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      GovernmentPrimary Health CareHealthPublic Health
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessManagementBusiness Administration
With the advancement in 21st Century, there has been increase in usage of Oil and Gas leading to problems like Global Warming, climate change, shortage of crude oil, etc. Due to these reasons Automobile Companies have started doing... more
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    • Government
A well-regulated economic system requires incentives that reward productive and withhold rewards from unproductive activity. Such incentives are put in place by means of legislation and enforced with the help of regulatory agencies. A... more
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      BusinessIslamic LawEconomicsIslamic Economics
this exceptionally clear and lucid book quickly became the standard overview of what are now called 'governmentality studies'.
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      International RelationsGovernmentPower (social)Governmentality
EN la vida diaria de muy diversos espacios institucionales, en especial los académicos y de gobierno, es común escuchar alusiones a las políticas públicas, lo que hace suponer y esperar que la acción gubernamental se desarrolle bajo los... more
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      GovernmentPublic Policy
Just as we as adults tend to resemble our parents though we are far removed from childhood, the United States in past time resembled Britain. The United states were a child of the British Empire that rebelled, and although we have some... more
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      GovernmentPolitical SciencePolitical SystemsComparitive Politics and Government
This study aimed at evaluating the impact of commercial banks' credit to agricultural sector under the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund in Nigeria. Until the mid-seventies, agriculture was the primary foreign exchange earner for... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsStatisticsGovernment
We measure how well Swedish employment offices perform in delivering the services required of them by the Swedish government. In contrast to earlier studies we use a dynamic efficiency framework, which allows us to better model the... more
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      EconomicsGovernmentLinear ProgrammingModeling
The second edition of the Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, co-edited by two leading scholars in the international relations subfield of public diplomacy, includes 16 more chapters from the first. Ten years later, a new global... more
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      International RelationsGovernmentPublic DiplomacyPolitical Science
Margaret Thatcher was one of the most controversial figures of modern times. Her governments inspired hatred and veneration in equal measure and her legacy remains fiercely contested. Yet assessments of the Thatcher era are often divorced... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryBritish HistoryGovernment
Researchers and practitioners alike are in general agreement that the public sector is increasingly tasked with managing 'complex problems'. Many authors have warned that the established practices in government are not sufficient to deal... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernmentSystems ThinkingDesign thinking
... The only battalion commander who was not a former Zanla was Eddie Sigoge, but his career, like that of other former Zipra officers, was brought to a premature end.44 GN graphically described the experience of former Zipras in the... more
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The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
Almost alone among modern industrialized nations, the United States has chosen to finance the provision of health care to its citizens through a patchwork system centered around employer-sponsored private health insurance.... more
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      LawEconomicsGovernmentSocial Justice
This volume examines the promotion and defense of democracy in the Americas. Taking the Inter-American Democratic Charter (IADC) of 2001 as a baseline it charts the evolution of the issue over the past decade. Although it considers... more
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      International RelationsGovernmentPolitical ScienceForeign Policy
Governments around the globe enact various energy and environmental policies focused on electricity production and consumption, conservation, waste management, water and air pollution, and many others. The public policy approaches to... more
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      GovernmentEnergyPunctuated EquilibriumPublic Policy
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      AlgorithmsEthicsBiomedical EngineeringPlasticity
De afgelopen jaren heeft de elektronische overheid (ook wel e-government genoemd) een steeds duidelijker gezicht gekregen. Een breed palet van digitale diensten wordt aangeboden. Tegelijkertijd zien we dat de voortvarendheid waarmee... more
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      Information TechnologyServicesGovernmentBestuurskunde
The pharmaceutical industry has produced many drugs that have benefited man. Political frameworks designed to govern the industry must maintain these benefits. However, regulation needs to be sufficiently robust to protect public health... more
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      GovernmentPoliticsRegulationDrug development
Objectives: As international estimates of the effectiveness of post-exposure prophylaxis of measles vary, we sought to determine the effectiveness of post-exposure prophylaxis with either vaccine or immunoglobulin in susceptible persons... more
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      NursingGovernmentHealthPublic Health
Most of us practitioners of the documentary genre today were brought up on The “Films Division documentary” which always celebrated the promise of modernization. There was little or no space for voices of dissent and peoples narratives.... more
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      GovernmentDocumentary (Film Studies)IndiaIndependent Film Producing
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      EthicsHealth PromotionGovernmentHealth Care
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      GovernmentCommonsRepublicanismPolitical Science
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The impact of widespread international labor migration on the family in Tonga is examined. The author describes how migration has affected gender and kinship relations. She also examines the ways in which church and state ideologies... more
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Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
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      International RelationsPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementGlobalization
This article discusses the current status of open government data in Brazil and summarizes the lessons learned from publishing Brazilian government data as linked data.
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      Cognitive ScienceKnowledge ManagementElectronic publishingDatabase Systems
Parliaments in most developing countries tend to be closed institutions. There is a need for them to open up and exchange timely and real information with citizens and other stakeholder groups. The development of effective parliamentary... more
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      BusinessComputer SciencePublic AdministrationGovernment
The report Staying Home/Leaving Violence describes a research study that explores how women, leaving a relationship where they experience domestic violence, can remain safely in their own homes with their children, with the violent... more
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      Domestic ViolenceGovernmentHousingHealth
The author argues that, under section 1 of the Charter, the courts must weigh carefully the democratic potential of rights guarantees against the democratic quality of government decisions which undermine those rights. The article points... more
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Caroline D Ditlev-Simonsen works as a Researcher at BI Norwegian Business School. She holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration, a Masters degree in Energy and Environmental Studies from the US, and the topic of her BI PhD was... more
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      ManagementSociologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityGovernment

Moscow Russia
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      Russian StudiesEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsGovernment
For the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence marked the most significant public communication of the Nation’s moral political philosophy. In fact, this one document alone would set the ideological tone to shape the... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Philosophy
Drawing from my 2012 novel "Draining the Swamp", I point out how Reagan and Trump have misunderstood the term. Good government is necessary and we can use best practices from the field of Change Management to study the swamp and remove... more
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      GovernmentChange Management
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      European StudiesEconomicsAmerican PoliticsInternational Relations
This study analyses the relationships between self-rated health and both individual and mean national social trust, focusing on a variant of Wilkinson's hypothesis that individuals will be less healthy the greater the lack of social... more
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      Human GeographyGovernmentTrustAdolescent
Article on the comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian understandings of civil society. Published in the book "A Panacea For all Seasons?" (Freise, Pyykkönen, Vaidelyte, eds., 2010, Nomos):... more
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      GovernmentGovernmentalityMichel FoucaultGramsci
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      Information TechnologyGovernmentPolitical Science
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      GovernmentWater resourcesMultidisciplinaryNature
The Role of the Government in the Promotion of Social Enterprises - Case Study of Taiwan
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      Social EntrepreneurshipGovernmentSocial EnterprisesSocial Enterprise
Kazakhstan might be regarded today as an example of promising opportunities that e-government technology could offer for the implementation of major ICT-driven public administration projects in a typical unitary state. Especially, it is... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernmentE-GovernanceE-Government
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      EconomicsPhilosophyGovernmentPolitical Science
After ten years of debate and discussion, the political situation within Poland finally allows the possibility to implement basic reforms in the health care system. Parallel development of the political and technical aspects of the reform... more
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      GovernmentHealth PlanningHealth insuranceHealth Policy
To make future tactical battlefield networks more agile, flexible and robust, nodes must rapidly configure themselves with little or no human intervention; moreover they must reconfigure automatically as the environment changes. We... more
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      GovernmentEnvironmental ManagementCommunication NetworksLocal Area Networks
The prediction algorithm is one of the most important factors in the quality of wind-power prediction. In this paper, based on the principles of wavelet transform and support vector machines (SVMs), as well as the characteristics of... more
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      EngineeringGovernmentStatistical AnalysisSupport Vector Machines
The concept of „government effectiveness” is analyzed. The main approaches to the government effectiveness in political science are defined. Indicators of the effectiveness of governments are determined. On the basis of special methods... more
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      GovernmentPolitical InstitutionsPost-Soviet StudiesInstitutions (Political Science)
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      Presidency (American Politics)Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismViolence
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the role of budget speech in the Malaysian Government as a “hybrid” for governing both the economy and social cohesion. Design/methodology/approach – Through archival research, a... more
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      GovernmentGovernmentalityMalaysiaPublic Budgeting and Finance
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      NursingGovernmentContent AnalysisHealth