Recent papers in Gravitation
This book focusses on the explanation of the gravitational interactions and phenomena as they are described and understood in the framework of gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM). GEM is a classical field theory, that is starting from the idea... more
The universal force-motion equation, which was recently proposed by the author, is a novel relativistic approach to the interactions in nature. In the equation, in contrast to traditional theories, an equivalent velocity field is utilised... more
Newton's universal law of gravitation has not lost any of its value for centuries. Despite some constraints, this law is indispensable in many applications due to its simplicity, clarity and high reliability. The new theory outlined in... more
Despite the popularity of dark matter and dark energy as an explanation of various empirical observations in physics, there remains no direct evidence of either. This is despite significant efforts in attempting to identify and observe... more
Goldstein Poole Safko Classical Mechanics 3rd Edition
Assuming the fundamental importance of division algebras, we introduced the division algebra of quaternions as a framework for description of four-dimensional space-time intervals. We derived the quaternion form of the Lorentz time... more
A conceptual framework for analysing the energetics of density-stratified Boussinesq fluid flows is discussed. The concept of gravitational available potential energy is used to formulate an energy budget in which the evolution of the... more
Research and analysis of braking issues for golf cars and other low speed vehicles (LSVs) are reported in this study. It is shown that many such vehicles only provide braking for their rear wheels, which can lead to a driver losing... more
The fundamental holographic principle is first proposed, then demonstrated in its validity and viability through a thought experiment and then finally derived. The Heisenberg uncertainty relations are shown to follow from this fundamental... more
G protection in the 39 Gripen aircraft is provided by a full coverage anti-G suit, a pressure-breathing system, and anti-G straining maneuvers (AGSM). The purpose was to study (1) the interaction of pressure breathing and AGSM while... more
In this work, we take a short recap of a formal framework of the Eddington-inspired Born–Infeld (EiBI) theory of gravity and derive the point-like Lagrangian for underlying theory based on the use of Noether gauge symmetries (NGS). We... more
The effects of vasoactive agonists on systemic blood vessels were examined with respect to anatomical location and gravity acclimation in the semi-arboreal snake, Elaphe Obsoleta. Major blood vessels were reactive to putative... more
We have studied the application and the feasibility of confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) in microgravity research. Its superior spatial resolution and 3D imaging capabilities and its use of light as a probe, render this instrument... more
Fetal bypass presents several perfusion challenges, including the need for high arterial flow rates using flexible arterial and small venous cannulae. We hypothesized that vacuum-assisted venous drainage (VAVD) would improve drainage and... more
Perceiving vertical self-motion is crucial for maintaining balance as well as for controlling an aircraft. Whereas heave absolute thresholds have been exhaustively studied, little work has been done in investigating how vertical... more
The author, who was Schrfdinger's assistant during his last years in Vienna, gives an account of Sehrfdinger~ views and activities during that time which lead him to a different approach to research on the relations between gravitation... more
In this work, our prime focus is to study the one to one correspondence between the conduction phenomena in electrical wires with impurity and the scattering events responsible for particle production during stochastic inflation and... more
Pure thermodynamical considerations to describe the entropic evolution of the universe seem to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This suggests that the gravitational field itself has entropy. In this paper we expand recent work... more
Space and Time are continuous absolute quantities. They don't change with anything at all. However, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. This is because... more
Introduction à la théorie électromagnétique initiale de Maxwell avec analyse plus approfondie conduisant à l'établissement au niveau subatomique d'une mécanique claire d'émission et d'absorption de photons électromagnétiques et de... more
This book offers a detailed and stimulating account of the Lagrangian, or variational, approach to general relativity and beyond. The approach more usually adopted when describing general relativity is to introduce the required concepts... more
The paper presents the exact solution to the relative orbital motion that takes place in a central force field. This problem is a generalization of the problem of the Keplerian relative motion in a central force field. The solution is... more
Because of their rapid development, amphibians have been important model organisms in studies of how microgravity (pG) affects vertebrate growth and differentiation. Both urodele (salamanders) and anuran (frogs and toads) embryos have... more
It is discovered that the gravitational field on the surface of a neutron star is with a relativistic mass density of 2.65*1016~5.87*1018kgm-3 which can be larger than the mass density of the neutron star (~1017kgm-3). And, the total... more
Another recent paper 'Mach's Principle and its connection with Inertia, Gravitation and Dark Matter' described how dark matter is more likely to be a gravitational effect rather than brought about by a halo of dark particles surrounding... more
Many condensed matter experiments explore the finite temperature dynamics of systems near quantum critical points. Often, there are no well-defined quasiparticle excitations, and so quantum kinetic equations do not describe the transport... more
In the dynamics of accretion disks, the presence of collective effects associated with the self-gravity of the disk is expected to affect not only the momentum transport, but also the relevant energy balance equations, which could differ... more
SCHOT, P. K., B. T. BATES, and J. S. DUFEK. Bilateral perfonnance symmetry during drop landing: a kinetic analysis. . Technical note: accuracy of determining the point of force application with piezoelectric force plates. 1. Biomech.... more
Dans la théorie du “réseau cosmologique” qui est présentée dans ce livre, le problème de l’unification des théories physiques et de la recherche d’une Théorie du Tout est traité d’une manière radicalement différente des autres approches... more
The coupling constant "kappa" in the Einstein Field equation is mostly explained in very difficult to understand equations. In this paper you find a much more easy to understand explanation.
E.N.Khalilov GLOBAL NETWORK FOR THE FORECASTING OF EARTHQUAKES – GNFE. INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF GEODYNAMICS MONITORING. London, SWB, 2011, 38 p. There has been described the positive experience of short-term forecasting of strong distanced... more
In vertebrates (including humans) altered gravitational environments such as weightlessness can induce malfunction of the inner ears due to a mismatch between canal and statolith afferents. This leads to an illusionary tilt because the... more
We will define the mass of an electron in the context of Weinberg's empirical formula that relates the mass of a pion to fundamental physical constants, namely the gravitational and Planck constants, the speed of light in vacuum and the... more
A balance platform setup was defined for use in the determination of the center of gravity in the sagittal plane for a wheelchair and patient. Using the center of gravity information, measurements from the wheelchair and patient (weight,... more
We discuss a field-theoretical approach based on general-relativistic variational principle to derive the covariant field equations and hydrodynamic equations of motion of baryonic matter governed by cosmological perturbations of dark... more
In the context of modified f(R) gravity, we attempt to study the thermodynamic properties of the evolving Lorentzian wormholes at the apparent horizon. It is shown that the wormhole can be derived from a particular f(R) model in the... more
(Replaced by a new version June 2023)
Simple explanation how regarding gravitation's run-time with c yields apparent elongated distances, related delays and bending trajectories.
Simple explanation how regarding gravitation's run-time with c yields apparent elongated distances, related delays and bending trajectories.
The biomechanical determinants of the scaling of chew cycle duration are important components of models of primate feeding systems at all levels, from the neuromechanical to the ecological. Chew cycle durations were estimated in 35... more
It is proved herein that the quantity 'r' appearing in the so-called "Schwarzschild solution" is neither a distance nor a geodesic radius but is in fact the radius of Gaussian curvature. The radius of Gaussian curvature does not determine... more
In the Standard Model, the problem of anomalous magnetic moments is only half-resolved. Proponents always say that prediction of the electron's magnetic moment; confirmed by measurement is the most accurate prediction in all of physics,... more
Gravity seems to fail at large distances, and observed matter can only explain about 5% of the gravitational force involved in the galaxies’ motion. Science has thus invoked the presence of dark matter and dark energy to correspondingly... more
A model was developed for cross-country skiing where locomotive power depends on speed and slope as variables, and further depends on snow friction, gravitation, mass, air drag, wind, and air density. Model parameters were estimated... more