Conclusions and future work Replace with QR code #windra17 Observed wind atlas at WM01 WRF-derived wind atlas completed for South Africa. Long-term wind speed @100mmicroscale modeling from WRF-derived mesoscale wind... more
New solar energy generation is drastically needed as a source of clean electricity as the U.S. and the globe make the transition away from fossil fuels. Yet, even as solar costs have dramatically declined, solar sources still provide less... more
This paper presents a method to dampen the variations in the output of aggregated wind power through geographic allocation of wind power generation sites. The method, which is based on the sequential optimization of site localization, is... more
High scalability and quick deployability of solar photovoltaic (PV) make it an ideal candidate for rapid decarbonization of electricity. The typical SPV generation profile and power grids designed for conventional power plants (PP) are... more
Power system restructuring has changed transmission expansion planning (TEP) and caused many complications due to conflicting and contradictory objectives. The transmission capacity expansion would significantly affect the revenue of... more
Increasing wind power generation affects performance of existing power system in terms of power losses, voltage regulation and short circuit levels. Jhimpir wind generation having 49.5 MW capacity is connected to 132kV network of Hyderabd... more
This study, focused on Oman, has been motivated by the electrical power demand increase, global warming concerns, and technological advances in renewable energy production. The main objective of the study was to investigate the offshore... more
The main objective of this senior design project was to design, manufacture, and test a lightweight portable power generator utilizing wind and solar power. The intent of this system is to provide electricity to power the medical... more
Rapidly increasing levels of variable inverter‐based renewable energy sources (are quickly changing electric power systems and prompting questions about how the systems will be operated when renewable generation becomes the dominant... more
This paper provides an overview of major transmission planning activities related to wind integration studies in the United States and Europe. Transmission planning for energy resources is different from planning for capacity resources.... more
This thesis is in two parts. In part I, we discuss how the investigation into existing renewable energy contributes to a solution to the energy deficit, especially in African rural areas where many people do not have access to the... more
The study was based on the development of production functions that characterize the activities of agricultural enterprises in the regions of Russia. Official statistical information on 65 regions of Russia for 2017 and 2018 was used. The... more
While the concept of pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is not new, adjustable-speed pumped storage hydropower (AS-PSH) is equipped with power electronics; thus, it has more capabilities and is more agile and flexible to integrate with... more
We assess developable onshore wind potential in India at three different hub-heights and under two sensitivity scenarios-one with no farmland included, the other with all farmland included. Under the "no farmland included" case, the total... more
At the present, Iran’s policy-makers are interested in renewable energy development thus in the recent years, the use of renewable energies, especially wind energy for electricity generation has been highly invested. Although wind... more
This paper describes a dip spraying system which can be used to spray dip nixture on livestock such cattle for control of parasites. The system is designed such that it can be used at remote locations where there is no extension of... more
This paper presents a state-of-the-art review on grid integration of large offshore wind power plants (OWPPs) using high voltage direct voltage (HVDC) for grid connection. The paper describes in detail selected challenges hereto and... more
Regional wind integration studies in the United States require detailed wind power output data at many locations to perform simulations of how the power system will operate under high-penetration scenarios. The wind data sets that serve... more
This paper presents a new approach to coordinate the decisions of transmission and generation capacity expansion planning for a competitive electricity market in which only the generation sector is deregulated. The independent system... more
The growth of electrical demand increases the need of renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, to meet that need. Electrical power losses are an important factor when wind farm location and size are selected. The capitalized cost of... more
The study was conducted to determine the consequences of a carbon tax, equal to an estimated social cost of carbon of $37.2/Mg, on household electricity cost, and to determine if a carbon tax would be sufficient to incentivize households... more
The contribution presents the use of Genetic Algorithm for searching of the optimal parameters of a set of speed controllers of an isolated power-electricity island. Nine PI-controllers are designed. The cost function which is minimised... more
Concentrated Photovoltaic modules (CPV) use optics, such as lenses to concentrate a large amount of sunlight onto a small area of solar photovoltaic materials to generate electricity. The solar irradiance level and landscape area are... more
Renewable energy sources are likely to become prominent in the future due to less environmental impact and energy cost escalation. However, due to its intermittent essence, it encourages us to integrate various renewable energy resources... more
This paper aims to investigate the sizing of an offshore energy storage unit operated in conjunction with an offshore wind farm. The storage unit is evaluated with technical limitations to reveal the parameter sensitivities when coupled... more
The goal of this study is to assess the extent to which offshore wind farms can inadvertently affect precipitation at nearby onshore locations. As the winds slow down over an offshore wind farm due to the extraction of kinetic energy from... more
The load demand to a power grid, as well as the interest in clean and low-cost energy resources, has led to the high integration of wind power plants into power system grids. There are grid code standards that are set for the design and... more
The demand of electricity is continuously increasing due to increase in population and urbanisation. Due to shortage of transmission and generationfacilities there is greater use of present resources. The present transmission lines are... more
This paper presents the objectives and the research work carried out in the frame of the ANEMOS project on short-term wind power forecasting. The aim of the project is to develop accurate models that substantially outperform current... more
A new integrated wind power forecasting system has been developed in the frame of the EU project ANEMOS. The system manages Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP) from different sources and alternative state-of-the-art Wind Power Prediction... more
The paper presents results of a detailed study carried out to simulate the integration of large amount of wind power in the French power system. The targets set for France are between 10_000 and 14_000 MW of installed wind capacity by... more
With the prevalence of large-scale renewable energy in remote areas, it is necessary to appraise the ability of the network to provide access to this clean energy. Available transfer capability (ATC) is a key measure for the potency of... more
The main purpose of this paper is to enhance the operation of renewable wind energy conversion (WEC) systems connected to power systems. To achieve this, we consider a linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control approach for regulating the... more
The original work (never published before)
There is a good probability that wind turbines will emerge as one of the predominant technologies for electricity production in the upcoming decades [...]
A control algorithm for Parallel Connected Offshore Wind Turbines with permanent magnet synchronous Generators (PCOWTG) is presented in this paper. The algorithm estimates the optimal collective speed of turbines based on the estimated... more
We introduce a new method for incorporating short-term temporal variability of both power demand and variable renewables (VRE) into long-term energy-economy models: the RLDC approach. The core of the implementation is a representation of... more
The Fluctuations in demand and weather conditions have a significant impact on the frequency and the voltage of Algeria's isolated PIAT power grid. To maintain stability and reliable power supply, it is crucial to keep these... more
The Fluctuations in demand and weather conditions have a significant impact on the frequency and the voltage of Algeria's isolated PIAT power grid. To maintain stability and reliable power supply, it is crucial to keep these... more
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Exploring the use of flexibility indices in low carbon power systems.
This paper focuses on connecting tidal turbine farms to the French electrical grid. One tidal farm is considered, which is the commercial farm. The connection state is defined by the active power and the voltage at the common coupling... more