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The novel Werther by the famous writer Goethe was published in the year 1774 in Germany, 31 years later (1805) Chateaubriand made known to the French public René. These works have transcended the barriers of time and space becoming part... more
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      GoetheFrançois-René de ChateaubriandReneWerther
The essay addresses Goethe’s reception of Milanese literature and the work of Alessandro Manzoni. On the one hand, Goethe’s interest for Milan should be understood in the context of his late work; on the other hand, the analysis of his... more
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      RomanticismGoetheAlessandro ManzoniItalian Romanticism
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTheatre StudiesPoetry
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      AnthroposophyRudolf SteinerGoethean PhenomenologyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Não pergunte "o que Marx disse?" aos que você vê por aí falando dele, mal ou bem. Faça o seguinte: pergunte ao Marx. Após a Playboy da Fernanda Young não há coisa mais barata no sebo que o Manifesto Comunista, em diversas traduções e... more
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      Peter SloterdijkGoetheKarl MarxVenantius Fortunatus
To most, Charles Darwin's story is simply the birth of the Theory of Evolution. In reality, the story of how Darwin came to this theory, and the many people who would shape his destiny, is itself a story that needs to be told. Like many... more
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      Victorian StudiesHistory of ScienceGerman RomanticismVictorian Literature
Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre (1810) versuchte, Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben anzugreifen, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene... more
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Данная монография - первое в отечественной (и одно из немногих в зарубежной) фонологической науке исследование эволюции едва ли не самого значительного "вечного" образа мировой культуры в литературе новейшего времени. Трансформация... more
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      Russian LiteratureRussianJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethe Studies
In the context of Jungian psychology the author explores Goethe's Faust, with its alchemical symbolism, as an expression of the one-sidedness of Western culture.
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      AlchemyJungian psychologyGoethe
Zum 240. Geburtstag von August Thieme
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(Tese de doutorado defendida em 2016, Universidade de São Paulo) Este trabalho trata da ficção histórica de Goethe em duas fases de sua obra. Em primeiro lugar se ocupa do drama pioneiro do Sturm und Drang, Götz von Berlichingen (1773),... more
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      French RevolutionEnlightenmentJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethe
Es ist ein Aufsatz zu einem Gemälde des Malers Hermann Junker. Ob es vom Älteren oder vom Jüngeren geschaffen wurde, sollte sich noch zeigen.
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      Art HistoryGoetheBerlinFrankfurt
Aleksandr Sokurov’un “güç ve onur”un yıkıcı etkisini konu edinen üçlemesinin (Moloch (1999), Taurus (2000), The Sun (2004)) tamamlayıcı anlamda dördüncüsü olarak anılan, Venedik Film Festivali’nde Altın Aslan Ödülü’nü alan Faust... more
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La investigación siguiente se concentra en el artículo de Hans-Georg Gadamer “Prometeo y Pandora”, aparecido originalmente en español en 1949 en el volumen "Goethe. 1749 - 28 de agosto – 1949", editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y... more
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      AestheticsRomanticismGerman RomanticismJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Not only was the story really all about Snape, and not about, say, Harry. It turns out Snape is a key to many things, as is typically the main character in the Bildungsroman tradition. Snape is important because he helps us think about... more
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      EducationCurriculum StudiesHistoriographyTheory
Why are Robert Browning and Goethe to be compared? Both faced the same issue of acute self-consciousness in their early twenties and both discovered a similar answer to its challenge.
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      ChristianityLanguages and LinguisticsTheologyLiterature
Liszt, Klaviervirtuose und Hofkapellmeister am Weimarer Hof zwischen 1848 und 1859, darf nicht nur als Begründer einer neuen, programmusikalischen Gattung gelten, der Symphonischen Dichtung (Poème symphonique), in welcher er sich... more
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      Cultural HistoryIntermedialityDanteGoethe
This is an excerpt of my 2012 dissertation "The Path of Wagner's Wotan: German Idealism, Wagner's Prose Writings, and the Idea of Moral Progress". It includes the Table of Contents and the General Introduction.
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The role of darkness has been overlooked by philosophical theories of color. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Theory of Colors gives a special metaphysical status to darkness, but his romantic-holistic phenomenology applies its principle to... more
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      SilenceMaurice Merleau-PontyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheRené Descartes
A detailed, research-based introduction to the special section of the Goethe-Yearbook 22, 2015, which I co-edited with Luke Fischer. We explicate some of Goethe's most central ideas about nature, and the human relation to/place within... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyGerman RomanticismGoethean PhenomenologyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      GoetheDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche SpracheDeutsch
Kitabda Şərqin və Qərbin bir çox böyük filosofları müqayisə olunur; müxtəlif dövrlərdə və müxtəlif coğrafi məkanlarda yaranmış fəlsəfi təlimlərdə eyniyyət və fərq məqamları üzə çıxarılır. Məqsəd filosofların həyatı, yaradıcılığı və... more
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      PlatoAristotleJean Paul SartreGoethe
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethePsikanalitikOidipus Kompleksi
This article investigates the intellectual history of the argument for the antiquity of Exodus 34,11–26. In the contemporary debate about pentateuchal theory, a question that remains insufficiently addressed is how and why the idea... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureEthics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Resumé de la thèse de doctorat en français
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureEpistolary literatureGoetheJean-Jacques Rousseau
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      GoetheArtesTeoría Del Color
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      KantGerman HistoryPostcolonial StudiesHegel
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      DanteGoetheCervantesSerge Doubrovsky
WhatsApp:+447448353773 ([email protected]) Buy Goethe-Zertifikat A1 in Berlin, Hyderabad, buy original Goethe-Zertifikat A1 online in India, Goethe-Zertifikat B2 without exam in Dubai, Goethe-Zertifikat... more
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      GoetheGerman literature of the Goethezeit
This special issue of EAP celebrates 25 years of publication and includes 19 invited essays organized in terms of four themes: 1. Place—lived emplacement, place attachment, and environmental design as place making; 2. Nature—the lived... more
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      Environmental SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
LECTURE I: While the concept of “second nature” has received remarkable attention in recent years, the discussion has mainly focused on neo-Aristotelian accounts. In this lecture, I develop a neglected post-Kantian alternative. Instead of... more
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      AestheticsEthicsHegelFriedrich Nietzsche
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      German RomanticismMourningGoetheMourning and melancholia
We argue that an adequate understanding of creativity requires us to see it as connected to the generative sources of human expression in communal practice. Creativity is not primarily the process of finding novel solutions to... more
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      CreativityCultural PsychologyBakhtinHerder
Avant-dernière version de l'Introduction à L. Cahen-Maurel, "L'art de romantiser le monde. La peinture de Caspar David Friedrich et la philosophie romantique de Novalis", Münster/Berlin, LIT Verlag, coll. "Ideal & Real. Aspekte und... more
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      AestheticsGerman IdealismGerman RomanticismHegel
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
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      GnosticismCriminologyPolitical SociologyAnthropology
This 2020 winter/spring issue includes:  An “in memoriam” for architectural theorist Bill Hillier, who died in November.  Entries relating to Goethean science as a phenomenology of nature, including three “book notes” on... more
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      Space SyntaxSpace and PlacePhenomenologyGoethean Phenomenology
Alchemy is not only the origin of systematic experimentation and chemistry but also the first attempt to create a cohesive science of consciousness. Those early philosophers of nature treated mental contents as objective phenomena, and... more
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      Philosophy of MindAlchemyRosicrucianismParacelsus (Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus von Hohenheim)
I Canti per il popolo di Giovanni Prati mai sono stati fatti oggetto, fino ad oggi, di un commento integrale: solo pochissime delle più note poesie in essi comprese (Campagnuoli sapienti, soprattutto) sono state accolte in questa o in... more
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      PhilologyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheItalian philologyGoethe
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      Romantic poetryGoetheBallads
This book pursues a strand in the history of thought - ranging from codified statutes to looser social expectations - that uses particulars, and more specifically examples, to produce norms. Much intellectual history takes ancient Greece... more
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      RhetoricTheodor AdornoRoman LawPhenomenology
C’est cette relativité du théâtre, de l’opéra, de la musique, de tout art de scène qui est pour moi la chose la plus intéressante et inspirante. J’ai essayé de montrer combien on pouvait aller loin dans cette perspective, même si je suis... more
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      GoetheDon GiovanniEgmont
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation auf Deutsch
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureGoetheJean Jaques RousseauUgo Foscolo
One of the most significant moments in the development of German idealism is Schelling's break from his mentor Fichte. On account of its significance, there have been numerous studies examining the origin and meaning of this transition in... more
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      Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethe StudiesGoethe