During archaeological excavations in 2022, an ar-ray of tray roof tiles made of white clay was found near the Bell Tower. Most of the tiles are polished. The area in front of the tower was covered, filled in, and paved with this tile.... more
This paper presents 36 wheel-made lamps discovered on the territory of the settlement from Durostorum–Ostrov (Ferma 4) belonging to the collections of the Lower Danube Museum Călărași. The production process of these lamps represents an... more
The aim of this book is to present an important category of items from the museum's heritage, namely containers and other types of glass objects from Antiquity, to the general public and researchers. The ordering criterion in the... more
Besaçon, Annales littérailes de lʼUniversité de Besançon I, fasc. I, archéol. I, 2 éme serie, Besançon.
This short contribution is dedicated to Roman lamps with gladiator representations on the disc. It is rather a "research stage" type analysis, the conclusions of which are obviously preliminary. As will be shown, the stage and quality of... more
Izmir’in Selcuk ilcesinde yer alan Ayasuluk Tepesi ve St. Jean Aniti Kazilarinda 1960-1984 yillari arasinda yapilan kazi, restorasyon ve temizlik calismalari sirasinda bulunmus, tek renk sirli kandiller arastirmanin konusunu... more
Volute lamp with double nozzle and relief of Venus riding a dolphin (?). Roman, 2nd century C.E. Terracotta with red slip, moldmade. 3.8 cm (h) x 8.1 cm (w) x 11.1 cm (l).
In this article is published a new sample of bronze lamp of the Hellenistic epoch. It is a stray find that was made in the Udobnoye village (Belgorod-Dnestrovskij district). There are a few analogies for this lamp and only two of them are... more
Статья посвящена публикации нескольких позднеантичных светильников с территории Боспора. Среди них преобладают малоазийские (эфесские) светильники, есть также мезийский и североафриканский экземпляры. Несмотря на небольшой размер выборки... more
The study examines 18 terracotta lamps housed at the Fethiye Museum and obtained by confiscation or purchase. Nos 9, 11, 12, and 17 were recovered from Esenköy (Fethiye District), while No. 15 was found during excavations at the Telmessos... more
OPAIȚELE ROMANE DE LA MICIA (I) CĂTĂLINA-MIHAELA NEAGU, IONUȚ BOCAN THE ROMAN LAMPS FROM MICIA (I) The artefacts uncovered in the Roman settlement at Micia, numerous and well assorted, consist in pottery, metal artefacts, stone and glass... more
The Forcart collection of Ptolemaic, Roman and Late Roman lamps from Fayum is today the largest singlecollector Egyptian lychnological corpus owned by a Swiss public institution, the Geneva Museum of Art and History, which acquired it in... more
Oil lamps are considered one of the most abundant archaeological remnants available at Greek archaeological sites. They have also been depicted in multiple scenes on Archaic and Classical pottery. However, there is no comprehensive study... more
Prezentul volum, apărut în anul 2021 sub egida editurii Magic Print, reprezintă efortul depus în finalizarea tezei de doctorat, susținută de autor în anul 2010, în cadrul Facultății de Istorie a Universității din București. După cum... more
Article est consacré aux travaux de l'auteur aux environs de Nimpheum à la Crimée en 2022.
The present paper is dedicated to the preliminary analysis of a special category of archaeological material of the funerary inventory of the cremation necropolis of Tăul Cornii, Roşia Montană, Alba county. Clay oil lamps bears a special... more
The artefacts uncovered in the Roman settlement at Micia, numerous and well assorted, consist in pottery, metal artefacts, stone and glass artefacts. Among pottery finds, the lamps are of a particular interest from the artistic as well as... more
This article presents a group of clay volute lamps from the collection of the East-Crimean History and Culture Museum-reserve. These lamps were discovered at different settlements and necropoleis of the European Bosporus and in general... more
Саратовский государственный университет имени Н.Г. Чернышевского Институт истории и международных отношений Кафедра истории древнего мира Институт археологии и культурного наследия АНТИЧНЫЙ МИР И АРХЕОЛОГИЯ Межвузовский сборник научных... more
To commemorate the victory in the Battle of the Eurymedon, a palm tree to support a statue of Athena was offered at Delphi. Although, the base foundation of this monument is the only vestige that remains of this offering1, ancient... more
To complete the project a similar study has to be conducted on the assemblage (about 50 pieces) kept in the stores at Tell Basta Zagazig, for which, hopefully, permission from the SCA will be forthcoming. 2) I would like to thank Dr.... more
Many lamp molds and the lamps produced from these molds were found during excavations in the building complex of the parliament building in the Ancient City of Tlos. This material group, evidencing local lamp production, has been... more
This chapter publishes ceramic oil lamps discovered during the rescue excavations at Zeugma in 2000. The lamps presented here were found by archaeologists in Trenches 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, and 19. The assemblage... more
Müzelerinde araştırmalar yapılmış ve benzer örnekler tespit edilerek, değerlendirme bölümünde örneklerle sunulmuştur. 2. ANADOLU SELÇUKLU DÖNEMİNE KADAR SERAMİK KANDİLLERİN GELİŞİMİ KANDİL sözcüğü Latince "candela" sözcüğünden... more
Μ.-Φ. Παπακωνσταντίνου - Αργ. Δουλγέρη-Ιντζεσίλογλου - Ζ. Μαλακασιώτη - Ελ. Νικολάου
The Residence of Chrysaliskos is one of the most interesting Late Hellenistic fortified constructions, situated in the north-eastern part of the Taman Peninsula. It was excavated in 1970-1973 by Nikolay Sokol’skiy. This house, which was a... more
Ancient lighting methods would have included natural materials which were easily available in rural, non-industrial areas. This paper examines one material, the loumini wick, and related methods which require no specialized vessels and no... more
The Forcart collection of Ptolemaic, Roman and Late Roman lamps from Fayum is today the largest singlecollector Egyptian lychnological corpus owned by a Swiss public institution, the Geneva Museum of Art and History, which acquired it in... more
A tutti coloro che hanno partecipato alla realizzazione dell'iniziativa la nostra più viva riconoscenza. In particolare si ringrazia il Dipartimento di Studi Storici e l'Università di Torino (fondi 60%) per aver contribuito al... more
Entre os materiais exumados por Vergílio Correia na necrópole do Olival do Senhor dos Mártires (Alcácer do Sal) durante a década de 1920 conta-se uma lucerna ainda inédita. Pelas suas características morfológicas e produtivas esta peça... more
Book review Ioannis Motsianos, Karen S. Garnett (eds), Glass, Wax and Metal: Lighting Technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval Times, Oxford (Archaeopress), 2019, 266 pages, ill. Color and b/w ISBN 978-1-78969-216-7 ISBN... more
The paper revisits a lot of early Roman lamps from Tomis, part of the Maria and George Severeanu collection. The items were previously published by dr. Severeanu himself in 1936 and later by C. Băluță. However, certain features were left... more
Ce rare bracelet à porte et à charnières soudées en épaisse feuille d'or a été produit à Alexandrie (Égypte) durant la période romaine (4 s.-premier quart du 5 s. apr. n.è.). Il a été acquis par Henri Seyrig à la vente Laurin, Guilloux,... more
Oriental amphorae are the most common recipients for transportation discovered in Scythia Minor for the Late Roman period, and the two types-Berenice LRA 1 and LRA 2-sometimes represent more than half of the total number of discovered... more
The present study continues the series of articles dedicated to the terracottas unearthed through systematic archaeological research, during the years 1997–2016, in the site of Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County. So far, 275 items... more
This paper revisits the late Roman lamps from Maria and dr. George Severeanu collection, namely the Pontic, Micro-Asian, and African types, both imported and imitations. The lamps featured have been previously published by George... more
Από το 1985 η συστηματική ανασκαφική έρευνα του Τομέα Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών στο ιερό του Απόλλωνα στην Αλάσαρνα της Κω έφερε στο φως ένα σημαντικό αριθμό λυχναριών (6ος αι. π.Χ.-3ος αι. μ.Χ.) που... more
The Forcart collection of Ptolemaic, Roman and Late Roman lamps from Fayum is today the largest single-collector Egyptian lychnological corpus owned by a Swiss public institution, the Geneva Museum of Art and History, which acquired it in... more
Firmalampen, produced in enormous quantities in the Northern provinces of the Roman Empire, bear with them still many mysteries to be solved. The most important of these concerns the very few individuals which have ever been used, if... more
The paper considers some terracotta lamps from recent rescue excavations by the Sinop Archaeological Museum in ancient Sinope, classifying them by types and chronological groups, from the 2nd century BC to the 7th century AD. The lamps... more
Lamps of the Hayes 9 type were produced in huge quantities in the state workshops of the Eastern Roman Empire and in the Western Pontic ateliers, where the Hayes 8 lamps were also manufactured, especially in Constantinople and Halmiris.... more