Gregorian Chant
Recent papers in Gregorian Chant
Archieven, daar zit muziek in... Zelfs oude muziek. De eerlijkheid gebiedt echter te zeggen dat het geen gemakkelijk onderzoek is, zeker niet wanneer men op zoek gaat naar de middeleeuwse liturgie van de Sint-Servaaskerk, en dan de... more
Fifteen introductions and an edition of handwritten chant scores. Dutch experts wrote the introductions on items related to the edition, like the changes in the liturgy since Vaticanum II, rhythm and ornamentation in chant, vocal... more
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
Die Tagzeitenliturgie ist der tägliche Gottesdienst der Kirche, auch wenn sie in Praxis und Bewusstsein der meisten Gemeinden gegenüber einem zunehmend inflationären Messwesen und Resten sekundärer Andachtspraxis in den Hintergrund... more
Plainchant accompaniment was a widely discussed topic in French musical discourse from the middle of the nineteenth century to the first decades of the twentieth century. The article discusses important steps of this debate and possible... more
Neste ensaio, partindo do que meditei em outros ensaios sobre a experiência estética e a vida espiritual baseando-me em São Tomás e outros místicos e filósofos cristãos, dedico-me a pensar no significado dos modos gregorianos. Procuro... more
This is a booklet of psalm tones I've devised based on the Dominican chant tradition. After giving a table to psalm tones, I provide a short "tonary" that gives antiphons which match each of the psalm tone differentia. I welcome comments... more
This paper aims to propose to the Brazilian universities a scientificcultural debate, very important to the musicology in the world: the study of a gregorian musical performance through the gregorian palaeography and semiology. Since the... more
This is an English-language setting of the USA Catholic lectionary setting of the Passion according to John, using the Dominican chant formulae as found in the 1950 Processionarium O.P. Comments on improving the setting are welcomed.
El Libro de Introitos polifónicos, Códice E-Gu1, cuyo estudio y versiones musicales se incluyen en este volumen, es posiblemente el documento musical más importante y singular de los fondos musicales del Monasterio jerónimo de Santa María... more
A transcription of Leonin's "Viderunt Omnes" (c. mid to late 12th century), showing excerpts of the original two sources with comparative variations and a modern transcription. For a recording and score-video see the link below:... more
Gesänge tragen besonders zur charakteristischen Spiritualität einer liturgischen Tradition bei; sie prägen sich tiefer ein als Lesungen oder Gebete. Was die römische Liturgie gegenüber anderen Riten des Ostens und Westens besonders... more
Il canto gregoriano, in quanto categoria storica, musicale ed epistemologica, è diventata una manifestazione performativa in cui l’interpretazione – intesa come tradizione e ricezione – si è evoluta in modi assai diversi sin dalle origini... more
La ricerca si è svolta in quattro province lombarde (Milano, Monza e Brianza, Lecco, Varese) e in provincia di Verbania. A livello metodologico si è cercato di ricostruire per intero i riti, concentrandosi non solo sulle feste che... more
It has long recognized that Byzantine art exerted a significant influence on the West. This is particularly been shown to be the case on art history. The eminently important question of the relationship of Latin to Byzantine neumatic... more
In der Erzähltradition des japanischen anime ist das Konzept der künstlichen Lebensform seit jeher ein vielseitig verarbeitetes narratives Konstrukt. Anime reflektiert – neben Aspekten der realwirtschaftlich fundierten Robotik – ebenfalls... more
This is a short essay about cultural and religious elements related to the origins of gregorian chant. My aim is to underline the connection with the Jewish liturgy and the influence of Greek music.
Journal of the Alamire Foundation 2 (2010), 233-269. This paper focuses on the Cistercian historia in honor of the beguine and recluse Mary of Oignies. It provides a context for the office by studying the musical and literary culture at... more
Review of a 2020 reprint of Fr. Rossini's 1942 manual for singing the priest's chants at Mass and the Divine Office
Texto didáctico sobre a notação quadrada do canto gregoriano.
Teaching Document on square notation (in portuguese language)
Teaching Document on square notation (in portuguese language)
With the emergence of the legend of Saint Blaise, who protected the people of Dubrovnik against the Venetian menace, the city of Dubrovnik has been continuously organizing a feast in Saint Blaise's honour on the 3rd of February of each... more
Dahulu, Lagu “Ave Verum Corpus” sempat digunakan sebagai bagian dari musik liturgi Gereja dan Gereja Katolik di Indonesia pernah menggunakan lagu itu dalam liturgi Gereja. Namun karena berbagai macam alasan, lagu ini tidak pernah lagi... more
A philosophical exploration of what constitutes beauty, concluding with an illustration of how these criteria are especially manifest in Gregorian chant.
The Middle Ages greatly valued originality and creativity, although these qualities were not only linked in the long chain of imagination (as we usually do today), but they were also framed in the field of memory. Therefore, the usual... more
Der Handbuchbeitrag stellt Geschichte und Gattungen, Theologie und Spiritualität des Kernrepertoires der Gregorianik in Tagzeitenliturgie und Messe dar.
[ITA] Alcuni elementi strutturati in sei capitoli per lo studio del Canto Gregoriano: una piccola guida “introduttiva” per il neofita. Questa trattazione sintetica nasce dai corsi seguiti all’Abbazia di Farfa con Padre Matteo... more
El monasterio de San Miguel de los Reyes es un monasterio jerónimo cuyos libros de coro fueron enviados, a causa de la exclaustración acometida durante la Desamortización, al Archivo de la Catedral de Valencia. En los escritos que han... more
This is the book I have prepared and used for 20 years in the class of Musical Analysis I, as Professor of Musical Analysis and Composition in the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. This is a subject intended for students... more
PREMISE: How can music allow a man to see the face of God? How can music direct the spirituality of those creating, practicing, and listening to it? Music and sound have played a significant role in religious practice throughout and... more
A book encompassing Buddhist and Christian medieval chant, the latter both Latin-Catholic and Greek or Russian Orthodox. Contributors include Bo Lawergren on Japanese musical iconography, Kenneth Levy on Byzantine and Old-Roman drones,... more
By drawing on contemporary sources I illustrate how the proper chants of the Mass were understood by medieval participants. I hope to show that the propers were an effective pastoral tool for engaging the minds and hearts of participants... more
The principal aim of this paper is to investigate the rhythm of Gregorian chant as it was performed prior to the eleventh century. Discussing the two main approaches—semiology and mensuralism—that have been followed since the beginning of... more