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А review of "А.Б.Копелиович. Происхождение и развитие индоевропейского рода в синтагматическом аспекте. Владимир, 1995" (Avgust B.Kopeliovich. Origin and Evolution of the Indo-European Gender In a Syntagmatic Aspect. Vladimir, 1995)... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsIndo-European StudiesGrammatical Gender
Existing studies on the translation of Nadsat – the invented language in A Clockwork Orange – neglect the fact that Nadsat is a result of language contact between English and Russian, and ignore the role that translators play in... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesSpanish StudiesTranslation Studies
The current study investigates DP-internal adjectives in Spanish/English code-switching (CS). Specifically, we analyze two concomitant phenomena that have been previously investigated; namely, the distributional frequency and placement of... more
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      Spanish-English bilingualism (Languages And Linguistics)AdjectivesGrammatical Gender
Our previous research showed that Russian children commit fewer gender-agreement errors with diminutive nouns than with their simplex counterparts. Experiment 1 replicates this finding with Russian children (N=24, mean 3; 7, range 2 ;
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionRussianYugoslavia
This paper was selected for Editors Choice/Open Access. See: Categorization retains its key importance in research on human cognition. It is an intellectual area where all disciplines devoted to... more
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      LanguagesExperimental PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsCognition
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      Cognitive LinguisticsRussian LanguageGrammatical Gender and CognitionGrammatical Gender
Dieser Beitrag argumentiert, dass eine Wiederbelebung der strukturellen Genderlinguistik nur dann sinnvoll erscheint und erreicht werden kann, wenn ihre Analysen die jüngeren theoretischen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der linguistischen... more
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      Language and GenderPronounsGender and LanguageGrammatical Gender
Este ensayo se enfoca en el proceso de adquisición de lengua de los hablantes de herencia, especialmente los hablantes de herencia de español en los Estados Unidos, y busca demostrar cómo este proceso de adquisición proporciona... more
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      Eye trackingLinguisticsHeritage language studiesBilingualism
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      Grammatical GenderContrastive LinguisticsLoanwords
This paper investigates the transition from the grammatical gender system in Old English, with modifiers/anaphors displaying agreement with their head noun, towards the pronominal, natural gender rule operational from Middle English until... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMiddle EnglishLanguage Variation and ChangeGender
Languages such as French and Spanish assign a gendered article to nouns. Three experiments examined whether reading a language with grammatical gender would increase sexist attitudes. Suburban, New York high school students (N = 74, 85,... more
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Gender assignment and exponence changed dramatically from Old to Middle English. This paper provides insights on the mechanisms and chronology of this change by quantitatively analysing the annals 1129-1154 of the Peterborough Chronicle.... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMiddle EnglishLanguage Variation and ChangeGender
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      Gender StudiesSociolinguisticsGenderSociolingüística
Se reflexiona sobre la relación entre lenguaje y discriminación, centrándose, fundamentalmente, en la idea de que el lenguaje expresa e incide en la sociedad y en las representaciones. Se argumenta, primero, que en el uso del lenguaje se... more
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      Grammatical Gender and CognitionGrammatical GenderGénero GramaticalLenguaje inclusivo
[English] Based on the results of a tripartite study of possible correlations between grammatical gender and semantic properties, the uter (or common) gender is suggested to form a prototype category, with human individuals as its core... more
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      Swedish LanguageGrammatical Gender
Paper delivered at Promethus, Pandora, Adam and Eve: Archetypes of the Masculine and Feminine and their Reception throughout the Ages at Bar-Ilan University, March 2017.
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      Gender StudiesClassicsGender and SexualityOvid Metamorphoses
"Cappadocian Greek is an extreme case of language change and dialectal variation among the Modern Greek dialects in having lost the tripartite grammatical gender distinction into masculine, feminine and neuter nominals, a distinction... more
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      Language contactPontic GreekAgreementGrammatical Gender
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      Gender in TranslationTranslationGrammatical Gender
Ключевые слова: гендер, пол, гендерные исследования, гендерная асимметрия, гендерные роли, гендерные стереотипы, патриархальное сознание, фольклор, гендерные идеалы. В данной работе основное внимание направлено на лингвистические аспекты... more
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      Gender StudiesFolkloreSex and GenderLanguages and Linguistics
This article is focused on the grammatical and social aspects of the use of feminatives in the Ukrainian language. It was shown that the unreasonable use of feminatives may result in a number of inconsistencies leading to violation of... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryUkrainian StudiesGender
In this paper (written in Italian) I present a model of the form-meaning relationship of grammatical gender and its exponents in person reference, drawing on the traditional two-sided sign and a set-interpretation of the signatum.
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      Language and GenderFeminist LinguisticsGender and LanguageGrammatical Gender
Although previous work on sexist linguistic structures has identified the causes of sexism in language as stemming from an androcentric world view, it has not described the social and semiotic processes involved in the historic production... more
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      Language IdeologyQueer LinguisticsGrammatical GenderSexist Language
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      Language and GenderFeminist LinguisticsLanguage TypologyLanguage Policy
El índice del presente paper es el siguiente: 1. La familia lingüística chon 2. La lengua selknam 3. Aspectos de la fonología del selknam 4. El género y la lengua selknam 4.1. Generalidades sobre el género 4.2. El género en... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsAnthropological Linguistics (Languages And Linguistics)Morphology
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      Gender StudiesLanguage and GenderAncient Indo-European LanguagesGender and Language
Abstract In this study, we aim to explore the ways in which grammatical gender affects human thought and perception. In particular, we aim to establish a link between the genders ascribed to inanimate objects by a given gendered language,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyGrammatical CategoriesGrammatical Gender
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      SyntaxCode-SwitchingMorphologyBilingualism and Multilingualism
Pre-publication draft. Zusammenfassung: Dieser Artikel betrachtet die Entwicklung der theoretischen und ideologischen Standpunkte, die einem großen Teil der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zum Thema des Manx-Gälischen vom 19. Jahrhundert... more
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      Celtic StudiesSociolinguisticsHistoriographyLanguage and Ideology
The article examines the state of the grammatical category of gender in Modern Bulgarian and Modern Greek languages. Remarkable changes have occurred in the morphological and syntactic structure of the two Balkan languages throughout... more
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      Greek LanguageBulgarian LanguageGrammatical CategoriesGrammatical Gender
«Perché il rapporto di potere tra i sessi cambi in senso veramente paritario si deve anzitutto acquistare consapevolezza delle varie forme in cui la disparità viene mantenuta». Così scriveva Elena Marinucci, Presidente della “Commissione... more
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      Gender StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLuce IrigarayGender Equality
In this dissertation, I investigate a number of interrelated developments affecting the morphosyntax of nouns in Cappadocian Greek. I specifically focus on the development of differential object marking, the loss of grammatical gender... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyCappadocian LanguagePontic Language
Il genere grammaticale rappresenta un’affascinante sfida per i linguisti: cercare di comprenderne il funzionamento e ricercare i fattori che ne causano la nascita o il declino sono operazioni che portano a notevoli traguardi della ricerca... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGender HistoryAncient Indo-European LanguagesGender
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      Gender and sexuality in the ancient worldGrammatical GenderGender and Grammatical gender
Appeler une certaine chose "or" relève de la première imposition des noms, mais dire que le mot "or" est un nom relève de la seconde imposition». Logiciens et linguistes s'accordent à voir dans la théorie des "deux impositions", esquissée... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsMorphologyGrammatical GenderGrammatical Agreement
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      MetalanguageGrammatical Gender
MPhil Dissertation at the University of Oxford, awarded Distinction What does Istanbul Judeo-Spanish do when it borrows words from Turkish and French? This thesis represents the first in-depth linguistic study of the Ladino Database... more
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      LinguisticsSephardic StudiesMinorities in TurkeyLanguage contact
A widely-held tenet of Romance historical linguistics has it that the tripartite gender system of Latin shrunk to a binary system (masculine vs. feminine) very early. We argue that the evidence from several modern central-southern... more
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      MorphologyLanguage ChangeItalian DialectologyCanonical Typology
Experimental research on grammatical gender and cognition provides evidence for grammatical gender effects on various aspects of speakers' cognition. Some researchers argue that such effects are limited to languages with a two-gender... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic RelativityGrammatical Gender and CognitionLanguage and Cognition
En undersökning om pannkaksmeningarnas ålder, det moderna bruket och relationen mellan deras uppkomst och uppluckringen av numeruskongruens mellan subjekt och verb. Lunds universitet, Språk-och litteraturcentrum,... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeSwedish LanguageGrammatical Gender
Hebrew has two suffixed plural morphemes: -ōṯ and -īm. Typically, grammars describe the plural morpheme -ōṯ as marking the plural of feminine nouns and the plural morpheme -īm as marking the plural of masculine nouns. However, the... more
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      Comparative Semitic LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Biblical HebrewGrammatical Gender
MA thesis / Tesina de maestría
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      Gender StudiesAnarchismAnarchist StudiesAlternative Media
Abstract: In this paper, we present two attempts to replicate a widely-cited but never fully published experiment in which German and Spanish speakers were asked to associate adjectives with nouns of masculine and feminine grammatical... more
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      PsycholinguisticsLinguistic RelativityGerman LanguageSpanish Language
The study focuses on grammatical gender primarily conceived as an inherent and classifying property of Italian and Polish nouns. Our main aim is to contrastively discuss multiple connections of this formal category with the grammar and... more
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JAANA VAAHTERA Apollonius Dyscolus believed that there is a linguistic order that is found on all levels of the linguistic system and that should be followed in grammar as well. This means that the order of the various lists used in... more
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      History of LinguisticsApollonius DyscolusVarroServius
Some languages have both gender and classifiers, contrary to what was once believed possible. We use these interesting languages as a unique window onto nominal classification. They provide the impetus for a new typology, based on the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTypologyGenderMorphosyntax
Why is it difficult to learn a second language as an adult? We focus on the way adults’ existing knowledge of words impacts L2 learning. We suggest adults’ prior knowledge leads them to rely less on multiword units, and that this hinders... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPsycholinguisticsFirst Language Acquisition
Det huvudsakliga syftet är att pröva antagandet att svenskans genussytem är grundat på semantiska uppdelningar. Teorin utgår framför allt ifrån Greville Corbetts idéer om att alla genussystem har en semantisk kärna och dennes The Animacy... more
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      Swedish LanguageAgreementGrammatical Gender
In this article I provide the description of grammatical gender in Bajjika, a minority language of the Eastern Indo-Aryan family spoken in a small region in the northern part of the north Indian state of Bihar. Grammatical gender in... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderLinguistic TypologyGrammar
In this paper, we propose a new family of Papuan languages. The Anim languages are spread across the lowlands of south New Guinea on both sides of the border between Papua New Guinea and the Indonesian Province of Papua. They share a... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPapuan linguisticsPapuan LanguagesLanguage Classification
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      Morphology (Languages And Linguistics)AnimacyGrammatical Gender