Great Britain
Recent papers in Great Britain
Stroke is a leading cause of disability across the developed world, affecting an increasing number of younger people. In this article, we seek to understand the experience of stroke as a disabling life situation among young people and the... more
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) was diagnosed in rainbow trout in the UK in May 2006. VHS virus (VHSV) was isolated from fingerlings showing typical histopathological lesions at a single rainbow trout farm site experiencing high... more
Background: International youth holiday resorts feature many of the key risk factors for violence, including large numbers of bars and nightclubs and high levels of substance use. However, little information currently exists on the extent... more
We apply an autobiographical memory framework to the study of regret. Focusing on the distinction between regrets for specific and general events we argue that the temporal profile of regret, usually explained in terms of the... more
The present paper describes a pilot and follow-up study of the preliminary development of a new tool to screen for Asperger Syndrome (AS) and related social and communication conditions (the CAST: Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test) in... more
The National Health Service Knowledge and Skills Framework has been introduced as part of the Agenda for Change Reforms in the United Kingdom to link pay and career progression to competency. The purpose of this paper is to consider the... more
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o
the medical superintendent of the Brookwood Asylum, immediately took upon himself the task of unchaining Catherine from what he clearly considered apparel reminiscent of a pre-Conollyite era ofmechanical restraint. In the first few weeks... more
Background: The United Kingdom (UK), alongside other industrialised countries, is experiencing a shortage of nurses partly due to low retention rates. Job satisfaction has been highlighted as a contributing factor to intent to leave and... more
"Words and Phrases, Unchanged for Centuries. Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation. Following is a comparison of... more
Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign... more
Purpose To test if two of the adverse event triggers proposed by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement can detect adverse drug events (ADEs) in a UK secondary care setting, using an electronic prescribing and health record system.... more
Aims Tobacco tax increases are the most effective means of reducing tobacco use and inequalities in smoking, but effectiveness depends on transnational tobacco company (TTC) pricing strategies, specifically whether TTCs overshift tax... more
Methylomonas methanica MC09 is a mesophilic, halotolerant, aerobic, methanotrophic member of the Gammaproteobacteria , isolated from coastal seawater. Here we present the complete genome sequence of this strain, the first available from... more
Computerised clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are increasingly being used by nurses to support their clinical practice. One of the factors which may affect how nurses use technology such as CDSS may be their clinical experience.... more
At the end of the 1970s a racist rock music movement known as White Power music emerged in Great Britain in connection with political parties of the extreme right and remains a vibrant force in racist social movements today. Throughout... more
Exposure to inhalable wood dust and compliance with the British Control of Substances
This is a critical abstract of an economic evaluation that meets the criteria for inclusion on NHS EED. Each abstract contains a brief summary of the methods, the results and conclusions followed by a detailed critical assessment on the... more
To assess the effectiveness of the current UK clinical practice in reducing hepatic fat (IHCL). Whole body MRI and (1)H MRS were obtained, before and after 6 mo nutritional counselling, from liver, soleus and tibialis muscles in 10... more
Background Medication-related problems (MRPs) are the undesirable effects of pharmacotherapy that can potentially lead to harm. The epidemiology of MRPs in paediatric renal patients is unknown. We aimed to characterise MRPs in this... more
Background. The World Health Organisation's Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 sought to create a framework for health promotion action that conveyed the notion of capacity building as it related to specific settings. It... more
Health Technology Assessment NIHR HTA programme
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective method of relieving chronic intractable pain, and one of its key indications is failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). The objective of the current study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness... more
A recent finding of the Confidential Enquiry on Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) 1 was that maternal mortality is associated with risk factors such as increased maternal age (>35 years), obesity [body mass index (BMI) > 30], late... more
The implementation of a pharmacovigilance service compliant with the legal and regulatory responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors presents particular challenges for sponsors in a non-commercial setting.In this paper we examine these... more
ObjectiveDespite widespread concern over exploitation of the European Union's fish stocks, dietary guidelines in the UK continue to recommend two portions of fish per week. The present study sought to investigate whether health and/or... more
The purpose of this paper is to explore the contribution of paediatric accident and emergency nurses to the care of children. Method: Using a case study approach, the paper focuses on the experiences of three nurses working in this... more
Objective: No outcome measures specific to pulmonary hypertension (PH) currently exist. The aim of the study was to develop health-related quality of life (symptoms and functioning) scales and a quality of life scale that would allow... more
Active support, a package of procedures which includes activity planning, support planning and training on providing effective assistance, was introduced in five community residences serving 19 adults with severe intellectual disability... more
Background: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is a major threat to public health. Greece, having the highest smoking prevalence in the European Union is seriously affected by passive smoking. The purpose of this study was to measure... more
P athology, or laboratory medicine as we prefer to call it, represents approximately 4% of the overall NHS budget, provides information for up to 70% of clinical decisions and is highly regarded by hospital clinicians (Heathcare... more
Qualitative research on self-management for people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has typically reported one-off retrospective accounts of individuals' strategies. The aim of this research was to identify the ways in which... more
Background The number of asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced people worldwide is rising. Western countries are using increasingly restrictive policies, including the detention of asylum seekers, and there is concern that... more
There is increasing awareness of the damage caused to valuable and often unique sensitive habitats by people pressure as degradation causes a loss of plant species, disturbance to wildlife, on-site and off-site impacts of soil movement... more
Background The necessity of aggregating health data over areas can impede our understanding of health determinants.
There is growing interest in the provision of trial results to trial participants. However, there are a number of gaps in the research base relating to the closure of clinical trials and feedback of results to participants.The aim of this... more