Greek and Roman sports

38 papers
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Greek and Roman sports refer to the athletic competitions and physical activities practiced in ancient Greece and Rome, characterized by their cultural significance, organization in festivals such as the Olympic Games and the Roman Games, and their role in promoting physical fitness, social status, and civic pride within these ancient societies.
Sections include:
•Some Modern and Ancient Names and Values of Sport and Spectacle
•Scope and Structure of the  Handbook
This case study explores the concept of "bread and circuses" in the Roman Empire and its modern-day parallel in American society, focusing on the role of entertainment, media, and political rhetoric as tools of social control. In ancient... more
After a break since it last appeared in Nikephoros 27 (2014), the Annual Bibliography of Sport in Antiquity will, starting from this issue, be continued.
Here we limit the question by locating the ancient equivalent of modern media in the following two areas: 1. sports-associated written texts including literature (Homer, Pindar, et al.) and inscriptions (victor inscriptions, rules... more
Jim Drain (RISD BFA 1998, Sculpture) was a member of Forcefield, a Providence-based group that merged music, performance, film, and installation. His subsequent solo work has been widely collected and exhibited. Daniel Heyman (RISD... more
This essay focuses on the main figurative documents representing the fortune of the agonistic activity practiced in Naples during the imperial age and inspired by the local famous Sebasta games. The contribution also presents an... more
Manual is a benefit of RISD Museum membership at the Friend and Radeke Society levels. It is also available for sale in RISD WORKS and online at (cover) American Circus Poster, ca. 1850 Color woodcut on paper 71.1 × 59.7... more
The enthusiasm of the population of Rome for chariot-races is attested both in written sources and in the iconographical record. Among the latter the contorniates of the fourth and firth centuries AD occupy a special place. The rich... more
Chariot races were the earliest, most popular, and longest-lived of all forms of ‘spectacles’ in the Roman world. This essay surveys the spatial and architectural framework of the Circus Maximus, the primary chariot racing venue at Rome,... more
L'iconographie monétaire est une source documentaire extrêmement variée. De nombreux thèmes y sont exploités par les cités, notamment les sports et les athlètes. Dans cette étude nous analyserons l'utilisation de thèmes sportifs dans les... more
This article examines a marble bust of a charioteer now in Budapest as well as one in Rome and reconstructs the previously overlooked genre to which they belong. First, it discusses the formal qualities of the two busts, including their... more
The article presents a recently found Roman bronze head with cirrus and outlines the different interpretations of this category of objects and the special hairstyle.
Chariot races were the earliest, most popular, and longest-lived of all forms of ‘spectacles’ in the Roman world. This essay surveys the spatial and architectural framework of the Circus Maximus, the primary chariot racing venue at Rome,... more
Tra il IV e il V secolo d.C, nonostante il veto opposto dalla Chiesa ufficiale alle antiche pratiche agonistiche e ludiche di tradizione pagana, la popolarità del pugilato è ancora alta a Roma. Lo confermano alcune lastre marmoree... more
Recent excavations in the site of Messene have unveiled numerous inscriptions from the Hellenistic and Roman imperial periods that significantly increase our understanding of the agonistic life of the city. By utilizing this new set of... more
i Sebasta di napoli furono istituiti in onore di Augusto come ringraziamento per aver aiutato la città sconvolta da un terremoto 1 . le feste si svolgevano tra agosto e settembre 2 e la data dell'istituzione è stata per molto tempo... more
Im Lapidarium des Schlosses Seggau, am Seggauberg bei Leibnitz, befindet sich oberhalb des linken Zugangs in den Korridor ein 0,3960,43 m großes Relieffragment 1 , in dem man zwei ringende Knaben erkannt hat (Abb. 1). Dem Stück, das... more
Sol es ampliamente conocido iconográficamente por conducir la cuadriga solar de caballos. Desde muy temprano estuvo ligado a las carreras de carros en Roma, siendo esta divinidad su patrona, y contando incluso con un templo en el mismo... more
Book review of the book "Spectacle in the Roman World" (2011), by Hazel Dodge.
Agonistic graffiti, containing texts and/or images related to sport training and competition, are attested in numerous cities of the Hellenistic and Roman world, especially in the Aegean islands and western Asia Minor. 1 Most of the known... more
In the rich epigraphic dossier found in one of the building sites of the new Naples metro are recorded the names of about 150 winners of Italika Rhomaia Sebastà Isolympia. The catalogs refer to at least four editions of the games, dating... more
The Colosseum is well understood as a dynastic monument that was key to the Flavian building programme and to Flavian ideology. From this point of view it has been approached as the fulfilment of Augustus's ambition for a large-scale... more
Alături de alte produse ale toreuticii romane, statuetele de bronz au intrat de timpuriu în atenţia specialiştilor, care au realizat tipologii, catalogări, consideraţii iconografi ce şi cronologice 1 . Problema tehnicii de confecţionare... more
Nike statue in Neaples National Museum, founded in the center city in 1893 and dated to the early 1st century AD, is a different version of Paionios’ type reproductions and it belongs to one not local sculpture workshop. It was placed... more