Green Economics
Recent papers in Green Economics
Climate Emergency: A 26-Week Transition Program for Canada, by Guy Dauncey What could the government of Canada do if its Ministers, MPs and civil servants really understood the severity of the climate emergency, and the urgency of the... more
This report, prepared by consultancy Mōhio, examines climate finance in New Zealand. It includes a snapshot of key existing climate finance flows and a look at the instruments available to the Government and private sector such as... more
Energy security, economic development and averting global warming are conflicting objectives in a fossil fuel economy. In the long run, sustainable development requires a shift to renewable energy sources. In the short run the climate... more
As leaders strive to develop a new generation of environmental solutions, many are concluding that the traditional measures of accounting may need updating as well.
In this brief paper, I look at the UNFCCC's carbon trading, CDM, and JI schemes with a skeptical eye. While these schemes have good intentions to lower GHGs, I claim they are relatively infective. Developing and developed countries have... more
Innovativeness and competitiveness are modern concepts upon which national and regional politics across the world are based. To achieve the global competitiveness of a certain country it is necessary to build regional competitiveness due... more
In the last decade, the idea of sustainable development and sustainable economy is increasingly being discussed on the international forum, uniting governments as well as international and national institutions/organisations in joint... more
Sustainability is an opportunity and the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia offers extremely lucrative opportunities for companies able to take advantage of the region's emergence as global logistics hub. Green transportation takes a... more
Abstract. Nowadays, companies who want to engage environment-friendly consumers increasingly rely on green-economy oriented campaigns. Such categories of (ethical) consumers are numerically increas- ing, and expressions evoking... more
This paper investigates the effect of eco-labeling on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. The consensus emerging from previous studies appears to be that investors in and occupiers of eco-labeled buildings obtain a bundle of... more
The chapter addresses the tax-related issues concerning the green economy and the circular system of production, The authors suggest a "Green Patent Box" system as to promote innovation in a sustainable framework.
The concept of the green economy presented in three reports from leading global organisations is examined in this paper. These include UNEP"s Towards a Green Economy, the World Bank"s Inclusive Green Growth and the OECD"s Towards Green... more
The green economy is an emergent approach to sustainable development launched at Rio+20. Herein environmental decision-making is increasingly achieved through economistic processes and logic. The natural commons are quantified and managed... more
That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise... more
A far-ranging review of a new book for young readers on how to get involved in and build a real movement, here & now, to transform awareness and take local action hands- and hearts-on as active agents in confronting climate change: a... more
This research aims to determine how women entrepreneurs engaged in green entrepreneurship can help build a green economy in South Africa. The study was conducted using a non-probability conveniently selected sample of women green... more
"The notion of “green growth” and the promotion of tourism and the '”green economy” has arguably become part of the orthodoxy of sustainable tourism. However, the chapter argues that green growth is high on image and low on delivering... more
Innovativeness and competitiveness are modern concepts upon which national and regional politics across the world are based. To achieve the global competitiveness of a certain country it is necessary to build regional competitiveness due... more
This study investigates the impact of green bond issuance on corporate performance and further checks the intermediate effect of corporate innovation performance on the primary relationship. This study uses the quarterly... more
"Written in an engaging and accessible manner by one of the leading scholars in his field, Environment and Social Theory, completed revised and updated with two new chapters, is an indispensable guide to the way in which the environment... more
Despite the clear need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lack of access to capital and appropriate financing mechanisms has limited the deployment of renewable energy technologies (RETs). Feed-in Tariff (FIT) programs have been used... more
We revisit the reality that endless economic growth on a nite planet is unsustainable, especially if society has exceeded ecological limits. This paper examines various aspects of society’s endless growth predicament. It reviews the idea... more
An increase of the temperature, decreased in precipitation and increased carbon dioxide emission , underlines the fact climatic changes which are affected in Egypt. Egypt is considered one of the countries most affected by climatic... more
II.Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra uluslar, ekonomik krizlerin yarattığı tıkanıklığı ticareti serbestleştirerek yok etmeye çalışmışlardır. Bu durum ulusötesi bir ticareti beraberinde getirmiş, teknoloji hızla gelişmiş, küreselleşme olgusu ivme... more
This article assesses historical and contemporary ecopreneurship research. Our analysis shows that ecopreneurship is still in the early stages of its development as a field of academic study, thus its further development in terms of... more
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
50TH ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD’S FIRST GREEN PARTY, UNITED TASMANIA GROUP (UTG) POLICY COMPILATION, 1972 - 2020. This publication is principally a compilation of UTG’s policies from 1972 to 2020 as part of the celebrations of the 50th year of... more
The final report publishes the recommendations and strategies for an integrative approach on sustainability in the tension of gender, care and green economy. Additionally, there is an article of Prof. Aselhied Biesecker, arguing for the... more
Bu yayın Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin mali desteğiyle üretilmiştir. Bu yayının içeriğinden sadece Yeşil Düşünce Derneği sorumludur ve hiçbir şekilde Avrupa Birliği, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti veya Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı'nın... more
Da parte sua, il nostro filosofo si impegnava a dimostrare che «l'apertura della filosofia contemporanea alla metafisica classica trovava la propria espressioni più concreta nel pensiero di Heidegger» . In quegli anni, dirà egli in... more
How can we avert ecological catastrophe and avoid social collapse? What is the practical relevance of ethics and philosophy? How can we build community? In the forthcoming book, Being and Place, I address the question of why, despite a... more
Die Veränderungen des Kapitalismus haben sich aus seinen organischen Krisen und ihrem staatlichen Management ergeben. Aus der Großen Depression entstand der zwischenimperialistische Organisierte Kapitalismus, aus der Weltwirtschaftskrise... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
‘Sustainability’ and the ‘eradication of poverty’ have taken center stage in supranational financial frameworks meant notably to help the economies of Asia, Latin America and Africa. This is certainly a welcome evolution, but it should... more
Considering those wild populations of CITES-listed MAP species may be diminishing due to unregulated collection to meet the rapidly-expanding international demand, exploring means of cultivations for long-term sustainable supply may be... more