This paper explores the roles of different levels of government in assisting the poor. Using a model incorporating utility interdependence, the paper first presents some theoretical results indicating how levels of poor relief vary with... more
Governments worldwide are encouraging public agencies to join e-Government initiatives in order to provide better services to their citizens and businesses; hence, methods of evaluating the readiness of individual public agencies to... more
Much recent literature has been devoted to providing theoretical and empirical analysis of the proposition that government is 'too large'. Far less attention has been paid to the issue of whether tax and expenditure limitations, such as... more
The use of information and communication technologies in government has been characterized as one powerful strategy for administrative reform. From recent experiences around the world, it seems clear that in order to achieve some of the... more
This paper details the findings from a study of airline compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations requiring that persons with disabilities not be discriminated against in the pricing of airline travel. These... more
This paper details the findings from a study of airline compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations requiring that persons with disabilities not be discriminated against in the pricing of airline travel. These... more
The United States Congressional Serial Set contains a wide variety of historical documents relating to natural resources and their history in the United States. It is an excellent resource for those researching historical data concerning... more
While it has often been suggested that information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide an important means of increasing citizen participation (which is at the core of democratic government), few commentators have expected... more
A popular opinion among scholars and commentators seems to be that military administration was a constraint to socioeconomic and political development. Some of these scholars have attributed the causes of the persistent socioeconomic and... more
This article critically analyzes some unconstitutional defects that exist in the statutory norms on the principle of publicity of administrative orders and its direct and essential supporting or complementary documents, after the... more
This article critically analyzes some unconstitutional defects that exist in the statutory norms on the principle of publicity of administrative orders and its direct and essential supporting or complementary documents, after the... more
This is the fixed version of an article made available by an organization that acts as a publisher by formally and exclusively declaring the article "published". If it is an "early release" article (formally identified... more
This paper aims to provide a composite sketch of the executive utilization of information technologies and its relation to agencies' use of such technologies in state and local government organizations in Arizona. The data were collected... more
The objective of this article is to explore the experience of reconciling the strategic information system (IS) management with the radical transition of the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure in Taiwan's Bureau of Foreign Trade... more
This paper uses 1940-80 time-series data and a multiproduct, mulliinput aggregate translog profit fl'lJlelion to estimate the structure of Argentine agricultural tedmology. Estimates of own-price supply elasticity ranged between 0 and 15,... more
This bibliography is based on the Russell J. Bowen Collection at Georgetown University, contains more than 5,000 entries, and is classified according to 372 headings and subheadings. Text includes author index, list of titles, and list of... more
The Death of Cyberspace Lawrence Lessig* 1999 is an oddly rich year for remembering, m Berlin, the chy that is my home this year, it is the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is the fiftieth anniversary of the rebirth of... more
Electronic government (e-government) is a concept that has been adopted in most countries for the purposes of providing government services digitally, improving transparency between government and citizens and enabling additional... more
Electronic government procurement (eGP) is quickly becoming an essential piece of national e-government programs, since it enables active transparency and favors efficient vendor relationships; however, little attention has been paid to... more
Federal records management faces many challenges today. Too few records, both in the traditional formats and the newer electronic ones, are being appraised or transferred to the National Archives when required. Although the National... more
University of Alberta Press gratefully acknowledges the support received for its publishing program from the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Government of Alberta through the Alberta Media Fund. University... more
Business enterprises face significant obstacles in their quest to interact with public administrations and governments across Europe, such as bureaucracy, ambiguous procedures, functional disintegration, vague authority structures and... more
Inherent complexity of the e-Government application domain is also reflected in the workflows of e-Government service provision. This paper reports on how some real examples e-Government service workflows were modeled in a simple and... more
Determining the magnitude of climate change effects is crucial for informing national economic strategies, forest management and offsetting increasing carbon emissions. This study synthesizes predicted climate change impacts and future... more
This article explores how an alternative multichannel management strategy can improve the way governments and citizens interact. Improvement is necessary because, based on empirical data from various sources, the conclusion can be drawn... more
conducts research in health and environmental effects of environmental pollutants and develops methodologies and technologies that will improve environmental quality. The office informs the general public of its research results and... more
The Vicissitudes of the Edo State Council for Arts and Culture's Performing Troupe from 1996 to 2016
The ding-dong charade of Edo St ate Council for Arts and Culture Performing Troupe (ESCFAACPT) cannot be divorced from the vacillating condition the establishment had been experiencing since its establishment. This condition is... more
For the first time ever, Executive Order 12958 signed in 1995 established a process to greatly reduce the huge number of classified federal records accumulated since world war II. Although some progress was made under it, subsequent... more
PurposeThe current study seeks to present and examine the strategies, management and dissemination of information on social media platforms by Israeli government organizations and agencies.Design/methodology/approachThe article uses the... more
This study explores the relationship between local government dissemination of COVID-19 information and partisanship. The unit of analysis is all official county government websites in the United States. In particular, we investigate if... more
This study explores the relationship between local government dissemination of COVID-19 information and partisanship. The unit of analysis is all official county government websites in the United States. In particular, we investigate if... more
Reviews LISR considers for review reference works, periodicals, dissertations, research methods texts, computer software, and professional literature concerning the research process and applications of research. Views expressed are those... more
Importance of the Study At a time when public library e-government service provision continues to expand, it is critical for the Indiana State Library and Indiana public libraries to fully assess their role as egovernment service... more
Climate scenarios for the quantitative agricultural production modelling undertaken in this report .