshel, M. Anshel, D. Goldfeld, and S. Lemieux introduced E-Multiplication, a quantum-resistant, group-theoretic, one-way function which can be used as a basis for many different cryptographic applications. To date, all... more
As the next generation of computing technology, as per customer demand and requirements, cloud computing offers the flexibility to dynamically add new resources and services. An increasing number of people and organizations are now able... more
This paper presents a privacy-preserving identity management system, referred to as Pima. The proposed system is built over a novel unlinkable malleable signature scheme, called UMS. Pima supports pseudonymity, as it is more in line with... more
Security and protection of private user information are a prerequisite for the deployment of the mobile network technologies.Nevertheless, the establishment of secure communication architecture within mobile ad hoc networks addresses... more
A Sybil attack consists of an adversary assuming multiple identities to defeat the trust of an existing reputation system. When Sybil attacks are launched in vehicular networks, the mobility of vehicles increases the difficulty of... more
Secure group communications present a unique environment where there can be multiple clients and hosts are trying to communicate securely within the group. As the number of clients and hosts increases the complexity of the communication... more
a violação da desigualdade de Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt na prática. Após realizar o experimento, usaram os dados na desigualdade e concluíram que a desigualdade, obtida por meio de argumentos probabilísticos, era violada, confirmando as... more
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising communication scenario. Several new applications are envisioned, which will improve traffic management and safety. As VANETs present some unique features (e.g. high mobility of nodes,... more
Code-based cryptography has a long history but did suffer from periods of slow development. The field has recently attracted a lot of attention as one of the major branches of post-quantum cryptography. However, its subfield of... more
We introduce a lattice-based group signature scheme that provides several noticeable improvements over the contemporary ones: simpler construction, weaker hardness assumptions, and shorter sizes of keys and signatures. Moreover, our... more
Groups can be formed as a fixed or static set or as a varying or dynamic set. Previously, no researcher considered groups, other than the two configurations. Yet, a new method is the formation of groups and the signatures, based on demand... more
SummaryGroups can be formed as a fixed or static set or as a varying or dynamic set. Previously, no researcher considered groups, other than the two configurations. Yet, a new method is the formation of groups and the signatures, based on... more
Traditional (physical) access control systems are well-established mechanisms, allowing organizations to determine who should be able to access which physical space. This can either be a facility such as a critical infrastructure with a... more
In 2008, Groth and Sahai proposed a general methodology for constructing non-interactive zero-knowledge (and witness-indistinguishable) proofs in bilinear groups. While avoiding expensive NP-reductions, these proof systems are still... more