Group Processes
Recent papers in Group Processes
Suppose that a large number of individuals are randomly matched into groups where each group plays a finite symmetric game. Individuals breed true according to their individual material payoffs, but the expected number of surviving... more
The influence of teammates' shared mental models on team processes and performance was tested using 56 undergraduate dyads who "flew" a series of missions on a personal-computer-based flightcombat simulation. The authors both conceptually... more
Evidence suggests that student nurses need to share their personal responses to practice by describing their feelings and experiences. These experiences are often accompanied by a degree of stress. Whilst reflection may enhance students'... more
anagement of asthma often focuses on "crisis intervention," meaning that the disease is addressed only when a problem occurs. Shifting emphasis to a preventive health model, which includes guided self-management, has been shown to reduce... more
Participants' perspectives of a multi-component, group-based weight loss programme supplement for cardiac rehabilitation: A qualitative study Addressing overweight and obesity in people with cardiovascular risk factors is an important... more
Background. The aviation industry uses crew resource management (CRM) to address the human aspect of error. Dentistry can incorporate these concepts to reduce dental error. The authors provide a checklist to help clinicians mitigate... more
A participatory ergonomics model was designed for improving working conditions, quality, and productivity in a medium-sized manufacturing enterprise by making use of a Supportive Expert Team (SET). In order to implement the model, a... more
Focus group methodology uses focused interviews to obtain information from individuals and interactions among individuals in a small group setting. In this article we share the insights we have gained from using focus group methodology in... more
ABSTRACT. The authors compared the performance of 78 African American 5th-grade students who studied a math-estimation task in one of two learning contexts. Learning contexts differed in the degree to which they afforded the expression of... more
Seventy-two male Israeli students were exposed to a violent crime in the course of a bogus discussion. Their awareness of other bystanders' lack of reaction to the emergency (social influence) and others' awareness of their actions... more
Two experiments investigated differences in forming impressions of individual and group targets. Experiment 1 showed that when forming an impression of an individual, perceivers made more extreme trait judgments, made those judgments more... more
The chameleon effect refers to nonconscious mimicry of the postures, mannerisms, facial expressions, and other behaviors of one's interaction partners, such that one's behavior passively and unintentionally changes to match that of others... more
The management of occupational health and safety (OHS) including safety culture interventions is comprised of complex problems that are often hard to scope and define. Due to the dynamic nature and complexity of OHS management, the... more
Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention for reading-delayed children in Year-1 classes. Methods: A sample (N ¼ 77) of children drawn from 14 schools representing those with the weakest reading skills were... more
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a phonological awareness (PA) intervention, designed for Tier 2 instruction in a Response to Intervention (RTI) model, delivered to small groups of preschoolers. A multiple... more
Background: Recent research indicates that university students are interested and active in supporting their learning by using Facebook, a popular social networking website. Aim: This study aimed to add to our understanding of how or how... more
Teams are the fundamental element of work in the contemporary clinical setting. As interdisciplinary teams become an essential component of the evidence-based framework for clinical practice, their formalization, integration, and... more
In many healthcare systems, treatment recommendations for cancer patients are formulated by multidisciplinary tumor boards (MTBs). Evidence suggests that interdisciplinary contributions to case reviews in the meetings are unequal and... more
PURPOSE In 2003, we described initial use of teambased learning (TBL) at 10 medical schools. The purpose of the present study was to review progress and understand factors affecting the use of TBL at these schools during the subsequent 2... more
Little is known about the neurobiological mechanisms underlying prosocial decisions and how they are modulated by social factors such as perceived group membership. The present study investigates the neural processes preceding the... more
Background. During recent decades, self-regulated learning (SRL) has become a major research field. SRL successfully integrates the cognitive and motivational components of learning. Self-regulation is usually seen as an individual... more
Background: The purpose of this research was to translate into Spanish and examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS) in male soccer players. The CCBS is a questionnaire... more
To evaluate whether attending diabetes group visits (GVs) leads to lower medical care charges for inadequately insured patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Randomized controlled clinical trial. Data were abstracted from financial... more
Identity control theory has long posited that there are positive emotional consequences to identity verification and negative emotional consequences to the lack of identity verification . While some of the positive consequences of... more
Five studies examined the effects of priming the secure base schema on intergroup bias. In addition, Studies 1-2 examined the effects of dispositional attachment style, Studies 2-5 examined a mood interpretation, Study 3 examined the... more
Background Problem-based learning (PBL) and other small-group teaching methods which incorporate principles of adult learning, are exciting innovations in medical education. In the application of these methods to medical curricula many... more
A number of interpersonal issues relevant to manned space missions have been identified from the literature. These include crew tension, cohesion, leadership, language and cultural factors, and displacement. Ground-based studies by others... more
Objectives. Hearing voices groups (HVGs) are increasingly common in National Health Services and are often preferred to individual therapy by both service users and providers. Whilst a range of approaches exist, mixed results have been... more
Objective: To examine university students' attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs related to hazing. Methods: A random and representative sample of students completed a web-based survey regarding teambuilding and initiation behaviors (N=736).... more
Book Award 1997, Academy of Management. This award is granted annually to author of book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge and published during the past two years.... more
New leaders face a challenging task when they take charge of their teams. They have to determine how best to guide the work process, and they must understand how their behaviors will affect the members of their team. This research... more
Psychological studies of relationships tend to focus on specific types of close personal relationships (romantic, parent-offspring, friendship) and examine characteristics of both the individuals and the dyad. This paper looks more... more
The toll in death, suffering, and displacement caused by conflicts engaging groups defined by ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other social identities has reached staggering proportions over the past decade. With expertise in research... more
Care pathways are often said to promote interprofessional teamwork. As no systematic review on pathway effectiveness has ever focused on how care pathways promote teamwork, the objective of this review was to study this relationship. We... more
Focus groups are used frequently in nursing research as a method for collecting qualitative data. However, due to inadequate planning or execution, the results can be of poor quality or even worthless. A well-defined purpose, carefully... more