Ground Motion

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Ground motion refers to the movement of the Earth's surface caused by seismic waves generated by earthquakes, explosions, or other geological phenomena. It is characterized by parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and duration, and is crucial for assessing seismic hazards and designing earthquake-resistant structures.
Building damage level due to earthquake is widely related to the features of the record which consist of many parameters. Although it is difficult to realize the ground motion parameters that have high influence on building performance,... more
In this paper, a performance-based seismic design procedure, which is directly associated with pre-quantified performance criteria, is presented by employing a displacement-based approach. A lower bound of yielding displacement of the... more
The objective of this work is to test whether an empirical Ground Motion Model (GMM) developed for high-seismicity regions can be effectively adapted to a neighbouring region with lower seismic activity. We select the ITA18 suite of GMMs... more
New performance-based earthquake engineering methods developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, the Applied Technology Council, and others include damage analysis at a highly detailed level, requiring the compilation... more
C onstruction industry consumes a lot of mineral resources and is the most energy intensive sector. In addition, it is responsible for a high percentage of green house gas emissions and hence has large environmental impact. The use of... more
Particle accelerators pushed the limits of our knowledge in search of the answers to most fundamental questions about micro-world and our Universe. In these pursuits, accelerators progressed to higher and higher energies and particle beam... more
Dynamic effects on an arch dam should be taken into account together with gravity and hydrostatic pressure for the most critical conditions. This study presents three-dimensional linear earthquake response of an arch dam. Different soil... more
Dynamic effects on an arch dam should be taken into account for the ground motions. This study presents threedimensional linear earthquake response of an arch dam. Different ground motion effects and besides rigid and elastic foundation... more
We describe the main structure and outcomes of the new probabilistic seismic hazard model for Italy, MPS19 [Modello di Pericolosità Sismica, 2019]. Besides to outline the probabilistic framework adopted, the multitude of new data that... more
Earthquakes are disastrous to mankind. It affects human life, buildings and economy. Overcoming the after effects of earthquakes & diseases all imposes challenges to human life. All these can be minimised if early detection & warning of... more
This paper employs three-dimensional parallel finite elements to assess the seismic response and resilience of various pile group configurations. The numerical model was verified in the literature through two large-scale shaking table... more
Site response analysis, namely the analysis of the wave propagation of shear waves through a soil deposit, requires the specification of the input ground motion and the dynamic characterization of the soil deposit. While the stochastic... more
Predicting the usability of a building, i.e. its condition of being occupiable after a seismic event, is relevant both in a postemergency situation and within a risk-reduction policy. In the past an empirical model was proposed, involving... more
Hypnosis Treatment for Mental Illness in Colonial Bengal During the colonial period in Bengal, hypnosis emerged as an experimental yet controversial method for treating mental illness. Influenced by European scientific and medical... more
A new stochastic methodology for the generation of artificial, fully non-stationary, and spectrumcompatible seismic accelerograms is proposed. The model operates in the time-frequency (TF) domain and combines spectral representation... more
Within the last decade, the number of earthquake events in Northern Thailand has significantly increased. At least, two major earthquakes have occurred in this region: the 2011 M w 6.8 Tarlay Earthquake and the 2014 M w 6.3 Mae Lao... more
Within the last decade, the number of earthquake events in Northern Thailand has significantly increased. At least, two major earthquakes have occurred in this region: the 2011 M w 6.8 Tarlay Earthquake and the 2014 M w 6.3 Mae Lao... more
This article highlights the implication of site-specific properties on seismic ground response studies. One-dimensional equivalent linear ground response analysis was carried out using site-specific dynamic properties of locally available... more
In this study, one dimensional equivalent–linear ground response analyses were performed for some typical sites in the Guwahati city, India. Six bore locations covering about 250 km2 area of the city were considered for the analyses. As... more
We consider, using theory and associated synthetic seismograms, the seismic response of a site comprising a horizontal, homogeneous, soft viscoelastic layer of infinite lateral extent overlying, and in welded contact with, a homogeneous,... more
The double impulse input is introduced as a substitute of the fling-step near-fault ground motion and a closed-form solution of the elastic-plastic response of a structure by the "critical double impulse input" is derived. Since only the... more
Earthquakes are disastrous to mankind. It affects human life, buildings and economy. Overcoming the after effects of earthquakes & diseases all imposes challenges to human life. All these can be minimised if early detection & warning of... more
Between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, Barcelona was expanded, occupying the terrains connecting the old walled city and the nearby towns of the plateau of Barcelona. At that time, a large number of... more
This paper investigates variability in bobbing and jumping actions, including variations within a population of eight test subjects (intersubject variability) and variability on a cycle-by-cycle basis for each individual (intrasubject... more
The city of Sofia is exposed to a high seismidc risk. Macroseismic intensities in the range of VIII -X (MSK) can be expected in the city. The earthquakes, that can influence the hazard at Sofia, originate either beneath the city or are... more
Elastomeric bearings are one of the most commonly used seismic isolators, whose considerably grown number of applications in recent years witnesses the confidence in seismic isolation. On the other hand, full-scale experimentation of... more
The effects of the axial load variations on the seismic response of bridges isolated with friction pendulum systems (FPS) are investigated. A series of parametric time history non-linear analyses are performed for different bridge... more
To better estimate the seismic ground motion during the April 6th, 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila, we deployed temporary arrays in the near-source region. Several arrays have been successively set up in the Aterno valley's epicentral area... more
Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is a powerful method for evaluating the seismic performance of structural systems. When undertaking IDA, ground motion records are scaled in accordance with a certain seismic intensity level up until the... more
Many seismologists have looked at the 26 January 2001 Bhuj earthquake as a key modern calibration event that could be used to improve estimates of magnitudes of large historic mainshocks in stable continental regions. Since no... more
We developed a Real-time Online earthquake Simulation system (ROS) to simulate regional earthquakes in Taiwan. The ROS uses a centroid moment tensor solution of seismic events from a Real-time Moment Tensor monitoring system (RMT), which... more
In conjunction with site-specific studies, probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) is crucial in formulating site-specific response spectra to provide valuable insights into local seismic hazard variations. A site-specific seismic... more
This paper presents SEISM-HOME (SElection of Input Strong Motion for HOmogeneous MEgazone), an interactive application created to support non-expert users to automatically define the seismic input required to carry out dynamic analyses of... more
For the time lapse study in CCS and EOR, we have proposed the method using the seismic ACROSS (Accurately Controlled and Routinely Operated Signal System) and geophone array. However, it is considered that the near-surface effects and... more
Hybrid broadband ground motion simulations in the Indo-Gangetic basin for great Himalayan earthquake scenarios. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
Complex finite-faulting source processes have important consequences for near-source ground motions, but empirical ground-motion prediction equations still lack near-source data and hence cannot fully capture near-fault shaking effects.... more
This article investigates different approaches for assessing the degree of roughness of the slip distribution of future earthquakes. First, we analyze a database of slip images extracted from a suite of 152 finite-source rupture models... more
We investigate near-field ground-motion variability by computing the seismic wavefield for five kinematic unilateral-rupture models of the 1992 M w 7.3 Landers earthquake, eight simplified unilateral-rupture models based on the Landers... more
Large scale experimentations play a relevant role in the earthquake engineering research, similarly Structural Health Monitoring is able to give information of real structures. A few geotechnical structures are documented, because only... more
In 2001, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was awarded the first in a series of contracts with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines for New and Existing... more
Around the world, earthquakes continue to be a significant cause for death, injury and disruption. Recently, Malaysia startled by Sabah earthquake that struck Ranau, Sabah on 5 June 2015 with moment magnitude reported 6.0 by the United... more
The Indirect Boundary Element Method (IBEM) is used to compute the seismic response of a three-dimensional rockfill dam model. The IBEM is based on a single layer integral representation of elastic fields in terms of the full-space Green... more
The aim of the present paper is to present a rational procedure for the appropriate selection of the sectional forces needed for the calculation of the longitudinal reinforcement to R/C elements within the context of linear time history... more
The present paper investigates the influence of the orientation of recorded horizontal ground motion components on the longitudinal reinforcement of R/C frame elements within the context of linear response history analysis. For this... more
The aim of the present paper is to evaluate by means of nonlinear dynamic analysis four different procedures for the selection of sectional forces needed for the design of R/C frames. For this purpose, a single-story building is designed... more