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During the last glacial-interglacial cycle, northern hemispheric (NH) ice-sheets experienced dramatic changes in radiative forcing, due to orbitally-driven insolation changes and varying greenhouse gas concentrations. This direct forcing... more
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      Climate ChangeGlobal changeCommunication modelYounger Dryas
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      Spatial AnalysisMultidisciplinaryCase StudySpatial Distribution
Soil fumigation has recently been shown to affect the greenhouse gas balance by increasing emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) following chloropicrin (CP) application. However, the exact mechanisms of this increase were not investigated.... more
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      Soil ScienceChemistryEcologyBiological Sciences
Anthropogenically-derived increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations have been implicated in recent climate change, and are projected to substantially impact the climate on a global scale in the future. For marine and... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate variabilityEnvironmental HealthEutrophication
Uncontrolled release of pollutants from burning coal beds and waste banks presents potential environmental and human health hazards. On a global scale, the emissions of large volumes of greenhouse gases from burning coal beds may... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeCarbonCombustion
Purpose -A systematic approach is needed to engage a broad range of stakeholders to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in the building sector. The purpose of this paper is to develop a systems-based bottom-up approach... more
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      Spatial AnalysisCarbon DioxideAustraliaEnvironmental Sustainability
A tropical ombrotrophic peatland ecosystem is one of the largest terrestrial carbon stores. Flux rates of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) were studied at various peat water table depths in a mixed-type peat swamp forest floor... more
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      Climate ChangeGlobal Change BiologyBiological SciencesGlobal change
Radiative forcing is a useful diagnostic quantity for indicating the size of climate change mechanisms, and for interpreting the results of General Circulation Model (GCM) experiments. It is also ideal for exploring the potential... more
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      OceanographyClimate ChangeAtmospheric sciencesGreenhouse Gas
The rapid economic growth and the depleting fossil fuels direct the Indian economy towards renewable energy sources. Among the renewable, the most sought after technologies are nuclear energy and solar energy. The paper compares nuclear... more
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      Environmental ScienceIndian studiesIndiaJournals
Today, over-consumption, pollution and resource depletion threaten sustainability. Waste management policies frequently fail to reduce consumption, prevent pollution, conserve resources and foster sustainable products. However, waste... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringElectronics
S2 TABLE S1. Results of TGA analyses of sorbent hydrated after CO 2 cycles a CaO carbonated (%) Sample CaO sulphated (%) Before After CaO hydrated (%) CaO unreacted (%) KR37 (75-150 μm) 29.77 4.69 10.44 50.66 9.13 KR38 (300-425 μm) 28.09... more
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      RegenerationCarbon DioxideMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technology
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      Carbon CycleChemical and Biological Engineeringglobal Climate changeMethane
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that stabilizing atmospheric CO 2 concentrations will require reduction of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by as much as 80% by 2050. Subnational efforts to cut... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental policyInformation PolicyAgriculture
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas whose atmospheric abundance has grown 2.5-fold over three centuries, due in large part to agricultural expansion. The farming of ruminant livestock, which generate and emit methane during digestion... more
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      MicrobiologyEarth SciencesBiometeorologyBiological Sciences
Biogas technology, besides supplying energy and manure, provides an excellent opportunity for mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and reducing global warming through substituting firewood for cooking, kerosene for lighting and... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbonAir pollutionMultidisciplinary
An aspect of global change currently not well understood is how processes operating on spatial scales finer than those used in recent global circulation models (GCMs) contribute to changes in atmospheric composition and the subsequent... more
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      Human GeographyGlobal changeNorth CarolinaSpatial Scale
Operations Research has addressed a variety of environmental problems outside the traditional supply chain management area such as remanufacturing, reverse logistics, and waste management. Supply chain sustainability, which includes... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ResearchMathematical ProgrammingWaste Management
Combined heat and power Corn ethanol Corn stover Greenhouse gas emissions Life cycle assessment Zea mays a b s t r a c t A life-cycle assessment (LCA) of corn ethanol was conducted to determine the reduction in the life-cycle greenhouse... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyLife Cycle AssessmentLand Use Change
A small fraction of the naphtha diluent used for oil sands processing escapes with tailings and supports methane (CH 4 ) biogenesis in large anaerobic settling basins such as Mildred Lake Settling Basin (MLSB) in northern Alberta, Canada.... more
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      Environmental microbiologyKineticsPetroleumMultidisciplinary
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      ClimateQuaternaryHigh FrequencyImport
Special Edition Sheep and Cattle Production in New South Wales
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      MethaneNew South WalesGreenhouse GasFarm management
... In addition, waste glass seemed to positively contribute to the mortar micro-structural properties resulting in an evident improvement of its mechanical performance [Corinaldesi et al. 2005a]. Mixed colored glass can be utilized in... more
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      Environmental ScienceAir QualitySustainable DevelopmentSustainable Construction
At the present stage, economic research on climate change and its main problem requires in-depth scientific study and analysis of various factors. An important source of air pollution is the energy sector, especially solid and liquid... more
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      Environmental ScienceGreenhouse Gas
An important criterion for bioenergy systems evaluation is their greenhouse gas mitigation potential. Sugarcane bioenergy systems are able to produce grid-bound surplus electricity but also have net CO2 emissions associated with the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBioenergyPower Generation
Climate predictions from four state-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) were used to assess the hydrologic sensitivity to climate change of nine large, continental river basins (Amazon, Amur, Mackenzie, Mekong, Mississippi,... more
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      Climate ChangeMultidisciplinarySeasonalityEvapotranspiration
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      Global warming potentialMethaneGreenhouse Gas EmissionsGreenhouse Gas
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      Human GeographyTransport GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningGreenhouse Gas
Methanogenesis provides a means of H 2 disposal and a mechanism to maintain low partial H 2 pressure in the rumen, a prerequisite for efficient ruminal fermentation. As methanogens possess stringent requirements for cultivation, only a... more
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      Science and TechnologyAnimal ProductionNext generation sequencingPolymerase Chain Reaction
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      SoilPlant BiologySoil sciencesGreenhouse Gas
What lessons for policy makers at national and international level can be drawn from the growing experiences of reconciling development and climate change? The key to achieving this is to approach the problem from the development... more
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      Climate ChangeInternational organizationsClimate change policySustainable Development
Anaerobic digestion is an appropriate technique for the treatment of sludge before final disposal and it is employed worldwide as the oldest and most important process for sludge stabilization. In general, mesophilic anaerobic digestion... more
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      EngineeringWaterKineticsWater Purification
The effects of climate change on marine fisheries can be either mitigated by global action on greenhouse gas emission, or managed by encouraging appropriate adaptation. While fishers will autonomously adjust their activities in response... more
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      Climate ChangeApplied EconomicsInput-Output AnalysisGlobal Warming
THE TEXAS WATER JOURNAL is an online, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the timely consideration of Texas water resources management and policy issues. The journal provides in-depth analysis of Texas water resources management and policies... more
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      Climate Changeglobal Climate changeWater resource managementGreenhouse Gas
This article argues that, except in California, environmental justice considerations have not received sufficient attention in climate change policy debates. It explores the environmental justice implications of emerging domestic climate... more
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      Environmental LawClimate ChangeClimate change policySustainable Development
Carbon dioxide is seldom used as pH reducer in swimming pools. Nevertheless it offers two interesting advantages. First, its use instead of the usual hydrochloric acid avoids the characteristic and serious accident of mixing the... more
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      ColorimetryCarbon DioxideCarbonHealth
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
Over a 3-years period, the CO 2 , N 2 O and CH 4 fluxes exchanged with the atmosphere were studied in an upland semi-natural grassland site which was divided at the start of the experiment in two large paddocks continuously grazed by... more
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      Grazing and Range ManagementCarbon SequestrationEnvironmental SciencesEddy Covariance
The SOLAS air-sea gas exchange experiment (SAGE) was a multiple-objective study investigating 2 gas-transfer processes and the influence of iron fertilisation on biologically driven gas exchange in
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Sustainable use of solid residues and carbon dioxide, the two largest and most important waste products from thermal processes, is an urgent issue both for the industry involved and society as a whole, considering the financial and... more
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      Carbon DioxideCarbon SequestrationSite ProductivityMagnesium
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embodied in 61 different categories of food are used, with information on the diet of different groups of the population (omnivorous, vegetarian and vegan), to calculate the embodied GHG emissions in... more
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      Food ScienceSociology of Food and EatingEnergy PolicyFood and Nutrition
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      Environmental EngineeringLife Cycle AssessmentSupply ChainBuilding
Goal definition and scoping: identifying the LCA's purpose and the expected products of the study, and determining the boundaries (what is and is not included in the study) and assumptions based upon the goal definition Life-cycle... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringClimate ChangePackagingCorrugated Board
The Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Otway Project in Australia is the first heavily monitored pilot site for CO 2 storage in a depleted natural gas reservoir. With the site characterisation and risk... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesGeochemistryHydrogeology
Southeast Asia enjoyed, until recently, one of the fastest economic growth in the world. This economic growth has caused both a surge in energy demand and a degradation of environmental resources in the region. Modern biomass cogeneration... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyEconomic GrowthBiomass
Over the past three decades, numerous Late Holocene-long tree-ring (TR) chronologies have been developed for different parts of Europe that allow archaeological, historical and cultural wood remains to be dated with annual precision.... more
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      Earth SciencesHistory and archaeologyForest ManagementLate Holocene
a b s t r a c t An innovative refrigeration system incorporating phase change material (PCM) is proposed to maintain refrigerated trucks at the desired thermal conditions. The advantage of using PCM to maintain low temperatures is that a... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsPhase ChangePhase Change Material
Carbon accounting Estimation method Greenhouse gas emission inventories Harvested wood products Production approach Stock-change approach Uncertainty analysis a b s t r a c t There is a great diversity of methods for estimating carbon... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMonte Carlo SimulationSensitivity Analysis
Understanding the upward motion of CO 2 droplets or CH 4 bubbles in oceanic waters is prerequisite to predict the vertical distribution of the two most important greenhouse gases in the water column after these have been released from the... more
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      GeochemistryOceanographyThermodynamicsGas Hydrate
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      GeneticsClimate ChangeWater qualityEcology