Recent papers in Grasp
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
This paper is concerned with the application of a GRASP approach to a nursescheduling problem in which the objective is to optimise a set of preferences subject to a set of binding constraints. The balance between feasibility and... more
Microgrids are expected to become part of the next electric power system evolution, not only in rural and remote areas but also in urban communities. Since microgrids are expected to coexist with traditional power grids (such as district... more
Esta tesis aborda el Problema Árbol de Expansión con incertidumbre intervalar en los costos,utilizando el criterio de Min-Max Regret. Varios algoritmos son implementados, tanto exactos como heurísticos. Con respecto a los algoritmos... more
Diversity selection is a common task in multiple real-world problems. The maximum diversity problem traditionally consists in selecting a subset of items from a given set, such that a measure of the diversity present in the subset of... more
This article cites 36 articles, 18 of which can be accessed free This article is free to access Subject collections (467 articles) neuroscience (526 articles) behaviour Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections... more
One of the most common systems in non-automated warehouses, is drive-in pallet racking with a shared storage policy(which is usually based on the duration-of-stay). Such scheme targets towards an efficient use of storage space, since... more
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
Tile temporal coupling between the transport and grasp components of prehension movements was investigated through two experiments. In Experiment !, six normal subjects were required to reach and grasp each of three spheres located at... more
Clásicamente, el problema de la diversidad máxima consiste en seleccionar un número fijo de elementos, desde un conjunto, de tal manera que una medida de diversidad sea maximizada. En esta investigación analizamos un nuevo modelo,... more
Kinesthetic awareness is important to successfully navigate the environment. When we interact with our daily surroundings, some aspects of movement are deliberately planned, while others spontaneously occur below conscious awareness. The... more
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
Detection of community structure in graphs remains up to this date a computationally challenging problem despite the efforts of many researchers from various scientific fields in the past few years. The modularity value of a set of vertex... more
As mobile and tangible devices are getting smaller and smaller it is desirable to extend the interaction area to their whole surface area. The HandSense prototype employs capacitive sensors for detecting when it is touched or held against... more
One of the most common systems in non-automated warehouses, is drive-in pallet racking with a shared storage policy (which is usually based on the duration-of-stay). Such scheme targets towards an efficient use of storage space, since its... more
W e propose and describe a hybrid GRASP with weight perturbations and adaptive path-relinking heuristic (HGP + PR) for the Steiner problem in graphs. In this multistart approach, the greedy randomized construction phase of a GRASP is... more
We develop a self-energy screening approximation suitable for multi-electron atoms. c This approximation is tested in a number of few-and many-electron systems. c We obtain superior agreement with experiment compared with existing... more
Energy is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of the generalization of agricultural, industrial and domestic activities the demand for energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries. This has... more
Hand anthropometry data are largely based on measurements of the hand in an outstretched hand posture and are, therefore, difficult to apply to tool gripping hand postures. The purpose of this project was to develop a representative,... more
A gestão de transportes públicos carece de ferramen-tas que auxiliem no planejamento adequado dos recursos, uma vez que há uma grande diversidade de cenários a serem atendidos e um alto custo para prover o serviço em regiões de demanda... more
The Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is well known for its complexity as an NP-hard disjunctive scheduling problem. The problem addressed in this paper is JSSPs with an objective of minimizing makespan while satisfying a number of hard... more
The work addressed in this paper is motivated from a real problem proposed to the authors by a bakery company in Northern Spain. The objective is to minimize the total distance travelled for the daily routes over the week. In order to... more
GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures) is a multistart metaheuristic for producing good-quality solutions of combinatorial optimization problems. Each GRASP iteration is usually made up of a construction phase, where a... more
This paper will present a case study on the use of simulation to develop and implement an assembly line for the assembly and test of customer located telephony equipment. The simulation model was used as a tool to assist in development... more
This paper describes a graphical-user-interface and a heuristic based on a greedy randomised adaptive search procedure which have been developed to work in combination to tackle the basic vehicle routing problem (VRP). Customers of known... more
AbstractÐThis paper introduces GRASP (Generic seaRch Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem), a new search algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability (SAT). GRASP incorporates several search-pruning techniques that proved to be quite... more
This Paper proposes a compound robotic hand that benefits the features of both underactuated and continuous systems. This hand consists of two underactuated tendon-driven fingers and a single section continuous finger. The continuous... more
Brain-Computer Interfaces are promising technologies that can improve Human-Robot Interaction, especially for disabled and impaired individuals. Noninvasive BCI's, which are very desirable from a medical and therapeutic perspective, are... more
Several methods to select variables that are subsequently used in discriminant analysis are proposed and analysed. The aim is to find from among a set of m variables a smaller subset which enables an efficient classification of cases.... more
In this paper, a new modified version of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), called Multiple Phase Neighborhood Search-GRASP (MPNS-GRASP), is proposed for the solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem. In this method,... more
Generalized Regression Analysis and Spatial Prediction (GRASP) was used to map the spatial distribution of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the South Atlantic. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to relate catch to environmental... more
We address the so-called subset selection problem in multiple linear regression where the objective is to select a minimal subset of predictor variables without sacrificing any explanatory power. A new mathematical programming model is... more
Over recent years, several nonlinear time series models have been proposed in the literature. One model that has found a large number of successful applications is the threshold autoregressive model (TAR). The TAR model is a piecewise... more
A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is a randomized heuristic that has been shown to quickly produce good quality solutions for a wide variety of combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we describe a GRASP... more
We describe Fortran subroutines for finding approximate solutions of sparse instances of the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) using a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP). The design and implementation of the code are... more
The Maximum Diversity Problem (MDP) consists in identifying, in a population, a subset of elements, characterized by a set of attributes, that present the most diverse characteristics between themselves. The identification of such... more
The set multicovering or set k-covering problem is an extension of the classical set covering problem, in which each object is required to be covered at least k times. The problem finds applications in the design of communication networks... more
The wake effect is the key factor affecting the low efficiency of wind power production. It is very important to predict the relationship between the cost and the produced power for various wind-turbine placements under various wind... more