Ground Motion

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Ground motion refers to the movement of the Earth's surface caused by seismic waves generated by earthquakes, explosions, or other geological phenomena. It is characterized by parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and duration, and is crucial for assessing seismic hazards and designing earthquake-resistant structures.
1] Pd is the peak amplitude of displacement in the first three seconds after the arrival of the P wave. We investigated the attenuation of Pd with the hypocentral distance R in southern California as a function of magnitude M, and... more
Rotational motions generated by large earthquakes in the far field have been successfully measured, and observations agree well with the classical elasticity theory. However, recent rotational measurements in the near field of earthquakes... more
A digital seismic measuring chain is an electromechanical system able to record the lowest natural ground motions observable on Earth but also to measure signals from largest earthquakes. Its cornerstones are an inertial seismometer and a... more
SUMMARY: A shallow subsurface-structure model improves the accuracy and applicable frequency-range of broadband ground-motion prediction. We have integrated a 3D velocity model of the shallow subsurface structure beneath the Tokyo... more
During a disastrous earthquake, the early assessment and timely reporting of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) maps will be crucial in an effective emergency response operation. In this study, we first... more
Deep deposits of the Mississippi Embayment, overlying the New Madrid Seismic Zone, present unique challenges for the estimation of local site effects on propagated ground motion. Limited information is available on the dynamic properties... more
The amplitudes of strong ground motions from the Loma Prieta earthquake recorded in the San Francisco and Oakland areas exceeded the levels predicted by standard empirical attenuation relations. Preliminary analysis of accelerograms... more
The characterization of the prominent features of near-fault pulse-like ground motions is under scrutiny. Relationships between pulse characteristics and the performance of structures are here established. Two wavelet energy-based signal... more
A new procedure for probabilistic seismic risk assessment of nuclear power plants (NPPs) is proposed. This procedure modifies the current procedures using tools developed recently for performance-based earthquake engineering of buildings.... more
Development of performance-based design (PBD) methodologies for buildings and a better understanding of the performance and damage to nonstructural components during ground motion events give rise to design problems that involve... more
The Nile valley and the Nile delta are part of the active rift that is probably connected with the Red Sea tectonism. This zone is characterized by small-to-moderate size earthquakes that have caused extremely severe damage to recent and... more
The European Union has been promoting an homogenisation of the design rules for earthquake resistant structures through the Eurocode 8, which will soon become the official standard (CEN, 2003). However, the zonation for the basic... more
This paper presents a general formulation of the model predictive control (MPC) scheme for controlling in real time the response of structures under earthquakes. The MPC scheme is based on an explicit use of a prediction model of the... more
The 2003 San Simeon, California, earthquake (M 6.5) generated a set of colocated and closely spaced high-rate (1-sample-per-second) Global Positioning System (GPS) positions and ground motions from digital accelerographs in the Parkfield... more
Deep deposits of the Mississippi Embayment, overlying the New Madrid Seismic Zone, present unique challenges for the estimation of local site effects on propagated ground motion. Limited information is available on the dynamic properties... more
A temporary network of 10 broad-band seismic stations has been installed in French Polynesia for the Polynesian Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Experiment (PLUME). All the seismic stations were installed either on volcanic islands or on... more
The recently published Iraqi earthquake data file over the period 1905-1984 is used to derive a local lo-M s formula. This is then combined with a local intensity attenuation relationship to compile the observed I o (MM) zoning map for... more
A set of fragility curves for the bridges commonly found in the Central and Southeastern United States (CSUS) is presented. Using the results of an inventory analysis of the typical bridges in the CSUS, four typical bridge types are... more
On 29 December 1993, a slump-earthflow was activated in the outskirts of Senerchia (southern Italy) in a locality named "Vadoncello". Mass movement has been active until the time of writing, at a variable rate. Maximum velocity was... more
This paper presents an overview of the seismic microzonation and the grade/level based study along with methods used for estimating hazard. The principles of seismic microzonation along with some current practices are discussed. Summary... more
Results of an extensive numerical study on two-dimensional wave scattering by valleys of semi-elliptical cross-section due to incident SH, SV and P waves are presented. The investigation has been conducted using a rigorous boundary... more
The M w 6.5 Achaia-Elia (Greece) earthquake on 8 June 2008 was a rightlateral strike-slip event on a nearly vertical faul. Moment tensor solutions coupled with geologic structure and aftershock distributions suggest a fault strike of... more
Various analytical approaches to performance-based earthquake engineering are in development. This paper summarizes the approach being pursued by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. It works in four stages: hazard... more
Strain energy concept has been employed by the researchers for the assessment of liquefaction phenomenon which is a disastrous type of earthquake-induced failure in saturated soils. The efficiency and predictability conditions of strain... more
A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Province of Murcia in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral accelerations [SA(T)] is presented in this paper. In contrast to most of the previous studies in the region, which... more
In seismic retrofit of a long-span truss bridge in Japan, a new retrofit scheme was applied in which the existing bearings of the bridge were replaced by a new floor deck isolation system. The floor decks and isolation system together can... more
Over 10,000 landslides were triggered by the September 21, 1999, Chi-Chi Earthquake. A large number of these landslides have been mapped from SPOT images and a smaller number were described in a detailed field investigation. Geographic... more
In the conventional design, buildings are generally considered to be fixed at their bases. In reality, flexibility of the supporting soil medium allows some movement of the foundation. This decreases the overall stiffness of the building... more
In this paper, we adopt three ground-motion simulation techniques (the stochastic finite-fault simulation code from ; the hybrid deterministic-stochastic approach with approximated Green's functions from and the broadband hybrid... more
measures. Summary This article reviews the ground motion parameters that can be assumed as structural and non-structural damage measures. Measures of seismic damage potential based on ground motion records are first described, followed by... more
by Lin Li
Current methods to improve the engineering properties of sands are diverse with respect to methodology, treatment uniformity, cost, environmental impact, site accessibility requirements, etc. All of these methods have benefits and... more
The National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan started the HAZ-Taiwan project in 1998 to promote researches on seismic hazard analysis, structural damage assessment, and socio-economic loss estimation. The associated application software,... more
In seismic retrofit of a long-span truss bridge in Japan, a new retrofit scheme was applied in which the existing bearings of the bridge were replaced by a new floor deck isolation system. The floor decks and isolation system together can... more
This paper proposes a design methodology for zipper-braced frames aimed at achieving ductile behavior. Three zipper-braced models were designed on the basis of the proposed design procedure to carry the same masses as the 3-, 9-, 20-story... more
This paper presents a formal probabilistic framework for seismic design and assessment of structures and its application to steel moment-resisting frame buildings. This is the probabilistic basis for the 2000 SAC Federal Emergency... more
The mapping of the seismic ground motion in Bucharest, due to the strong Vrancea earthquakes is carried out using a complex hybrid waveform modeling method which combines the modal summation technique, valid for laterally homogeneous... more
A large number of industrial facilities were damaged during the 1999 M w 7.4 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake. One of those industrial facilities, Habas plant located within 10 km of the fault trace, provides liquefied gases to commercial... more
Flat-slab RC buildings exhibit several advantages over conventional moment-resisting frames. However, the structural effectiveness of flat-slab construction is hindered by its alleged inferior performance under earthquake loading.... more
The generalized nonstationary Kanai-Tajimi model is used to describe and simulate the ground motion time histories. Both amplitude and frequency nonstationarities are incorporated in the model. The moving time-window technique is used to... more
A comprehensive study carried out to assess the seismic response of a 59-span bridge using a refined inelastic modeling approach and considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) is summarized in this paper. The focus is on describing the... more
The damage to non structural masonry infills in RC frame structures induced by earthquake ground motions represents a considerable source of economic losses and a serious threat to human lives. Although measures for the prevention of... more
Proper selection and ranking of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) is critical for successful logic-tree implementation in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The present study explores this issue in predicting peak ground... more
Logic trees are widely used in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis as a tool to capture the epistemic uncertainty associated with the seismogenic sources and the ground-motion prediction models used in estimating the hazard. Combining... more
An important step in effectively reducing seismic risk and the vulnerability of a city located in an earthquake prone area is to conduct a ground motion microzonation study for the desired return period. The International Institute of... more
This paper critically reviews seismic design practices in light of the observed performance of landfills during recent earthquakes. Developments in these areas are summarized as follows: earthquake ground motions, dynamic waste fill... more