“Female Hands at Work” is a multi-media, interactive essay about three contemporary women artists—Kyria Kateh Lembesis, Diane Katsiaficas and Zoe Keramea—and their profound influence on the cultural heritage of ceramic production on the... more
The objective of the present contribution is to examine some of the potential hazards and threats for the coastal zone, induced by Climate Variability and Change (CV&C), using as case studies two Greek islands: Santorini and Crete. Beach... more
Beaches have a high hedonic value and economic potential; they are pillars of tourism which has been increasingly associated with vacationing wholly, or partially, at coastal locations and beach recreational activities according to the 3S... more
Viticulture has historically been an important part of the social and economic life in the Mediterranean, while wine is reckoned among the oldest documented trades. The aim of the study is to record, evaluate and analyze spatial data from... more
The DAPHNE network (ΔΑΦΝΗ, in Greek) has been developed for the Aegean islands with the objective to promote the sustainable development of a region that is ecologically sensitive and culturally rich. The basic tool employed is an... more
Afghanistan possesses plentiful and diverse mineral resources, with lapis lazuli being a well-known precious stone. The northern region of Afghanistan, specifically Badakhshan, is the world's primary source of this beautiful blue stone.... more
The Republic of Venice, which took measures against epidemics in order to protect its commercial power in the Mediterranean, since the 15th century, it has been the first state to initiate quarantine practices in the world. Venice not... more
HROUGH CONVERGENT TECHNOLOGIES OF CAMERA AND FLIGHT, THE VIEW FROM ABOVE directs the opening chapter of The Australian Ugliness (1960), Melbournebased Robin Boyd’s famous critique of urban and suburban aesthetic forms. By 1960, such... more
The rather unique appearance of pigeon houses on the Greek Island of TINOS represent an interesting variation of vernacular architecture. Their unique ornamentation draws from folkloric arts, local history and fashion, religious... more
The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the... more
Between shortly before midnight of the 24th and early morning of the 25th of September 1679, the life of French corsair Hugues Creveliers, leader of the most important corsair company active in the Aegean sea in the 1670s, came to an... more
in: Vathy, Astypalaia, v. I, Astypalaia in Time, ed. by A. G. Vlachopoulos, Athens: Ministry of Culture and Sports 2023 (in Greek) Following the break-up of the Byzantine Empire by the forces of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the Aegean... more
Η έκδοση «Ψυχρή Εφεδρεία: Το μέλλον του παρελθόντος ενός νησιωτικού ηλεκτροπαραγωγικού σταθμού» είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας καλλιτεχνικής έρευνας, η οποία έθεσε στο επίκεντρό της το ηλεκτροπαραγωγικό εργοστάσιο της Πάρου. Σκοπός της έκδοσης... more
Greek islander migration to South Australia 1919-1939: Emigration, settlement and community building
This chapter explores the migration of Greek islanders to South Australia between the wars. Greek islanders were the most numerous Greeks migrating to SA during this period, likely due to their mobile and maritime nature. Adelaide, Port... more
On 27 July 1813, twenty-five inhabitants of the island of Naxos made a rather remarkable deposition in front of the local notary regarding a dispute between the late Hajji Markakis Alogoferis and his wife, Margaritaraki. He had wanted her... more
John Steinbeck's visit to Greece, May 1962.
The present study undertakes to shed light on the ways in which the Venetians tried to cover their pressing needs in money and foodstuffs in order to carry out their naval enterprises in the Aegean during the First Morean War. More... more
A new Cryptorchestia species, Cryptorchestia ruffoi Latella & Vonk, sp. n. from the island of Rhodes in southeastern Greece, can be distinguished on the basis of morphological and phylogenetic data. Morphological analysis and DNA... more
Records of Vespa orientalis Linnaeus, 1771 for 28 islands of Greece are given: in 18 islands (Agistri, Euboea, Folegandros, Kalamos, Kalymnos, Karpathos, Kos, Leros, Lefkada, Naxos, Nisyros, Paros, Patmos, Pserimos, Telendos, Tilos,... more
La redazione di questo volume è di Enrico Giovanelli In copertina: Il mare ed il nome di Aristonothos. Le "o" sono scritte come i cerchi puntati che compaiono sul cratere. Finito di stampare in Dicembre 2017 "Allora è vero quanto... more
This paper presents results from a regional policy evaluation study conducted for the European Commission. The study examined the impact of the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund on EU regions with 'specific... more
Islands exhibit specific and unique problems, which ought to be studied in a special and separate way from the territories of the mainland. These problems and characteristics are more intense in small islands. Furthermore, islands... more
Tiger Eye stone is a gem with beautiful bands of yellow-golden color through it. This is an incredible stone that helps you release tension, anxiety, and fear and provide stability and peace. It lets you make decisions with refinement... more
Geography as a distinct science was developed in 19th-century and early 20th-century Greece under the influence of the French and the German geographical tradition. Greek-language bibliography of Geography included both studies of... more
Amazonite, the blue-green variety of the potassium feldspar, microcline, is among the most treasured of mineral specimens for the collector. Microcline has the same chemical formula – KAlSi3O8 - as the other K-spar polymorphs (orthoclase... more
Accessibility is a multifaceted concept that expresses the case of access between two points in space. For islands, accessibility is a key quality, since isolation and small size considered as inherent characteristics of "islandness". In... more
In the Hellenides Orogen, minerals of various gem quality occur in various rock types from mainly four tectono-metamorphic units, the Rhodope, Pelagonian, and the Attico-Cycladic massifs, and the Phyllites-Quartzites unit of Crete Island.... more
A válasz egyszerű: a fenti példákat a szigetvilág mutatta föl, figyelmeztetve rá, hogy a szigetek izolált ökoszisztémái sokkal érzékenyebbek a külső hatásokra, mint a jelentős populáció-ingadozást felszívni képes kontinens.9 Az új... more
Marriage payments in the Greek-speaking world have always taken the form of dowry, i.e. they represented the financial contribution at marriage of the bride’s family. As part of an enquiry to which much of my hitherto research has been... more
The bibliography stresses the existence of lively geographical mobility in the Aegean only from the mid18th century onward but my research has made me realize that travelling was also noticeably frequent at an earlier period. Given that... more
This paper was delivered at a conference (Cincinatt 2003) in which ethnoarchaeologists and historians were invited to join forces. Its purpose was to discuss the insights that notarial acts may give into agrarian history. My focus is on... more
The author makes a first attempt to reconstruct the social conditions that affected female experiences in the 17th c. Cycladic islands. The source primarily used are the relatively abundant notarial records from Naxos, but notarial... more
This is an all too rare insight into beliefs and attitudes held by common people in the Greek world of the medieval and early modern period. That we have only a hazy idea of the perceptions of these people, based mostly on folklore... more
ΒΙΒΛΙΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ π. Κωνσταντίνος Ν. Καλλιανός, Ἱστορικὴ περιήγηση στὴν Χώρα τῆς Σκοπέλου: Βηματίζοντας μὲ νοσταλγία στὸν τόπο καὶ τὴν ἱστορία του, Κέντρο Μελετών Νήσου Σκοπέλου, Σκόπελος 2020 (Σελίδες 86, Φιλολογική επιμέλεια Ελένη Σπηλιώτη, .
Gems and treatment of diseases or misfortunes by their radiation is an ancient medical and astroligical part of the science of Ayurveda and Medicine. Here is 1 of 4 parts on gems.
ένα μοναδικό ταξίδι ...
Geopolitics, which took place in a study of Rudolf Kjellen on the borders of Sweden (1899), was popularized by Karl Haushofer during the First World War and gained a number of meanings between the two wars in Germany. The propaganda... more
The aim of this article is to show by means of a case study, the possibilities offered to us by the combination of two conceptual tools, namely the notion of the Greek Archipelago as a dispersed city (according to S. Asdrachas) and the... more
Information on ESPON and its projects can be found on www.espon.eu. The web site provides the possibility to download and examine the most recent documents produced by finalised and ongoing ESPON projects. This delivery exists only in an... more
Climate Change , Lake Chad and mineral specimens from various parts of the Earth.