Green Banking
Recent papers in Green Banking
world's total annual milk supply. India has witnessed an increasing trend of goat milk production with a growth rate of 3.82 per cent during 2015-16 ( Caprine milk fat have smaller fat globules, it is easier to digest than... more
A considerable number of companies focus solely on maximizing their profit and give less or almost no concern about environmental sustainability and protection. Financial institutions being a part of these developmental entities tend to... more
Malaysia once replicated Bangladesh’s trail-blazer Grameen Bank to establish its Amanah Ikhtiar model of Islamic banking for the poor. Now, it may also learn some useful things from Bangladesh’s Islamic Green Banking. In this light,... more
Banking industry is never considered as a polluting industry, however, the present scale of banking operations has considerably increased the carbon footprint of banks due to their massive use of energy, high paper wastage, lack of green... more
Sustainability in Environment is one of the major problems in the present Materialistic, Modern World. The Development in the Economy leads to growth in the Nation, but on the other hand we are not considering the effects of the rational... more
The need for the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy has led to the creation of the so-called green banks, while many financial institutions around the world are gradually adjusting their loan portfolio to a greener one... more
Abstract- In recent years, both academics and banking professionals are paying more attention towards the green banking concept due to its significant influence on environment management in banking context. In Sri Lanka, People’s bank... more
Environmental protection has been accepted as one of the burning issues in worldwide today without exception for Nepal. It pressurizes all industries, along with financial services to apply “green” initiatives which provide the... more
Green banking promotes environmental friendly practices and reduces carbon footprints from banking activities. This comes in many forms using online banking instead of branch banking, paying bills online, instead of mailing them open up... more
Green banking is new concept in the financial sector from last two decades. As banking transactions involve more paper on daily basis it is the conscientiousness of banking sector to induce the general public to move from traditional... more
The meager rate of green banking awareness and sustainability in Nigeria is traceable to a lack of adequate educational, financial, and Information Communication Technology infrastructure in Nigeria. The findings document that banks in... more
Banks are financial institution which can play an outstanding role between sustainable economic growth and environmental protection in order to prove themselves as environment friendly and socially accountable institution. For promoting... more
Banks usually provide dedicated public services for profits. It is believed that profit should not be earned at the expense of the world's most pressing environmental problems. Thus the concept of green banking is evolved in response to... more
Banks usually provide dedicated public services for profits. It is believed that profit should not be earned at the expense of the world's most pressing environmental problems. Thus the concept of green banking is evolved in response to... more
All over the world balanced development is emphasized by government to ensure the ability of the country to advance its economy without having any destructive consequences on the economy. Environmentalist consider green banking as one of... more
The main objective of the study was to find the green banking initiatives and to know the implementation of green banking initiatives in private banks of India. The comparative analysis of presentation of green banking initiatives between... more
Sustainability in Environment is one of the major problems in the present Materialistic, Modern World. The Development in the Economy leads to growth in the Nation, but on the other hand we are not considering the effects of the rational... more
These days, the concept of green banking is becoming popular in the financial sectors. This paper deals with the reporting on green banking issues by the banking companies in a developing country - Bangladesh. Through content analysis of... more
This study examined bank workers' awareness and opinions on green banking in Nizwa through a quantitative descriptive research. A total of 150 bank workers received the questionnaire. The approach of random sampling was used. The... more
This is an age of technology. Now, all types of organizations are adopting the modern technology for providing efficient services to the customers. This study is an attempt to find out the significant factors that affecting the customer "... more
This study aims to depict the present scenario and the way of adoption of green banking practices by banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) in Bangladesh. Our analysis is based on the data collected from the quarterly and... more
This article discusses the necessity of bank managers to evaluate investment projects with real options. The object of study is the investment activity of banks, and the subject is optimization of investment projects valuation method in... more
The Banking Regulation and Policy Department (BRPD) of Bangladesh Bank, in its “Policy Guidelines for Green Banking”, has termed Green Banking as a component of the global initiative by a group of stakeholders to save environment. A green... more
Green reporting and green regulation have been commonly used in the sustainability movement. This study evaluates Bangladesh Bank's (BB's) green regulation by considering the global reporting initiative (GRI) of environmental... more
Green banking is the operation of the banking activities giving especial attention upon the social, ecological and environmental factors aiming at the conservation of nature and natural resources. Banks can be green through bringing... more
People are more attentive and aware of environmental issues in this technical and modernized period, not only of their rights, needs, and expectations, but also about the environmental issues we face in our daily lives. Even now,... more
Industrialization, globalization, and liberalization are not only revolutionary concepts; they have also prepared the way for a massive increase in the nation's standard of life and economic prosperity. Through urbanization, humans began... more
Preservance of environment and Sustainable development are actually recognized internationally as overriding imperatives to safeguard our world from the ravages inflicted onto it by mankind. Green Banking is a real way to sustainable... more
The purpose of this paper is to identify the perceptions of bankers on various aspects of green banking including the concept green banking and banker, benefits of GB and its complexities in execution. Subsequently, their perceptions on... more
Malaysia once replicated Bangladesh's trail-blazer Grameen Bank to establish its Amanah Ikhtiar model of Islamic banking for the poor. Now, it may also learn some useful things from Bangladesh's Islamic Green Banking. In this light, this... more
An attempt is made on to understand the concept of Green banking and its issues and challenges in Indian context. Green is becoming a symbol of eco-consciousness in the world. Green banking is making technological improvements,... more
Green banking is the operation of the banking activities giving especial attention upon the social, ecological and environmental factors aiming at the conservation of nature and natural resources. Banks can be green through bringing... more
This is an age of technology. Now, all types of organizations are adopting the modern technology for providing efficient services to the customers. This study is an attempt to find out the significant factors that affecting the customer... more
The economic area has knowledgeable important improvements and interests in the ongoing past; the vast majority of the banks take green financial activities. The banks are embracing different natural practices in their everyday business... more
Green banking becomes emerging issue in the world because of massive environmental change which is making the world more harmful for the survival of life. The purpose of the study is to assess the performance of green banking of some... more
The purpose of this paper is to identify the perceptions of bankers on various aspects of green banking including the concept green banking and banker, benefits of GB and its complexities in execution. Subsequently, their perceptions on... more
Abstract- In recent years, both academics and banking professionals are paying more attention towards the green banking concept due to its significant influence on environment management in banking context. In Sri Lanka, People’s bank... more
This paper investigates the relationship between credit risk and liquidity risk, based on the potential interdependence between liquid asset ratio and non-performing loans ratio, as well as systemic liquidity risk. The data used cover the... more
An attempt is made on to understand the concept of Green banking and its issues and challenges in Indian context. Green is becoming a symbol of eco-consciousness in the world. Green banking is making technological improvements,... more
The paper portrays the green baking practices in Bangladesh. Study is mainly based on secondary data highlighting the mobile banking, online banking, green financing, and guidelines for green banking practices as well as green banking... more
Climate change is the most complicated issue the world is facing. Across the globe there have been continuous endeavors to measure and mitigate the risk of climate change caused by human activity. In the environment friendly society “Go... more
Bio-diversity is the diversity or resources where human beings are majorly dependent on natural resources, but there is no proper utilization of natural resources by mankind. Green banking is a concept which provides a number of ways to... more
Green banking is the operation of the banking activities giving especial attention upon the social, ecological and environmental factors aiming at the conservation of nature and natural resources. Banks can be green through bringing... more
Rising concerns for environmental sustainability (ES) demand that Islamic finance converts its business model to ethical finance. The conversion of a business model is unattainable without employees’ positive... more
Banking industry is never considered as a polluting industry, however, the present scale of banking operations has considerably increased the carbon footprint of banks due to their massive use of energy, high paper wastage, lack of green... more