Graphic Arts

671 papers
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Graphic Arts is a field of visual communication that encompasses the creation and manipulation of images and text through various media, including print and digital formats. It involves techniques such as illustration, typography, and photography to convey messages and ideas effectively.
Junior Certificate Technical Graphics was introduced in Ireland in 1991 and aimed to develop innovative problem solving aptitudes and knowledge of plane and descriptive geometry (NCCA 1991). Despite the philosophy of breadth and balance... more
In 1990s Hanoi, Vietnam, many contemporary artists navigated the written form as crucial to the logic of the pictorial field. These included Vũ Dân Tân (1946-2009), Trương Tân (b. 1963), and Nguyễn Văn Cường (b. 1973), among others. I... more
La Publicidad, las artes e industrias gráficas y los procedimientos innovadores que ambos ámbitos utilizan se pusieron al unísono a finales del siglo XIX coincidiendo con la revolución estética y técnica. Estética y técnica que... more
O artigo aborda o projeto de extensão “Gravura na Rede”, realizado pelo curso de Artes Visuais da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), como uma proposta interdisciplinar que articula ensino, pesquisa e extensão para democratizar o... more
Medrano Bigas, Pau (2016). "D'Els Quatre Gats a les quatre rodes: Les complicitats d'en Ramon Casas en la promoció de l'automobilisme a Catalunya" Article publicat dins de l'obra Ramon Casas. La vida moderna; catàleg de l'exposició... more
Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it... more
In the 19th century, the field of cartography grew exponentially when photomechanical printing became a stabilised procedure for the graphic arts industry. With the introduction of photomechanical processes, in the early developments of... more
A imprensa da Universidade do Recife demonstra, por meio de seu acervo, ter sido berço de diversos escritores renomados da literatura pernambucana, e foi também a casa de artistas gráficos reconhecidos pelos seus trabalhos. A pesquisa tem... more
21. yüzyıl teknolojileriyle birlikte bilgisayar, ışık, ses, akıllı tekstiller, internet, iletişim, dijital birçok unsur moda tasarımcılarının ve markalarının işlerinde tek başına ya da birlikte yer alarak, tasarımcıya ve markalara yeni ve... more
The largest Hispanic celebration in the U.S., El Día de los Muertos has both Spanish and Indigenous American roots. Largely unknown in the US prior to the 1970s, it was adopted by Mexican American artists as an emblematic symbol of the... more
The contribution investigates the fate of the sculptures made in the late 17th century by sculptor Giacomo Piazzetta for the library of the Dominican convent of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice. In addition to tracing, on the basis of... more
Questo saggio ricostruisce le vicende della raccolta illustrata 'Il Porto Sepolto' di Giuseppe Ungaretti (1923), approfondendo l’opera xilografica di Francesco Gamba. Formatosi a Glasgow e stabilitosi a La Spezia, Gamba viene individuato... more
The educational landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation due to advancements in digital technologies and evolving labour market demands. This article presents an in-depth interview with Prof.
Nella singolarità monumentale del Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo e davanti al magnifico Paradiso di Jacopo Tintoretto saranno esposte opere di artisti della collezione universitaria V:Ar.Co (Vanvitelli per l'Arte Contemporanea) presso il... more
Kisiye ozel giysi tasarimi, tuketicinin giysiden kaynaklanan ihtiyac ve isteklerini en yuksek duzeyde karsilamayi amaclar. Bu nedenden dolayi da tuketiciler tarafindan oncelikli olarak tercih edilir. Gunumuzde internet teknolojilerinin... more
Sürdürülebilirlik, çok eski yıllara dayanan bir kavram olsa da günlük hayatımızda yer alması oldukça yakın bir geçmişe dayanmaktadır. Sürdürülebilirliğin en önemli çıkış noktası, gelecek nesillere daha yaşanabilir bir küresel... more
Pneumonia adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang mengenai parenkim paru, distal dari bronkiolus terminalis yang mencakup bronkiolus respiratorius dan alveoli, serta menimbulkan konsolidasi jaringan paru dan gangguan pertukaran gas setempat.... more
В с т у п . У цьому дослідженні простежимо вплив голландського художника Рембрандта ван Рейна на формування художньої картини світу Т. Шевченка. М е т о д и . Завдяки порівняльно-історичному методу знайдено підтвердження в епістолярній... more
The word Philately refers to the collection of stamps, originally derived from the Greek words filo (like) and ateleia (exemption, tax exemption). Stamp collecting could be described as a passion, even more so, love, located somewhere on... more
Book review of ¡Printing the Revolution!: The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now, Ed. E. Carmen Ramos (Washington D.C.: Smithsonian American Art Museum and Princeton University Press, 2020) in Print Quarterly XLI, no.... more
This article argues that interior/architectural design education favours a dominance of final presentation over the design process in the studio environment, particularly in the evaluation of a project. It suggests that the appeal of... more
Hızla gelişen sanayileşme, dengesiz nüfus artışı, doğal kaynakların bilinçsiz tüketimi, çevre kirliliği ve küresel ısınmanın etkisinin ciddi boyutlarda hissedilmesi gibi olumsuzluklar, üzerinde yaşadığımız yerküreye önemli oranda zararlar... more
geographies. I want to recognize and thank my chair, Howard Lay, whose knowledge, patience, and friendship were instrumental to this endeavor. Similarly, Patricia Simons has been a constant champion and friend. Without the encouragement... more
Postal history of Alberta post offices in the Suffield Block, southeastern Alberta, including Adonis, Bingville, Bowmanton, Box Springs, Brutus, Deerdale, Echodale, Eva, Hilda, Hoskin, Many Island, Peerless, Rapid Narrows, Rolly Point,... more
Novice designers produced a sequence of sketches while inventing a logo for a novel brand of soft drink. The sketches were scored for the presence of specific objects, their local features and global composition. Self-assessment scores... more
This essay considers Christina Fernandez’s 1999 photographic series Untitled Multiple Exposures, exploring the artist’s engagement with Mexican modernist photography and its reinterpretation through her own Chicana identity. By way of... more
Bu çalışmada, askeri kamuflajın savaş meydanlarında oluşturduğu göz aldatmacasının ötesinde, bir sanat formuna nasıl dönüştüğü ve savaş sonrası dönemde sanat pratiklerinde nasıl kavramsal bir ifade biçimi haline geldiği incelenmiştir.... more
El presente ensayo relata la residencia "Kardografía Kosta", llevada a cabo en Berna, Suiza, durante el mes de agosto de 2024. Situada en la pequeña localidad suiza de Evilard, dos pares de paredes blancas delimitan el cubo blanco de la... more
Genio maggiore di questo dopo il Pordenone non diede il Friuli. Fu ingegnoso e nuovo ne' partiti delle grand' istorie, fiero nel disegno, felice nel colorito specialmente delle carnagioni, espressivo in ogni varietà di affetti; il tutto... more
Ponomarenko Maryna. MYKOLA HLUSHСHENKO’S «SELF-PORTRAIT» OF 1923: IN THE MIRROR OF THE RENAISSANCE This article is a study of Mykola Hlushchenko’s self-portrait, created in 1923, during the artist’s «Berlin» period (1919–1924). The... more
Review of: Clifford S. Ackley and Katharine Harper, Holland on Paper in the Age of Art Nouveau, Boston (MFA Publications) 2014. Also discussing starting and ending points of the ‘New Art’ movement; moral principles underlying the... more
A fines de 2018 y principios de 2019 visitamos al artista Luis Pazos con el objetivo de investigar la composición de su archivo personal y sus estrategias de conservación y activación. Nos enfocamos, articularmente, en las fotografías de... more
Bemooste Mauern, ein Tor und ein Tempel auf dem Gipfel eines Berges, Globus, Kugel, spie lende Kinder und ein Greis, rote und gelbe Gewänder in einer in geheimnisvolles Dunkel getauchten Landschaft, eine unüberblickbare Anzahl von... more
ABSTRACTThis article is the result of a study on the creation of installation art based on local wisdom with the source of the idea of creating the Loro Blonyo statue. Loro blonyo is a pair of wooden statues consisting of a statue of a... more
Graphic arts are considered among the arts in which the technical factor is an essential one in terms of both structure and aesthetics. This type of art has an impact on the human creative thought and artistic innovation, since its... more
Günümüz dünyasında, moda ve tasarım disiplinleri, teknolojik yenilikler ve kültürel değişimlerle birlikte sürekli bir evrim içindedir. Bu değişimler, özellikle posthümanizm teorisi altında, yeni bir boyut kazanmaktadır. Posthümanizm,... more
es un ejemplo de museo de colección privada, creada por el mismo artista. Su intención fue erigir en Barcelona un espacio de arte contemporáneo en la zona del Montjuïc. Su apertura se produjo el 10 de junio de 1975, exponiendo una amplia... more
Graveur, homme de lettres, critique et théoricien de l'art, mais également entrepreneur, biographe, journaliste et traducteur, Nicolas Ponce (1746-1831) est une personnalité singulière qui cultive à la fois les arts et les lettres. Tout... more
Bu araştırma, ticari tabelalarının gelişimi üzerine bir inceleme sunmaktadır. Araştırmada tabelaların, kent estetiği ve tüketim kültürüne etkileri, bu etkilerin görsel ve kültürel boyutlarını grafik tasarım bağlamında ele alınmıştır.... more
The Bodleian Library, Oxford has an important collection of eight blockbooks printed in the fifteenth century. These volumes have been described as 'of exceptional importance for our early understanding of early woodcut printing and... more
Tema ovog rada je istraživanje unutarnjeg prostora koji nosimo u sebi i njegovo izražavanje prema vanjskom svijetu te uzajamno djelovanje jednoga n