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Cloud computing offers utility-oriented IT services to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go model, it enables hosting of pervasive applications from consumer, scientific, and business domains. However, data centers hosting Cloud... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingEnergy efficiencyGreen IT
The use of High Performance Computing (HPC) in commercial and consumer IT applications is becoming popular. HPC users need the ability to gain rapid and scalable access to high-end computing capabilities. Cloud computing promises to... more
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      Distributed ComputingInformation TechnologyCarbonEnergy Policy
The resource and power consumption of ICT is still increasing, but also the benefits of ICT, e.g. in finding more efficient solutions for environmental problems. To date, it is not clear, whether the resource and energy savings through... more
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      Software EngineeringSurface ScienceEnergy ConsumptionGreen IT
This introductory chapter provides definitions of sustainability, sustainable development, decoupling, and related terms; gives an overview of existing interdisciplinary research fields related to ICT for Sustainability, including... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyClimate ChangeCoupled Human and Natural Systems
Green Information Technology (IT) is emerging as an increasingly important issue as organizations come under pressure to address environmental sustainability concerns. Despite increased attention from business, government and more... more
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      Information SystemsEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen ITGreen IS
Green information technology (IT) adoption has helped enhance the overall organization's environmental sustainability. Developing the strategies for effective adoption of Green IT is one of the essential goals of decision-makers. This... more
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    • Green IT
This chapter provides an overview of energy demand issues in the field of ICT with a focus on the history of measuring, modelling and regulating ICT electricity consumption and the resulting methodological challenges. While the energy... more
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      Information TechnologyRegulation And GovernanceHistory of ScienceComputer-Mediated Communication
The realization that legacy information technology (IT) systems have environmental footprint has elevated the sustainability of IT (Green IT) as a significant IT management issue. However, there is a lack of empirical research to explain... more
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      Information SystemsEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen IT
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGreen ITSustainability
Sustainability is a significant field in both research and practice as such Collaborative Enterprise (CE) are adopting sustainable initiatives to achieve efficient resource usage, CO2 emissions reduction, energy utilization reduction,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSocial EnterprisesEnvironmental SustainabilitySmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyE BusinessGreen IT
The energy efficiency of ICT has become a major issue with the growing demand of Cloud Computing. More and more companies are investing in building large datacenters to host Cloud services. These datacenters not only consume huge amount... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityCloud ComputingGreen ITCase Study
Context: The energy efficiency of IT systems, also referred to as Green IT, is attracting more and more attention. While several researchers have focused on the energy efficiency of hardware and embedded systems, the role of application... more
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      Information SystemsGreen ITComputer SoftwareInformation and Software Engineering
There are few studies of the impact of firms’ voluntary measures in terms of the determinants of environmental change. This paper aims to address this gap by examining the role played by corporate social responsibility in the adoption of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGreen ITSurveyEmpirical Analysis
There is a growing consensus that ICT can contribute to the reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both by increasing the efficiency of existing processes and by enabling substitution effects to usher in more energy... more
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      Information TechnologyVirtual CommunitiesTechnology AssessmentICT
The environmental performance of presently operated GSM and UMTS networks was analysed concentrating on the environmental effects of the End-of-Life (EOL) phase using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The study was performed based... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen ITGreen ICT
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      Information SystemsPublishingAdoptionEnvironmental Sustainability
Assessing the average energy intensity of Internet transmissions is a complex task that has been a controversial subject of discussion. Estimates published over the last decade diverge by up to four orders of magnitude — from 0.0064... more
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      Information TechnologyInternet StudiesOptical Fiber CommunicationsSustainable Development
A life cycle assessment was carried out based on a detailed life cycle inventory for a typical GSM 900 mobile phone network and related End of Life (EOL) treatment infrastructure. The environmental relevance of the three life cycle... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentE-wasteGreen ITGreen ICT
Information technology (IT) is continuously making astounding progress in technical efficiency. The time, space, material and energy needed to provide a unit of IT service have decreased by three orders of magnitude since the first... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SocietySustainable DevelopmentGreen Computing
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      E-wasteEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen ITGreen ICT
For quite some years now, there has been a growing debate under the label of “Green I(C)T” about reducing the energy consumption of ICT equipment. More recently, the discourse started to partly shift towards a novel discussion on using... more
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      Energy efficiencyGreen ITGreen ICTGreen IT and Green Business
The direct energy demand of Internet data flows can be assessed using a variety of methodological approaches (top-down, bottom-up, or hybrid/model based) and different definitions of system boundaries. Because of this diversity, results... more
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      Information TechnologyEnergy EconomicsInternet StudiesInternet science
This paper provides a preliminary insight on the status of the diffusion and maturity of “Green IT” as well as some of the driving and inhibiting factors that influence it. The report is largely descriptive and is based on a survey of 143... more
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      Information SystemsGreen IT
Environmentally friendly and sustainable initiatives have emerged as important topics in IS research over the last few years. However the existing discussions and scientific contributions in this field are mainly based on case studies and... more
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      OutsourcingGreen ITSustainability
This paper received Outstanding Paper Award 2010, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce sustainability as a new dimension of information systems (IS) evaluation. Customers,... more
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      Information SystemsManagementComputer ScienceSustainability Indicators
To ensure their competitive advantage an increasing number of organizations adopt business process management for design, automation, and analysis of their business processes. In order to reduce cost, improve quality, save time, and... more
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      Green ITAnalysisEnvironmental Impact
We draw upon Henderson and Cooprider's [5] model of IS planning and design support technology to inform our framework to assess CASE usage for systems development. They identify that a planning and design support technology such as CASE... more
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      Open Source SoftwareManagement of InnovationMobile CommerceAdoption and Diffusion of innovations
Due to tremendous growth of Industrial activities throughout the globe, the climate of the earth is gradually changing. The Increase awareness of climate change and more concern for the environment, has forced the big industries to review... more
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      Climate ChangeRecyclingGreen ComputingEnergy efficiency
Concerns about energy and sustainability are growing everyday involving a wide range of fields. Even Information Systems are being influenced by the issue of reducing pollution and energy consumption and new fields are rising dealing with... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingAssessmentEnergy efficiency
Requirements engineers are in a unique position to encourage the consideration of sustainability at a formative phase in the software development life cycle. In this paper, we look at how we can develop sustainability as a non-functional... more
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      Green ITSustainabilityEnvironment
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      Information SystemsEnergy efficiencyGreen ITGreen ICT
Data centers form a key part of the infrastructure upon which a variety of information technology services are built. They provide the capabilities of centralized repository for storage, management, networking and dissemination of data.... more
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    • Green IT
The present paper explored the relationship between environmental sustainability and the use of IT. Based on interviews with seven “Green IT” experts and evangelists, we constructed a questionnaire for CIOs on this important issue. After... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityGreen ITChief Information OfficerExploratory Study
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    • Green IT
The objective of the present study is to empirically explore the implementation of Green IT measures from the perspective of the dynamic resources in organizations. To this end, the paper integrates two streams of research- 1) the dynamic... more
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      Qualitative ResearchGreen IT
his paper proposes a comprehensive framework of the individual factors that influence organizational decision-makers to adopt Green information systems (IS), based on a review of psychological theories and empirical studies on Green IS... more
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      Social PsychologySocial SciencesEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen IT
The increasing trends of electrical consumption within data centres are a growing concern for business owners as they are quickly becoming a large fraction of the total cost of ownership. Ultra small sensors could be deployed within a... more
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      Analytical ChemistryEnvironmental MonitoringGreen ITSoftware
To achieve lower energy consumption many green strategies (e.g. virtualize applications and consolidate them on shared server machines, or optimize the usage of the private cloud by opening up to external consumers) have been discussed.... more
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      EconomicsEnergy ConsumptionInvestmentsGreen IT
This study examines the development of a mobile phone-based pervasive game that related its user's environmental footprint. It discusses the design challenges, development and evaluation of the prototype game in order to identify the key... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
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      Database SystemsStrategic PlanningEnergy efficiencyGreen IT
Goal, Scope and Background: Telephony as well as remote data transfer is increasingly performed via mobile phone networks. However, the environmental consequences, in particular of the End-of-Life (EOL) treatment, of such network... more
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      TechnologyClimate ChangeGreen InfrastructureScience
This paper provides an academic literature review on the adoption of Green Information Technology (IT) and Green Information Systems (IS) in organizational context. The analysis of studies has been done by a framework with two dimensions,... more
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    • Green IT
The Focus of the GREENS workshop is the engineering of green and sustainable software. Our goal is to bring together academics and practitioners to discuss research initiatives, challenges, ideas, and results in this critically important... more
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      Software EngineeringEnergy efficiencyGreen ITEnergy Efficiency
Carbon emissions are receiving increased attention and scrutiny in all walks of life and the ICT sector is no exception. With the increase in on-demand applications and services together with on-demand compute/storage facilities in server... more
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      Energy ConsumptionGreen ITQuality of ServiceContext Aware
Green information technologies and systems IT/IS are initiatives, strategies and programs that directly or indirectly address environmental sustainability in organizations. While practitioners have begun to focus on Green IT/IS, however... more
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      Green ITITC GovernanceGreen ISSustainability
All contributions except the invited papers were selected by a two-stage blind peer-review process.
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
Most part of the “Green IT“ or “Green ICT“ discussion is addressing issues of energy efficiency, implicitly assuming that more energy-efficient technologies will substantially contribute to a reduction of total energy consumption and, as... more
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      Energy EconomicsInformation Communication TechnologyEnergy and EnvironmentEnvironmental Sustainability
Computing is an activity that is based on natural resources like any other human activity. Technological progress has made it possible to perform more and more computations with less material and energy input. This paper looks at this... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityComputingEnergy efficiency
The issue of sustainability has been among the top concerns of IT practitioners for some time now. Although sustainability of and through IT can only be reached if all stakeholders work together, current teaching and on-thejob training... more
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      Information TechnologyGovernanceEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen IT