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This paper presents the results of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, or Georadar, in outlining a zone of contamination due to solid residues at the waste burial site of Rio Claro in the state of São Paulo, SE... more
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      GeophysicsStratigraphyCase StudiesGround Penetrating Radar
This paper introduces a cepstral approach for the automatic detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) images. This approach is based on treating the problem as a pattern recognition... more
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      Pattern RecognitionGround Penetrating RadarNeural NetworkGpr
Groundwater is considered the major portion of the world's freshwater resources. One of the main challenges facing the sustainable development of Egypt is the need for better management of its limited fresh water resources. Groundwater... more
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      Remote SensingGroundwaterGprDecision Support
Estimation of groundwater table by hydrogeologists in Ghana over the past decades has proven to be difficult due to the dearth of data on piezometric heads from the very few boreholes present to access this data. The importance of... more
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      GroundwaterElectromagnetic WavesGprWater Table
The case study presented is a prime example of integrated geophysical–archaeological prospection. The aerial photographs available are complemented by non-destructive geomagnetic and geoelectric surveys with a reading distance of 0.5 m or... more
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsArchaeological ProspectionGpr
Over the past decades, a number of different Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques were developed for mapping the surface of the planets either from Earth or from orbiting spacecrafts. However, the idea to use radar to study the... more
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      Remote SensingData AnalysisEarthGround Penetrating Radar
An important problem of marble-quarry management is assessing the quality and the homogeneity of quarry blocks before excavation. In this study, we decided to image the limestone, which we studied in a marble quarry, in terms of layer... more
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      ManagementGeophysicsFractureGround Penetrating Radar
Since the commercialisation of ground penetrating radar (GPR) in the 1970s, radar technology has been employed for niche applications in the mining industry. Although reliant on electrically resistive environments, GPR has gained... more
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      Environmental EconomicsData MiningGround Penetrating RadarMining
A pre-requisite in slope stability analyses is that the internal structure and the mechanical properties of the soil or rock mass of the slope, are known or can be estimated with a reasonable degree of certainty. Geophysical methods to... more
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      GeophysicsRock MechanicsSoil MechanicsSlope Stability
To present a summary of current scientific evidence about the cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD) with regard to its relevance to epilepsy and other selected neuropsychiatric disorders. We summarize the presentations from a conference in which... more
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      EpilepsyIntellectual DisabilityCannabinoidsPhytotherapy
"The Sløj channel may have been the passage Harald Haarderaade used in 1061 when he escaped from the Limfjord, away from the Danish king Svend Estridsen. It also seems to have been a direct sailing connection from the largest of the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyRemote SensingLandscape ArchaeologyGpr
Geophysical survey techniques are a highly visible part of the scientific toolkit that is now used by archaeologists. In this paper, the history of the use of geophysical techniques in archaeology will be discussed, as will significant... more
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In summary, phase one of the project comprised:
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsLiDARArchaeological Prospection
Basalt flows across the central highlands of Victoria have sealed in-place early to middle Tertiary palaeodrainage systems that once provided clastic sediments to the flanking Otway, Murray and Gippsland basins. Gravels of the... more
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      Quaternary GeologyNeotectonicsSedimentary geology and stratigraphyRemote Sensing & GIS
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      Quaternary GeologyNeotectonicsRemote Sensing & GISGpr
"Velikim arheološkim istraživanjima akvedukta na Viminacijumu prethodila su sistematska geofi zička snimanja zone ugrožene radovima površinskog kopa „Drmno“. Korišćenjem georadara (GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar) utvrđena je tačna trasa... more
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      ArchaeologyRemote SensingGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Archaeological Method & Theory
This paper presents the development of a dual channel, air coupled Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) targeting highway pavements and bridge deck inspections. Compared to most existing GPRs with a single channel and low... more
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      FPGAGround Penetrating RadarField-Programmable Gate ArraysData acquisition
The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method has been extensively used to map shallow subsurface features. Such kind of information is very important for different types of studies, ranging from archaeological to groundwater search. Almost... more
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      GeophysicsGroundwaterGround Penetrating RadarApplied Geophysics
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      Ground Penetrating RadarGpr
The Murray Basin is a low-lying but extensive intracratonic depocentre in southeastern Australia, preserving an extraordinary record of Late Neogene sedimentation. New stratigraphic and sedimentologic data allow the long-term evolution of... more
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      Climate ChangeQuaternary GeologyPaleoclimateNeotectonics
Rock glaciers occur as lobate or tongue-shaped landforms composed of mixtures of poorly sorted, angular to blocky rock debris and ice. These landforms serve as primary sinks for ice and water storage in mountainous areas and represent... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyRemote SensingImage Analysis
Mem. Acc. Lunig. Sc. Vol. 1. INTRODUZIONE Il Bacino del Fiume Magra occupa una vasra area rn quel settore dell'Appennino Séttentrionale situato immediantamente a N'$l delle Alpi Apuane: ad occidente confina con i bacini coitieri dei brevi... more
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      Quaternary GeologyNeotectonicsRemote Sensing & GISGpr
1] The discovery of rock glacier-like features on Mars suggests the presence of flowing, or once-flowing, ice-rock mixtures. These landforms, which include lobate debris aprons, concentric crater fill, and lineated valley fill, hold... more
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      StressGround Penetrating RadarMultidisciplinaryPlanetary Geology
Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) have been fruitfully employed for archaeological purposes. An area at the Pancorbo medieval site in Burgos (Spain) has been jointly explored by GPR and ERT in the... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeometry
1] Six different geophysical investigations, (1) ground-penetrating radar, (2) DC resistivity sounding, (3) seismic refraction, (4) very low frequency (VHF) electromagnetic, (5) helicopter borne electromagnetic (HEM), and (6) transient... more
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      Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceGround Penetrating RadarMultidisciplinaryVery Low Frequency Electromagnetics
Лаборатория по Археогеофизика Лабораторията е създадена през 2006 г. за внедряване на космически технологии (георадари) в търсенето и геофизическите проучвания на... more
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      GeophysicsPhysicsQuantum PhysicsClimate Change
Succinic acid (SA) was recently shown to be the major pH determining metabolite produced by yeast during straight-dough fermentation , reaching levels as high as 1.6 mmol/100 g of flour.
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      Food ChemistryMultidisciplinarySaccharomyces cerevisiaeBread
—In this paper, we utilize dynamic inversion, Feedback Linearization and High Gain Observers to Stabilize two systems. Dynamic Inversion and Feedback Linearization are used to design a State Feedback Controller and High Gain Observers are... more
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In terms of its glacial history, Far NE Russia is one of the least understood regions on Earth. For example, at the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; c.21 ka), some believe the region to have been occupied by a series of extensive ice... more
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      Remote SensingGlacial GeologyQuaternary GeologyPalaeoclimate
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has shown good potential in providing valuable information for the evaluation of masonry structures. We used GPR to survey several stone arch bridges located in the Galician territory in Spain. The results... more
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      Civil EngineeringGround Penetrating RadarNumerical ModellingElectromagnetic Waves
In this paper we present some results on detection and classification of low metal content anti personnel (AP) landmines using a modified version of the Auto Regressive (AR) modeling algorithm presented in. A statistical distance is... more
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      Ground Penetrating RadarDatabasesElectromagnetic modelingGpr
Endometriosis is a disorder in which the endometrium forms growths outside the uterus and is associated with chronic pain. Recent evidence suggests that endometrial motility plays a role in the aetiology of endometriosis. The... more
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      In VitroG protein-coupled receptorsGprMitogen Activated Protein Kinase
Estudos desenvolvidos em diversas partes do mundo têm procurado demonstrar que as movimentações mais antigas da crosta terrestre condicionam o quadro geológico e geomorfológico atual, através da reativação episódica de zonas de fraqueza... more
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      Quaternary GeologyNeotectonicsGeomorfologiaRemote Sensing & GIS
We present the capabilities of low-frequency radar systems to sound the subsurface for a site located in south-central Egypt, the Bir Safsaf region. This site was already intensively studied since the SIR-A and SIR-B orbital radars... more
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Several field surveys of a waste rock pile were carried out during the summers of 2002 and 2003 using ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic conductivity and DC resistivity imaging. The waste rock deposit is prone to generate acid mine... more
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      GeophysicsAcid Mine DrainageGround Penetrating RadarMining
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsAppliedGpr
A group of geophysical techniques has been applied at a structural platform to analyze the sensitivity and potential availability of discrimination of Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) pinnacle reefs at Jabaloyas (Iberian Chain. NE Spain).... more
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      EMNear surface GeophysicsGprMagnetometry
Sharm El-Sheikh waters were suddenly hit by hydrocarbon spills which created a serious threat to the prosperous tourism industry in and around the city. Analysis of soil samples, water samples, and seabed samples collected in and around... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGravityGpr
Electrical, seismic, and electromagnetic methods can be used for noninvasive determination of subsurface physical and chemical properties. In particular, we consider the evaluation of water salinity and the detection of surface... more
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarApplied GeophysicsModels
A complex of geophysical methods were used to investigate a small karst area aimed at the production of detailed geological mapping, to confirm geological localization of known sinkholes, and to find possible continuations of caves and... more
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      GeophysicsHydrogeologyPredictionGround Penetrating Radar
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      HistoryArchaeologyGeophysicsHistorical Archaeology
In this neat investigation of a harbour site, the authors show how much can be learnt by site survey -and by surface plotting and remote mapping in particular. Here the excavations are used to pilot the geophysics, rather than the other... more
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      ArchaeologyRemote SensingGprCemetery
Identifying underground utilities and predicting their depth are fundamental when it comes to civil engineering excavations, for example, to install or repair water, sewer, gas, electric systems and others. The accidental rupture of these... more
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      Urban PlanningBrazilGprDepth Estimation
A complex of geophysical methods were used to investigate a small karst area aimed at the production of detailed geological mapping, to confirm geological localization of known sinkholes, and to find possible continuations of caves and... more
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      GeophysicsHydrogeologyPredictionGround Penetrating Radar
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      Analytical ChemistryChemometricsSupport Vector MachinesSoftware
This study employed the combination of three methods, namely the Frequency Domain Electromagnetic (FDEM), Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to evaluate a heavy-metal contaminated site for both... more
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      ArchaeologyEMSoil PollutionERT
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical and close-range remote sensing technique based on the use of radar pulses to obtain cross-section images of underground features. This method is characterized by the transmission of an... more
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      ForestryRemote SensingImage AnalysisGround Penetrating Radar
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Endometriosis is a disorder in which the endometrium forms growths outside the uterus and is associated with chronic pain. Recent evidence suggests that endometrial motility plays a role in the aetiology of... more
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      In VitroG protein-coupled receptorsGprMitogen Activated Protein Kinase
A review of what is presently known about the G protein coupled receptor GPR18 in terms of its expression and distribution, pharmacology and potential implications for central nervous system and endocannabinoid system signalling.
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      Signal TransductionG protein-coupled receptorsMicrogliaGpr
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) experiments were conducted on a Quaternary sedimentary (made up of gravel, sand and loess) site to image the structures and tectonic features. Two sets of antennae, 50 and 100 MHz, have been tested in a... more
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarApplied GeophysicsGpr