Recent papers in Greek
La confrontation de la pensée de Thomas d’Aquin et des doctrines issues de l’orthodoxie orientale traverse l’histoire du thomisme, le plus souvent sous les traits d’une controverse. Pour tenter d’éclairer un peu la question, on gagne à... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
Tarafımızdan kaleme alınan bu yazıda Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin, XIX. yüzyıl başından yani Pontusçuluğun kültürel alt yapısının oluşturulmaya çalışıldığı dönemden Pontus meselesinin gerek Türkiye içersinde gerek Türkiye dışında yürütülen... more
Çalışmanın amacı 30 Ocak 1923 tarihinde imzalanan Türk ve Yunan Halklarının Mübadelesine İlişkin Sözleşme ve Protokol'ün ardından İstanbul ilçelerine yerleştirilmiş olan mübadillerin burada yaşamış oldukları zorlukları ortaya koymaktır.... more
The photochemical behavior of oxyfluorfen [2-chloro-1-(3-etoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzene] on two Greek soils was investigated. Soils were sampled from Nea Malgara and Preveza regions, characterized by a different organic... more
The object of analysis here are the deverbal abstract nouns with roots of Greek origin and Bulgarian suffix. Most of them are motivated by fully adapted verbs borrowed from Greek and of particular interest from the perspective of word... more
In this paper we investigate the occurrence of Greek and Hebrew locative expressions in two syntactic frames: (i) direct complementation, and, (ii) complementation mediated by a 'light' P(reposition). The main claim is that these two... more
This paper presents the rationale behind the utilization of a Moodle Learning Management System for the facilitation of a blended learning approach in the Informatics department. The authors present and analyze the steps followed in order... more
This paper presents the first evidence of lapis lazuli or lazurite that was detected unexpectedly using micro-Raman spectroscopy during research to identify an enigmatic purple hue on the thirteenth-century BC Greek Bronze Age wall... more
Researchers of cognitive processing in illiteracy have proposed that the acquisition of literacy modifies the functional organization of the brain. They have suggested that, while illiterate individuals have access only to innate semantic... more
In the early 1990s, a previously-neglected text, entitled Laterculus Malalianus, was attributed by Jane Stevenson to the hand of Theodore of Tarsus (archbishop of Canterbury, 668–690). The text is a well-spring of Christological concerns.... more
All patients were assessed clinically at Agia Sofia Hospital in Athens. They belonged to three unrelated families from different regions of Greece. Their parents were healthy and nonconsanguineous. All pregnancies and perinatal periods... more
THE political events of the day have drawn so much of public attention to the regions which I have lately visited, that a sketch of their actual condition as I saw them in the autumn of last year, may not prove unacceptable at the present... more
This paper investigates the verbal construction of emotions in a bilingual/bicultural setting, the target languages and cultures being American English and Cypriot Greek. To examine whether bilingual speakers express different emotions in... more
Now and then, Homer is born again. There are many theories, also conspiratorial ones, about Homer’s past existence, provenience, and work. Was there really a Homer or were there a few bards who cooperated, a collection of voices? Many... more
«Greek Folk Music» is an educational project that aims to support musicians approaching the wonderful world of Greek folk music. The first volume of the series contains transcriptions of twenty-two instrumental pieces from different areas... more
We present the case of a Greek commercial enterprise facing the problem of managing the inventories of thousands of different items, supplied by more than 20 European and Asian manufacturers and sold to a large number of different-type... more
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
The aims of this study were a) to standardize the survey form of the Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version (Leyton-CV) in Greece, and estimate its sensitivity and specificity, and b) to assess high-risk factors for the development of... more
This chapter deals with the theoretical foundations of Balkan Sprachbund studies: their purpose and aims, terminology and methods, and the areal and intralinguistic evidence for the regularity of contact-induced Balkanization processes on... more
Καταγράφονται και αναλύονται διεξοδικά, μέσα από το εθνομεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο της Ανάλυσης Συμμετοχικής Κατηγοριοποίησης/Ανάλυσης της Συνομιλίας, δημόσιες επιτελέσεις και αποδόσεις φύλου οι οποίες (ανα)παράγουν την καθημερινή σεξιστική... more
Hoe kwam Sparta’s koning Agesilaos tot de grootheidswaan dat hij het soevereine Rijk van de Perzische koning wel even omver kon werpen? Met kinderlijke eenvoud zet Artoxerxes de Grieken tegen elkaar op en blijft Athener Xenophon niets dan... more
The debate on the meaning of pistis in 2 Peter 1:1 has alternated between subjective faith (belief) and objective faith (the Faith). However, agreeing with Fredrick W. Danker’s analysis, a secular Hellenistic meaning of pistis better... more
Dans l’Antiquité, christianisme et philosophie se font face comme deux voies d’accès à la vérité : l’une, par le moyen de la foi, l’autre, par la recherche rationnelle. Les rapports du christianisme et de la philosophie sont cependant... more
Background: The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaire is widely used for the assessment of daytime sleepiness in patients with sleep apneahypopnea syndrome (SAHS). The aim of this study was to develop a Greek version of ESS,... more
ΗΥΦΕΝ | βήμα για την τυπογραφία []
Just landed / Volume 13, Νο.19, 2021
Published by the Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication (ISTVC)
Just landed / Volume 13, Νο.19, 2021
Published by the Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication (ISTVC)
Background Antiglycan antibodies have recently been reported to be associated with Crohn's disease (CD). These antibodies include anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan antibodies (ASCA), anti-laminariobioside carbohydrate antibodies... more
This paper investigates the politeness strategies and mitigation devices used by native and non-native speakers (advanced learners) of Greek when refusing an invitation from an intimate and their consequences for the expression of... more
R. González Salinero (ed.), Marginados sociales y religiosos en la Hispania tardorromana y visigoda, Signifer Libros, Madrid/Salamanca, 2013 [ISBN: 978-84-938991-6-5], pp. 171-191 ¿El éxito de un desterrado arriano?: la evangelización del... more
Attempts to evaluate the cognitive-motivational profiles of students with reading comprehension difficulties have been scarce. The purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to assess the discriminatory validity of cognitive,... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
The object of analysis here are the deverbal abstract nouns with roots of Greek origin and Bulgarian suffix. Most of them are motivated by fully adapted verbs borrowed from Greek and of particular interest from the perspective of word... more
Μεσογειακό Κολέγιο: 2ο Διεπιστημονικό Φοιτητικό Συνέδριο 2014 Η παρουσίαση αυτή στοχεύει στην παροχή μιας στρατηγικής ανάλυσης της διαχείρισης της Alfa Pastry SA, ένας από τους πιο σημαντικούς παράγοντες, που δραστηριοποιούνται στην... more
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