Group Project

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A group project is a collaborative academic assignment where multiple individuals work together to achieve a common goal, typically involving research, problem-solving, and the integration of diverse skills and perspectives. It emphasizes teamwork, communication, and the collective contribution of members to produce a unified outcome.
In the fall of 1997, we started using small groups in our large ( 100 ± 200 students ) junior level introductory microbiology course. Students form five -person groups early in the semester, and work on projects within these groups... more
We report the findings from two studies that examine the association between emotional intelligence and leadership emergence in small groups. In both studies, members of groups completed measures of emotional intelligence and other... more
A model for community-based conservation and development is presented, potentially applicable wherever communities rely on locally collected medicinal plants. The motivational foundation for conservation offered by these plants relates to... more
The Journal of Business Cases and Applications is dedicated to publishing quality applied business small cases and classroom applications/exercises designed to help business academics. Our goal is to share short cases and exercises... more
Work culture is a way of working based on a value system that is upheld and accepted by every individual in a group or organization. In this study, a group is defined as a group of students who were given a responsibility to execute an... more
On the basis of the first frames obtained by using CCD cameras SBIG ST-10ME and Apogee Alta U42 attached to the 60 cm telescope at Vidojevica, we report the measurements of double and multiple stars and the parameters of the limiting... more
Background: The behaviour of individuals is affected by the social networks in which they are embedded. Networks are also important for the diffusion of information and the influence of employees in organisations. Yet, at the moment... more
Teachers and students from St. Mary's School in Medford, Oregon attended the 2009 and 2010 Astronomy Research Workshop at Pine Mountain Observatory in Oregon. They compared the accuracy of their double star observations on an Alt-Az and... more
One of the most important questions for an educator is how best to help students learn, and another is of course what they should learn. We will address both these questions from a learning theory perspective in the context of Open Ended... more
There is a gap between the problems our students typically encounter in their education and the problems they are likely to be asked to solve in their future employments. Real-world problems are often illstructured (open ended) and we... more
This paper examines the role of farmer groups in information and technology dissemination, focusing on the factors that make groups effective in extending technologies to farmers in Meru Central District of Kenya. The research method was... more
Jameson contends that the individual self has been annihilated by postmodernism since it is no longer a centred subject, yet this presupposes that subjectivity is impossible without a rigorous homogeneity of all ideological messages... more
by mj ata
A cover for a group is a collection of proper subgroups whose union is the whole group. A cover is irredundant if no proper sub-collection is also a cover and is called maximal if all its members are maximal subgroups. For an integer n >... more
rio da FEI como parte dos requisitos necessá-rios para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica. São Bernardo do Campo
Since the mid 1970s, project management associations around the world have made serious attempts to conduct themselves as professional associations. Traditional professions distinguished themselves by emphasising standards such as service... more
This study examined the factors perceived by in-service teachers as either facilitating or impeding successful completion of online group work in a virtual graduate school of education program. Based on a quantified qualitative data... more
This paper uses a survey of over 330 colleges of business to examine: 1) Whether an Information Systems core course is employed by the college? 2) What content this required course contains? 3) How many colleges are now requiring students... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
The study aims at investigating students' behaviors and perceptions regarding the collaborative learning based group project using the wiki environment. The study utilized Google Sites as a case, and analyzed file unloads, the use of web... more
Given a ring of ternions R, i. e., a ring isomorphic to that of upper triangular 2 × 2 matrices with entries from an arbitrary commutative field F , a complete classification is performed of the vectors from the free left R-module R n+1 ,... more
The aim of this special session is to connect researchers interested in computing and engineering education for sustainability. We will explore the use of care and care ethics as a theoretical perspective to develop sustainability... more
The IT in Society course is based on an Open Ended Group project framework that has been developed in an action research manner. It is a course where students participate in a real project, where they have the possibility to take part of... more
Students of today need to be prepared to work in globally distributed organizations. Part of that preparation involves teaching students to work effectively in teams to solve problems. Students also must be able to work with individuals... more
Educational methods race to keep pace with the opportunities afforded by technology, and in computer science we need methods that tie together the diverse aspects of the discipline and set them in a realistic human context. Projects have... more
We have been engaged in computing education research for close to two decades. One characteristic of the field has been a preponderance of exploratory research, Marco Polo papers as Valentine termed them. Even considering the entire... more
This paper describes some issues concerning assessment and the corresponding motivation for students to work in a desired manner. The issues came from studying assessment in the Runestone project, but are, as we see them, of general... more
BackgroundThe Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has since 2012 conducted pre and in-service One health (OH) trainings with the objective of... more
Every semester, we deliver a capstone course on software engineering where students undertake a real-world project in three iterations. By the end of each iteration, students are graded in several dimensions: software quality, project... more
This research explored how between-group eollaboration enhanced the co-construction of knowledge and performance on project-based learning tasks of collaborative learning groups. The findings of 2 case studies, one that focused on... more
Since the late 1930s when Kurt Lewin and his coworkers began their pioneering investigation on the impact of group work on children's behavior and performance, the benefits of cooperative learning strategies have often been extolled by... more
The A9 dopaminergic (DA) neuronal group projecting to the dorsal striatum is the most vulnerable in Parkinson's disease (PD). We genetically engineered mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to express the transcription factors Nurr1 or Pitx3.... more
This study aims to assess the students' achievement of program outcomes (POs) for the Reinforced Concrete Design Course. The POs achievement for students in session 2009/2010 is evaluated and then compared with the previous session of... more
Mesencephalic neurons projecting to the upper cervical spinal cord were examined by mapping the distributions of labeled cells after injecting fluorescent tracers or wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP)... more
Approximately 57% of students in the United States work while attending college. For most of these students (81%), this is more than 20 hours a week. There has been shown to be a negative relationship between hours worked and academic... more
In this paper, we describe an embodied conversational kiosk that builds on research in embodied conversational agents (ECAs) and on information displays in mixed reality and kiosk format in order to display spatial intelligence. ECAs... more
Statistics show that the number of students enrolling in technology based degree programmes has dropped dramatically in the past number of years. There are many possible reasons for this, including misconceptions on the nature of the... more
Reciprocal peer learning involves students learning from, and with, each other. This paper details a peer learning centred course where small teams of students design and develop a multifunctional robot using LEGO Mindstorms™. In... more
Background The Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has since 2012 conducted pre and in-service One health (OH) trainings with the objective of... more
Typically, most of the feedback to the students in a class is from the grader or instructor. However, enhanced student-student interactions and collaboration are known to improve student motivation and student learning. In this paper,... more
The Fano-Snowflake, a specific configuration associated with the smallest ring of ternions R ♦ (arXiv:0803.4436 and arXiv:0806.3153), admits an interesting partitioning with respect to the Jacobson radical of R ♦. The totality of 21 free... more
To explore how group member behaviour influences group performance, most studies stress on the influences of group leadership. However, the existence of member-roles is also an effective indicator of group performance, meanwhile; teachers... more
In a web group-learning environment, students must communicate with other group members on the Internet to accomplish group projects and share knowledge. Communication is likely to affect performance and so analysing the relationship... more
To evaluate the portfolio in assessing interprofessional learning between medical and midwifery students. The student portfolio is assessed using a rubric consisting of four assessment criteria. A total of 32 student portfolios were... more
In this study, category-based self and peer assessment were applied twice in a semester in an Elementary Science Teaching Methods course in order to assess individual contributions of group members to group projects as well as to analyze... more