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My aim in this essay is to elucidate the meaning of the phrase collegia sodalicia, which occurs only in Digests 47.22.1 pr. (= Marcian F 73a Lenel), the introductory section of the Digests’ title De collegiis et corporibus (47.22). In... more
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      Roman LawVoluntary AssociationsImperial RomeRoman provincial administration
A detailed analysis of CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212, an inscription detailing the status and life of an association (collegium) of worshipers of Diana and Antinous in Lanuvium. A new edition of the text with English translation is also... more
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      Roman LawRoman ReligionVoluntary AssociationsFunerary Archaeology
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      Roman HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Roman LawWomen in the ancient world
"Εργαστήριο Αρχαιολόγιας Ι. Το Ηρώδειο Συγκρότημα του Ιερού των Αιγυπτίων Θεών (2ος αι. μ.Χ.) στο Μικρό Έλος του Μαραθώνα: Ένας επισκέψιμος αρχαιολογικός χώρος υπό έρευνα και ανάδειξη. Ομιλία προβολής στο πλαίσιο κοινωνικής συνεργασίας... more
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      EgyptologyCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Landscapes
As has been shown in numerous studies, early Christian communities as well as synagogues of Judeans resemble the forms and structures of Graeco-Roman associations in many aspects. Therefore it makes much sense to embed an inquiry into... more
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      Early ChristianityVoluntary AssociationsSynagoguesBithynia
The author observes that the mosaic of the House of Aion (Nea Paphos, Cyprus) employs rhetorical figures in its iconographic program, including analogy, personification, allegory, and, in the first line, antithesis. The rhetoric and its... more
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman IconographyAncient Mosaics
Cette étude vise à présenter de manière analytique les cultes associatifs de Portus-port créé par Claude et agrandi par Trajan au nord du Tibre-et à mettre en lumière les particularités de ceuxci par rapport aux résultats engrangés pour... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionOstia (Archaeology)Latin Epigraphy
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      Voluntary AssociationsGraeco-Roman clubs and associationsThe Didache
This paper offers new insights in the relation between the Roman emperor and the two ecumenical associations of competitors, the xystic synod of athletes and the thymelic synods of artists. These associations defended the interests of... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Sports/AthleticsAncient Greek DramaRoman Emperors
The finding, in 1977, of the Lapis Satricanus has shed new light on the forms of association in archaic Rome, which can be now related to the Indo-European pattern of the 'Gefolgschaft'. A renewed analysis of the sources shows the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawClassics
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      Voluntary AssociationsAssociations and Local Institutions in Greek poleis and Federal statesIsisSarapis
Private associations organized around a common cult, occupation, ethnic identity, neighborhood or family were among the principal means of organizing social and economic life in the ancient Mediterranean. They offered opportunities for... more
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      Greek EpigraphyVoluntary AssociationsGreek PapyrologyAncient Egypt
Abbreviations in the Bibliography follow those of L'Année Philologique; editions of Greek inscriptions follow the abbreviations of the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum; editions of papyri follow the abbreviations in the Checklist of... more
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      Greek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHellenistic GreeceGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
Working paper (in progress) issu de la communication du même nom.
17 et 18 octobre 2012, Colloque du CEE/Sciences Po Paris : « Les frontières des inégalités : Regards croisés France-Allemagne » (organisation G. Perrier et C. Ledoux)
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      Higher EducationStudent Motivation And EngagementVoluntary AssociationsElites (Political Science)
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Prix spécial de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Fribourg im Rahmen des XII. Internationalen Romanistischen Preises Gérard Boulvert 2022 und mit dem Fakultätspreis 2020 der Juristischen Fakultät der... more
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      Corporations (Law)Corporate LawLegal HistoryRoman Law
This article deals with the founding of Graeco-Roman assosciations and the founding of the Philippian ekklesia by the apostle Paul. The following inscriptions are more thourougly analysed: the association of Šamūmānu (1200 BCE; CAT 3.9),... more
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      Greek EpigraphyVoluntary AssociationsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersApostle Paul
De acuerdo con la estructura de estas sesiones, me corresponde exponer el estado de nuestro conocimiento sobre el pastoralismo en la Península Ibérica en época romana. Hablando coloquialmente, tengo la impresión de que me ha tocado la... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryPastoralism (Social Anthropology)Roman Law
Analogie, allégorie, antithèse... Ces figures de style n'était pas l'apanage des orateurs, philosophes et autres spécialistes du discours dans l'Antiquité. Les arts visuels en ont aussi joué avec brio comme en témoigne cette fascinante... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus StudiesEarly Christianity
Das primäre Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist die ungarische Veröffentlichung der Vereinssatzung des von Gottheiten Aesculapius und Hygia benannten Privatvereins aus Rom. Die lateinische inschriftliche Quelle aus der Zeit des Antoninus Pius ist... more
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      HygieiaRömisches VereinswesenCollegiaRoman collegia
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman clubs and associationsHonorific Statues
Extensive excavations recently conducted at Merenda, the site of the ancient deme of Myrrhinous, led to the discovery of a dedicatory inscription by the priest Xenophon to Zeus Phratrios. Xenophon is to be identified with the homonymous... more
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionGreek and Latin Epigram
Alice Sz. Burger’s study on the collegial stonemasonry workshops from Aquincum (Collegiumi kőfaragóműhelyek Aquincumban) appeared on the pages of Budapest Régiségei exactly 60 years ago. The monuments that appeared, together with the new... more
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      Roman burial practicesArchaeology of Roman PannoniaAquincumRömisches Vereinswesen
J.Linderski, Państwo a kolegia. Ze studiów nad historią rzymskich stowarzyszeń u schyłku republiki [Roman State and the Collegia. Studies in the History of Roman Associations in the Late Republican Period]. Kraków 1961.
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      Roman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documentsRoman collegiaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Hellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Römisches VereinswesenCollegiaRoman collegiaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
This paper will focus on the offerings made within some collegia of Ostia. Considering both the content and the layout of inscriptions recording offerings, I will examine whether they reveal any features distinguishing a guild identity... more
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      Roman ReligionOstia (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy
Karia and the Dodekanese, Vol. II, presents new research that highlights cultural interrelations and connectivity in the Southeast Aegean and western Asia Minor over a period of more than 700 years. Th roughout Antiquity, this region was... more
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      Greek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHellenistic GreeceGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Römisches VereinswesenCollegiaRoman collegiaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
The senatus consultum de collegiis of 64, the SC of 56 ut sodalitates decuriatique discederent, the lex Licinia de sodaliciis of 56, the lex Iulia de collegiis.
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    • Graeco-Roman clubs and associations
Μια έμμεση πλην σαφής αμφισβήτηση της υπεροχής του ευρωπαϊκού έναντι του εθνικού δικαίου από την νομολογία του ομοσπονδιακού συνταγματικού δικαστηρίου της Γερμανίας .
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      Voluntary AssociationsCiliciaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
Besondres informative Quellen der Erforschung der römischen privaten Kollegien sind die leges collegiorum, denn sie erlauben – im Gegenteil zu anderen Zeugnisse – eine relativ tiefgründige Einsicht ins Vereinsleben. Unter diesen... more
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      Römisches VereinswesenCollegiaRoman collegiaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
This contribution focuses on the relation between violence/coercion and il fenomeno associativo and in particular on the references, explicit or implicit, to violent incidents in associative life or to conditions favoring similar... more
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      ViolenceGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyLate Roman RepublicRoman Spain
This concise commentary on the Letters of Jude and 2 Peter is part of a relatively new series published under the Cascade imprint of Wipf & Stock. The New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS) is an accessible, largely nontechnical commentary... more
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      New TestamentPostcolonial StudiesEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Post-Colonialism
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      Latin EpigraphyLatium vetusTusculumGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
In this study, the instruction of craftsmen during the Roman imperial period through the presentation of concrete sources is examined. The aim was to provide an overview of professional training as far as the means and circumstances of... more
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      Ancient EducationApprenticeship EducationRömisches VereinswesenCollegia
J.Linderski, Ciceros Rede pro Caelio und die Ambitus- und Vereinsgesetzgebung der ausgehenden Republik, Hermes 89, 1961, 106-119 = RQ 1995, 204-217 + addenda 647-649 + addenda altera RQ II, 2007, 619-620. Cic. Pro Caelio 16; Crimen... more
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      Graeco-Roman clubs and associationsRomanian Criminal LawCíceroRoman Elections
J. BERMEJO MELENDEZ -J.M. CAMPOS CARRASCO Fig. 2. Arucci/Turobriga: planimetria dello scavo. IL CAMPUS DI ARUCCI/TUROBRIGA 3 Fig. 3. Arucci/Turobriga: foto area del campus.
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionRoman ArmyRoman Empire
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      Political ScienceGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Social NetworksIdentity (Culture)Voluntary AssociationsClifford Geertz
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      Römisches VereinswesenCollegiaRoman collegiaGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
rethinking asso ciations and religion in the post-classical polis (Copenhagen, 11-13 October 2012). Thanks are due to the organisers of the conference, Annelies Cazemier and Stella Skaltsa, for their invitation and hospitality as well as... more
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      Ancient HistoryVoluntary AssociationsAncient Greek HistoryGreco-Roman Religions
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      SociologyMentoringIranian StudiesSquash
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionRoman social historyGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Early ChristianityVoluntary AssociationsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline studies
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Law
This paper discusses the two ‘international’ or ecumenical associations of athletes and artists in the Roman empire, the so-called xystic and thymelic synods. These associations played a key role in the world of Greek competitive... more
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      Greek AthleticsAncient Sports/AthleticsAncient greek festivalsGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreDionysiac Artists, Technitai, AssociationsGraeco-Roman clubs and associations
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      ProfessionalismSocial HistoryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Theatre