This essay is a valid legal argument-style essay advocating for the benefits and opportunities to transition government contracting regulations from Earned Value Management (EVM)-based performance incentive fees to a product-focused... more
Medical devices designed to network can share data with a Clinical Information System (CIS), making that data available within clinician workflow. Some lessons learned by transitioning anesthesia reporting and monitoring devices (ARMDs)... more
Medical devices designed to network can share data with a Clinical Information System (CIS), making that data available within clinician workflow. Some lessons learned by transitioning anesthesia reporting and monitoring devices (ARMDs)... more
During the 1970s, self-determination was institutionalized as official U.S. Indian policy through federal legislation and administrative guidelines. The seeds of this policy date to the Indian New Deal in the 1920s when John Collier's... more
Even when controlling for demographic characteristics, prisoners are far more likely than people in the general population to suffer from periodontal disease, to have unresolved oral health issues, to have decayed teeth, and/or to be... more
Law school review by Kennedy Duncan
Most Washington law firms already have part-time policies. They also have high attrition, few women partners, lower profits, and clients who are increasingly dissatisfied with high turnover. Law firms have yet to learn what corporate... more
I wish to thank my best friend since childhood and pseudo-sister, Ashley Marr, for all the emotional support, entertainment, and caring she provided. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, LeRoy and Jean Vance, my sister, Jane, as... more
For nonprofit organizations, securing and sustaining funding is essential to survival. Many nonprofit managers see government funding as ideal because of its perceived security (Grønbjerg, 1993; Froelich, 1999). However, there is little... more
Dynamic capabilities and strategic management Strategic management theory on the ability of the organization to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments.
This article tests three interpretations of the General Welfare Clause that persisted prior to the U.S. v. Butler decision against the text of the Constitution and discusses historical conditions that add to the understanding of that... more
This document and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law as indicated in a notice appearing later in this work. This electronic representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for non-commercial use only. Unauthorized... more
, U.S. Forces-Iraq repositioned U.S. combat brigades from Iraqi cities, villages, and localities in compliance with the Security Agreement, and began transitioning to an advise, train, and assist role. As the mission changed, U.S. forces... more
contents prologue ix introduction xi chapter 1. The epistemology and Methodology of exploratory social science Research: crossing popper with Marcuse 1 chapter 2. conceptualizing citizenship: Disjunctive, Dual, Divided, entangled, or... more
Proper decision making represent one of an organization's most important capabilities. To manage decisions and underlying business rules, an increasing number of organizations have begun to use business rules management (BRM). However,... more
Infrastructure development in Indonesia has been determined by the Government to develop investment and business opportunities in Indonesia, existing legal regulations become the legal umbrella for cooperation agreements between the... more
Economists believe that if the legal remedy for breach is expectation damages, the idea of efficient breach allows us to forecast when parties will choose to breach a contract. On the other hand, the economic premise of rational... more
*. George C. Dix Professor, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Thanks to Mark Movsesian, Nelson Lund, and participants at a Northwestern workshop. **. Associate, Boies Schiller Flexner LLP. I would like to thank my family for their... more
The Philippine maritime industry is leaping towards advancements through technology solutions. To support this movement, the MARINA Strategic Voyage Plan 2028, under Program 5, aims for the development of a Global Maritime Hub in the... more
Report of a study tour in US on contracting between government and nonprofit organisations, identifying problems and lessons that could be learned for the voluntary sector in the UK. Study looks at experiences in 5 major US cities.
sostuvo que:"(...) resulta obvio que en los contratos de obras públicas no se puede exigir que un contratista disponga de antemano del capital necesario para afrontar la totalidad del presupuesto. Cuenta para ello, como es lógico y... more
This article explores the hybrid character of contemporary public service organization with specific reference to the emergence in Britain over the last twenty-five years of a novel mode ofgovernance, the "New Public Contracting." The New... more
IV Tanzania 1 Methodology 2 Structure of the report General information 3.1 Development reforms in Tanzania and public procurement 3.2 International and regional agreements and related issues 4 Public procurement in Tanzania 4.1... more
As research has advanced, technologies have become more closely knit, and the relationships between them-both complementary and competitive-have become increasingly important. Unfortunately, the patent system's use of monopoly power to... more
As research has advanced, technologies have become more closely knit, and the relationships between them-both complementary and competitive-have become increasingly important. Unfortunately, the patent system's use of monopoly power to... more
User experience research (UXR) jobs offer exciting and well-paying career opportunities for psychology students. Upon graduation, students have many of the skills to be UXRs, including understanding and knowledge of 1) user... more
User experience research (UXR) jobs offer exciting and well-paying career opportunities for psychology students. Upon graduation, students have many of the skills to be UXRs, including understanding and knowledge of 1) user... more
Gestão em Ação é um periódico editado sob a parceria e responsabilidade da Linha de Pesquisa Políticas e Gestão em Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FACED/UFBA e do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares para o Setor... more
This chapter argues that North-South dialogue is heavily influenced by the colonial past and burdened by extreme power inequalities. Former colonizing nations control many of the agendas of such dialogue, exposing it to the risks of... more
The quality of contemporary democracies hinges on the breadth and depth of the citizenship regimes on which democracy ultimately rests. This article argues that, to assess citizenship, two important dimensions are of crucial interest,... more
hence easy to teach. If trained appropriately in confirmatory research techniques, researchers know how to proceed. By providing schematic and standardized procedures, confirmatory research also provides a mental map for how inquiry works... more
§ 201(a)(3)(C). Environmental laws passed mainly in the 1970's (e.g., the Clean Water Act, Clean Air B. Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Endangered Species Act, etc.) apply to op erations on mineral leases. Beyond requiring... more
Governments may exclude vendors from procurement awards for many reasons, including poor performance and corruption. Excluding a vendor, whether from a particular procurement (deciding that the vendor is not qualified for award) or from... more
, Federalist No. 80 "The fact that the Paris deal hamstrings the United States while empowering some of the world's top polluting countries should expel any doubt as to why foreign lobbyists should wish to keep our beautiful country tied... more