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Disclaimer: This literature extract was gathered purely and subjective according the interests of the author (Manfred Bundschuh). Usually there were complete sentences from the original transferred. Especially the Table of Contents is my... more
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My bold suggestions in this paper, as an artisan-anthropologist-therapist, are as follows: (a) human manufacturing of objects brings about individual/collective (deep well-being) experiences of beauty and grace and (b)‘making artifacts’... more
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      AnthropologyAestheticsEcosystems EcologyChild and adolescent mental health
An essay on the effects of media on humanity and its future
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      TechnologyMedia StudiesNarrativeStorytelling
Violence: a systemic reading. Towards a relational anthropology Abstract This paper presents the topic of violence considered by a twofold point of view: the epistemological stance of complex thought and the scientific stance of change in... more
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      ViolenceGregory BatesonRené GirardEstudios sobre Violencia y Conflicto
Este es el trabajo final que escribí en 2019 para la Cátedra, Humanidad, evolución y ecología a cargo de Rolando Silla y Debora Swistun. La consigna era escribir una especie de Ensayo relacionando algo que hayamos visto con los autores... more
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      Samuel ButlerGregory BatesonTim IngoldPhilippe Descola
Speaking with MC Bateson on september 9th (2001), about multiculturalism and respectful ways to connect to others
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      MulticulturalismSystemic TherapyGregory BatesonCuriosity & Interest
has been widely excerpted and reviewed on the Internet. He is currently writing a manuscript on Husserl and Marx. Abstract: Recalling the phenomenological and Hegelian bases of the critique of misplaced concreteness, and supplementing... more
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      Critical TheoryCommunicationMedia StudiesDigital Media
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      Indigenous StudiesCyberneticsGender and SexualityFeminism
Abstract The analysis takes up the conjunction of semiotics and cybernetics as a problem in theory construction in the human sciences. From a philosophical per- spective, this is also the ontological problem of communicology: the... more
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This chapter explores Bateson's concept of the Mind as Ecology, in the context of philosophical ideas on phenomenology and embodied knowing, and neuroscientific ideas on embodied cognition. It equally links it with ancient oriental ideas... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyEducation
ABSTRACT The foundation of disciplines is often associated with initial books and their authors. The discipline of speech–communication– communicology is no exception. Books by Albert Craig Baird, Lester Thonssen, and Franklin Hayward... more
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      SemioticsRhetoricPhenomenologyCommunication Theory
Cet ouvrage propose de comprendre ce qui se joue au moment des interactions communicationnelles en général et en situation de recrutement en particulier. L'ouvrage explore la part du verbal et du nonverbal dans la communication, interroge... more
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      CommunicationHigher EducationConstructivismCulture
Se hace un análisis del filme "La Strada" y el circo en la filmografía de Federico Fellini
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      Gregory BatesonIroniaFederico FelliniMachismo
This paper weaves together two recurring themes in philosophical and political debates of recent years: the idea, loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin, that describes melancholia as a dominant structure of feeling and desire among the... more
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      Gilbert SimondonWalter BenjaminMelancholyPolitical Organization
We justify the concept of metapatterns as functional patterns or functional principles that are common to a large set of systems that encompass both biology and culture, by starting with the fact that evolved systems, whether biological... more
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      Complexity TheoryPattern RecognitionComplex SystemsGregory Bateson
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      Gregory BatesonErving GoffmanEspace publicIsaac Joseph
Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) was eclectic in his inquiry and study. This essay explores the continuing significance of Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind, an ecology of multifaceted relational dimensions of pragmatic dialogic... more
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      CommunicationPragmaticsDialogueGregory Bateson
Purpose–This paper aims to outline recent developments in the field of choreography, especially focusing on the influence of Gregory Bateson's ideas. Choreography is progressing towards a form of art that not only deals with... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsDance StudiesChoreography
Cyberbullying has become a major social concern because it raises questions about technoethics. It hasbeen the subject of research, information and prevention activities for different groups to protect against themisuse of technology, and... more
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      CyberstudiesCyberbullyingGregory BatesonCybercultures
Publiziert in Perner/Pawlik Provokativpädagogik
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      DaoismZen BuddhismGregory BatesonSecond-Order Cybernetics
La riflessione intorno alle forme ed alle metaforme della saggistica pedagogica si innesta all’interno delle riflessioni inerenti l’epistemologia della scienza contemporanea. La questione è insieme attuale e antica: interrogarsi intorno... more
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      Transformative LearningComplexity TheoryEdgar MorinGregory Bateson
Die Arbeit diskutiert die Frage, was das ökonomische Feld, und speziell die "Managementlehre", aus Überlegungen der Postmoderne und vor allem der Soziologie Niklas Luhmanns ziehen kann. "Summa cum laude"-bewertete Dissertation der... more
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      ManagementFriedrich NietzschePostmodernismSocial Systems Theory
The hypothesis of the following essay is that any relationship, even a friendship, is asymmet-ric. At the beginning of the essay, I will analyse asymmetry as the basis of any exchange. Where surplus and subtraction are viewed as... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyPhilosophy
The paper focusses on the central topic of friendship in the ‘Trinummus’ and observes the emerging paradoxes in the text’s staging of relationships between individuals. As it is well known, a specific aspect of this comedy is the... more
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      PragmaticsGift ExchangeRoman ComedyFriendship
La dicotomia identità/contraddizione vede un prevalere del primo termine nella logica classica, che esclude la contraddizione. Tra il Settecento e la prima metà dell’Ottocento la situazione si rovescia. Se Kant dimostra l’inevitabilità... more
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      HegelBertolt BrechtImmanuel KantGregory Bateson
Gregory Bateson (1904-1980), tytułowy bohater tego artykułu, angielski antropolog, biolog i cybernetyk, aktywny zawodowo głównie w USA, zasłynął jako badacz natury poznania istot żywych. Był postacią niezwykłą, człowiekiem o przenikliwym... more
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      PhilosophyGregory BatesonEcology of mind
abstract della mia tesi di laurea in filosofia del linguaggio scritta nel 2002 e pubblicata nel 2006 and inAa.Vv.Legàmi. Con Gregory Bateson, Editrice universitaria, Università di Verona, Verona 2006 solo version italian. Insieme ad altri... more
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      Gregory BatesonArteSchizofreniaGrazia
1. Einführung ................................................................ 1 2. „Sozialplanung“ und die Anfänge der Lerntheorie...................................................................2 3. Die Theorie der logischen... more
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      Alfred North WhiteheadTransfer LearningGregory BatesonLearning in Informal Settings
This article explores an origin of architectural sustainability in the 1970s Californian governmental programs of Governor Jerry Brown and the circle around his Consultant, the countercultural entrepreneur Stewart Brand. Focusing on the... more
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      ArchitectureGovernanceCountercultural StudiesArchitectural History
In this article, I draw on the theories of three scholars whose works have not typically been part of the negotiation and conflict resolution canon (Arthur Koestler, Edward T. Hall, and Gregory Bateson) to develop the beginnings of a new... more
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      HumorEmotions (Social Psychology)Conflict ResolutionGregory Bateson
In these two papers, written in 2019, and 2020, I review the development of Green New Deal thinking over the last decade, referring in particular to the growth of a more radical Global Green New Deal, the work of DiEM in Europe, and the... more
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      Gregory BatesonGreen New DealEuropean Green New Deal
Diagram first presented at Dulmini Perera, “What Comes After Method? Play” at New Experimental Research in Design (NERD) Conference organised by HAW Hamburg and Board of International Research in Design(BIRD), 10 June 2021.
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      Design ResearchHistory of Toys and PlayGregory BatesonRole-playing Game Theory
A critical review of some of the historical debates among systemic therapists suggests that the enactment of systemic practice has largely been eclipsed by an over-emphasis on interpretation, narrative, and theoretical understanding. We... more
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      Family TherapyCyberneticsMarriage & Family TherapySystemic Therapy
Las mal llamadas teorías del caos y de la complejidad, elaboradas en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XX y en lo que va del tercer milenio, han aportado numerosos elementos de juicio, elaboraciones algorítmicas y herramientas de trabajo,... more
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      AutopoiesisGregory BatesonAntropologíaTeorías de la Complejidad
It is urgent that we assume the duty of fighting for the fundamental ethical principles, like respect for the life of human beings, the life of other animals, the life of birds, the life of rivers and forests. I do not believe in love... more
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      Critical PedagogyCritical Animal StudiesPaulo FreireEcopedagogy
In questo mio breve elaborato scritto, ho cercato di presentare alcuni passaggi interessanti dell’opera di Gregory Bateson (Grantchester, 9 maggio 1904 – San Francisco, 4 luglio 1980),intitolata "Verso un’ecologia della mente", pubblicata... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophyAestheticsHuman Rights
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      Dance StudiesPerformance StudiesGovernancePhilosophy of Art
This article tries to apply Gregory Bateson’s six criteria of mental process to the understanding of a group of musicians improvising from a score. Drawing from a wider concept of score, it tries to demonstrate that this whole system can... more
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      Composition (Music)Gregory Bateson
Unpublished galleys of Chapter One of The Human Figure on Film: Natural, Pictorial, Institutional, Fictional (SUNY, 2023). "This is a major contribution to the ontology of film. It extends our understanding of what the human figure on... more
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      Film StudiesHistory of AnthropologyEthnographic FilmGregory Bateson
Design thinking is not thinking about design, but rather a re-focus on the way we think, about the world in general, and in this cybernetic process the real self can be brought into being. Gramma/topology is the social structuration of a... more
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      CommunicationSelf and IdentityDesign educationSociology of Knowledge
Manus, introduksjon til boka "Ånd og Natur, en nødvendig enhet", av Gregory Bateson, Bokklubbens Kulturbibliotek, Bokklubben, 2014
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      AnthropologyGregory BatesonSecond-Order Cybernetics
Gregory Bateson (1904-1980) was a multifaceted scholar who embraced fields as diverse as anthropology, linguistics, semiotics, systems theory, and cybernetics. He was an original thinker whose work influenced the growing environmental... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of AnthropologyTheological AnthropologyTheory (Anthropology)
.....the double bind as constituting an entirely new, non-material, principle of evolution, major conceptual revisions may need to be made in our general understanding of evolution as contained within the “modern evolutionary... more
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      SemioticsEvolutionary BiologyClinical PsychologyFamily Therapy
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      PsychiatryCyberneticsEnvironmental CommunicationGregory Bateson
En el presente ensayo, se sostiene que nuestras posibilidades de “proseguir la hominización” (Morin y Kern 2006) y de revertir la degradación biosférica y la amenaza biótica dependerán de nuestra capacidad para imaginar, de modo práctico... more
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The film Don't look up is like a mirror reflecting the consciousness of the world, a mirror showing us through what perverse mechanisms it is possible for the collective power accumulated over 300 years of economic development to be... more
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      Social ChangeClimate ChangeCapitalismGregory Bateson
Se presentan los antecedentes conceptuales de la Terapia Sistémica y  se propone que se consideren elementos para pensar que hay una tradición de investigación  a partir de la que se desarrolla la Terapia Sistémica.
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    • Gregory Bateson
Este libro examina una por una las corrientes teóricas que a uno y otro lado de las divisorias disciplinares combinan (o confrontan) psicología y antropología. Pese a lo delicado de muchas cuestiones, sigo estando de acuerdo con mucho lo... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisPsychological AnthropologyCross-Cultural Psychology