Gotlandic picture stones
Recent papers in Gotlandic picture stones
The style and iconography of two well-known picture stones are re-analysed. The Hablingbo Havor II picture stone shows a motif that occurs frequently in Gotlandic art from the Vendel Period onwards: the “Water Dragon”. It is suggested... more
The Guta Saga like the Goths tribal saga speak of a southern emigration from Gotland to the Black Sea area and the Byzantine Empire. We know from Byzantine sources that the Goths settled in the Bosporian Kingdom and took possession of its... more
Jahrgang 1/2021 der Zeitschrift »Archäologie in Deutschland« Frontispiz: Bei Balladoole auf der Isle of Man wurde bei Ausgrabungen 1945 entdeckt, dass hier mehrere einheimische christliche Steinkistengräber durch ein prächtiges Bootsgrab... more
This paper deals with the subject of Viking Age iconography as source material for rigging details and sail technology of Viking Age ships. The survey consists of two parts: 1) an iconographical analysis of Scandinavian ship motifs c.... more
A collection of the author’s articles from the last few years on the topic of Viking Age travels from Scandinavia to the East (in the Baltic, to Russia and beyond). In Swedish.
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Finally, it can be said that the significance of picture stones throughout the centuries has undoubtedly been multifunctional and changing – as territorial marking, a memorial, preserver of oral tradition, burial site and religiously... more
Around the year 700 travelling Radhanites (later known as Jewish merchants) from Khazaria had founded Kiev (Turkish for “beach settlement”) at the Dnieper River. The place was during the 700s and 800s an outpost for the Khazar Kha-... more
ISBN (Paperback): 978-91-7635-099-7 ISBN (PDF): 978-91-7635-096-6 ISBN (EPUB): 978-91-7635-097-3 ISBN (Mobi): 978-91-7635-098-0
The article offers a discussion of the well-known Weland depictions on the Franks Casket, the gotlandic picture-stone Ardre VIII and the stone crosses of Leeds in Western Yorkshire. The significance of the Leeds carvings is stated and... more
The Gotland picture stones (dated to c. 400-1100 AD) are among the most spectacular and informative artefacts from the Iron Age and Viking Age to have been discovered in Sweden. The main aim of this paper is to make digital 3D... more
The style and iconography of two well-known picture stones are re-analysed. The Hablingbo Havor II picture stone shows a motif that occurs frequently in Gotlandic art from the Vendel Period onwards: the “Water Dragon”. It is suggested... more
The earlier Gotlandic picture stones are mostly connected with the Iberian peninsula and southern France. The Ibero-Celts are the most likely bearers of the pictorial agenda that is introduced on Gotland for the earlier picture stones.
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Import of silk Silk textiles from the Viking age are a small but exclusive group of archaeological finds in Scandinavia. The silk fragments are produced in many different qualities. The majority of silks have been interpreted as either... more
The question underlying this investigation is whether Gotland’s Viking-Age Picture stones were the subject of workshops and schools. One way of approaching this is to examine whether the use of templates and cutting techniques might show... more
A short review of what is published to date about the two boat burials from Salme on the island of Saaremaa (aka Ösel), by their Estonian excavators. The graves were dug in 2008 and 2010/11, respectively. Also some own comments on early... more
in ihrem einschlägigen \ü7erk über die \Wikingerzeit Gotlandsa. Bedauerlichervreise sind die Ergebnisse der Grabungen von 1998 bis 2003 fast ausschließlich der Lokalpresse sowie den meist knappen Berichten zu entnehmen, die auf der... more
The present volume, Norðvegur, deals specifically with fornaldarsögur related material from Scandinavia, outside of Iceland. As the title, Norðvegur, indicates, the subject matter is closely related to the sources described in the first... more
There is something called the Beowulf epos, from the beginning of the 500s, which is the oldest known Germanic epos, by some regarded as the Germa- nic-speaking peoples counterpart to the Greek Iliad and Odyssey. Historians and linguists... more
To understand the history of the Gotlandic Merchant Republic and its Medieval Churches, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its... more
The Gotlanders massive presence in Miklagarðr and the Gotlandic Varangian Ingr’s daughter becoming Empress in 867 must have contributed to the formation of an independent Gotlandic Church that during the first 300 years was purely... more
vor3. Einen kritischen Uberblick liefert Lena Thunmark-Nyl6n in ihrem einschlägigen \ü7erk über die \Wikingerzeit Gotlandsa. Bedauerlichervreise sind die Ergebnisse der Grabungen von 1998 bis 2003 fast ausschließlich der Lokalpresse sowie... more
Die Jenseitsreise auf den Bildsteinen Gotlands þvíat eino sinni scal alda hverr fara til heliar heðan. (Denn einmal muss jeder Mensch von hier zu Hel fahren.
Die Darstellungen auf den gotländischen Bildsteinen sind häufig nur schwer ansprechbar. Sowohl das flache und nicht selten recht primitive Relief als auch die flachen Ritzungen sind stark verwittert oder durch Fußtritte abgeschliffen.... more
There is something called the Beowulf epos, from the beginning of the 500s, which is the oldest known Germanic epos, by some regarded as the Germanic-speaking peoples counterpart to the Greek Iliad and Odyssey. Historians and linguists... more
This piece was published alongside Richard Cole, "Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives on Violence Against Objects" (183-197), and Frederik Lynge Vognsen, "Ejendomsret, demokrati og retten til 'at tage'. Mellem middelalder og stormen på... more
The archaeological material from the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Period in the Baltic Sea region is rich and varied, and has increasingly been taken into consideration in discussions about social encounters and interactions in the... more
The Gotlandic Chronicle or Guta Saga The Guta Saga (note 3), as the preface to Guta Lagh,
is the popular name of the Gotlandic Chronicle. It deals with the earliest history of Gotland, how the Gotlanders saw it when it was written down... more
This essay deals with a picture-stone that was found in a pre Christian grave during the archaeological excavations of the Viking Age harbour and trading place at Fröjel parish, Gotland, in 1999. The stone is at least 100 years older then... more