Grammatical Relations
Recent papers in Grammatical Relations
This paper analyses adverbial clauses in Veracruz Huasteca Nahuatl (vhn), a Uto-Aztecan language spoken in Mexico. We argue that the formal properties of adverbial clauses in vhn are motivated by general functional principles,... more
This chapter discusses one of the major advances of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) relative to other theories of grammar: the view of grammatical relations as construction-based, and so not only language-specific but... more
Our study analyses the manner of conceptualising and of describing the secondary object (SO) in the latest edition of Romanian Grammar (GALR 2005, 2008). To that effect, the five criteria pre- sented by the academic treatise for the... more
This paper describes a number of selectors for grammatical relations in Yaqui. The main selectors discussed in the paper include case marking, word order, suppletion, passive and valency-increasing mechanisms, control and ana-phoric... more
According to the communis opinio, there is no place for the grammatical category of subject in Pāṇini's grammar of Sanskrit. This is due to the fact that, according to many scholars of Pāṇini, Sanskrit lacks this category in its grammar.... more
This paper argues that long-standing problems in the analysis of Chinese, such as the question of word classes and grammatical relations, can be resolved, or actually done away with completely, if we take a constructionist approach in the... more
This paper analyses voice and grammatical relations in Lamaholot (eastern Indonesia) in light of the typologies of voice systems in western Austronesian languages. In the literature, languages of eastern Indonesia are assumed either not... more
This paper presents the morphosyntactic properties of the applicative derivation in Japhug Rgyalrong, and shows that an additional valency-increasing derivation, the tropative, is also found in this language. Although the applicative and... more
Hinuq is the smallest of the Tsezic languages (Nakh-Daghestanian family), mainly spoken in one village in the Caucasian mountains in Russia.
This article discusses three variable coding properties of Spanish objects: a-marking, clitic doubling, and case form (accusative lo vs. dative le). These properties are essential for the formal identification of grammatical relations.... more
Syntactic reconstruction has virtually been outlawed in historical-comparative research for a long time, more or less ever since Watkins’ (1964, 1976) influential work on the problems of reconstructing word order for Proto-Indo-European.... more
Comprehenders need to incrementally integrate incoming input with previously processed material. Constraint-based and probabilistic theories of language understanding hold that comprehenders do this by drawing on implicit knowledge about... more
Do principles of language processing in the brain affect the way grammar evolves over time or is language change just a matter of socio-historical contingency? While the balance of evidence has been ambiguous and controversial, we... more
This paper describes the alignment system for verbal person-marking in Chitimacha, a language isolate of Louisiana. Using data from recently digitized versions of texts collected by Morris Swadesh in the 1930s, I show that Chitimacha... more
Do principles of language processing in the brain affect the way grammar evolves over time or is language change just a matter of socio-historical contingency? While the balance of evidence has been ambiguous and controversial, we... more
This article re-examines the issue of grammatical relations in Mandarin Chinese in light of the results of recent large-scale typological research on grammatical relations (henceforth GRs) worldwide. Specifically, it discusses three... more
In the article, the types of causative constructions in Georgian are discussed with respect to semantic roles, syntactic functions, and morphological marking. The three types of causaitve: lexical, analytic, and morphological are... more
This article examines the methodological possibilities of approaching linguistic change with reference to two individual case studies in Finnish. The first case study concerns the development of the numeral yksi (‘one’) to its use as an... more
Evidencias de marcación diferencial de objeto en algunas lenguas otopames (México).
Evidence of differential object marking in some Otopamean languages (Mexico).
Evidence of differential object marking in some Otopamean languages (Mexico).
U n c o r r e c t e d p r o o f s - J o h n B e n j a m i n s P u b l i s h i n g C o m p a n y
The book under review is a collection of twelve papers in honor of Bernard Comrie. 1 Though the genre of a festschrift does not impose rigid thematic restrictions, especially when the festschriftee is a scholar who has contributed to as... more
Tama kirjoitus pohtii kielellisen muutoksen tutkimusmenetelmia kahden tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Tarkasteltavina ilmioina on numeraalin yksi kehittyminen artikkeliksi ja spatiaalisen postposition peraan muuttuminen rektiosuhteen... more
This talk describes a discourse-optional subject (nominative) marker in Chitimacha, a language isolate of Louisiana. This marker is especially interesting because its form is quite polysemous, so that the nominative function is just one... more
Une analyse syntaxique unitaire des constructions avec AVO en védique, grec ancien et latin fait l’objet de cet article. On les compare avec les constructions verbales correspondantes, actives et passives, pour déterminer les valeurs... more
The Principle of the Uniqueness of Grammatical Relations, which requires that all grammatical relations be distinguishable on morphological and/or syntactic grounds and non-repeatable in a clause, is often assumed to be a universal... more
Human communication takes place when one person does something that when seen or heard by another person is taken to be done with the intention to communicate, and the other person, having seen the communicator show his or her intention... more
This paper seeks to determine the system of grammatical relations for verbal person marking in Chitimacha, a once-extinct isolate from Louisiana now undergoing revitalization efforts. Though the language was documented intermittently from... more
We argue that subject-like obliques of the impersonal construction show behavioral properties of syntactic subjects in Old Germanic, contrary to standard assumptions (Cole et al. 1980). Subject tests, including control infinitives, reveal... more
pattern which is predominantly nodal, mostly below the aortic bifurcation. Therefore, many of these patients are amenable for local salvage or metastasis-directed therapy. In contrast patients who develop BCR following RPþADT or RPþRTþADT... more
Une analyse syntaxique unitaire des constructions avec AVO en védique, grec ancien et latin fait l’objet de cet article. On les compare avec les constructions verbales correspondantes, actives et passives, pour déterminer les valeurs... more
In the article, the types of causative constructions in Georgian are discussed with respect to semantic roles, syntactic functions, and morphological marking. The three types of causaitve: lexical, analytic, and morphological are... more
This paper is an investigation of grammatical relations' marking that combines the advances of monolingual analysis with cross-linguistic comparison. It examines adpositions as grammatical relations' markers and the linguistic change... more