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The structure and operating principles of a solar compass conceived and realised at the ENEA Laboratories in Frascati are presented. The optical design, the underlying software and the calibration procedure make this instrument a... more
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      Instrumentation and Measurement ScienceOptical Measurement MethodsMetrologyKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans Solaires
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      SundialWarsawGnomonique antiqueKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans Solaires
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      Jewish StudiesSundialGnomonique antiqueKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans Solaires
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      Daylight Factor simulation methodsDaylightDaylighting, Architectural DesignInsolation
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Вводится понятие "литературный фрактал" и рассматриваются литературные тексты, которые, в том или ином смысле, обладают фрактальной природой. - Опубликовано в электронном журнале "Textonly", 16, №2, 2006.
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      Ramon LlullFractalsGeorges PerecMANDELBROT
Abstract: In this article, we shall elucidate the use of shadow lengths for regulating prayer times among Zoroastrians, focusing on a part of a Zoroastrian religious book entitled Shāyest Nāshāyest, written in Middle Persian (Pahlavī)... more
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      History of ScienceIslamic StudiesTimekeepingZoroastrians
This article presents an edition and brief analysis of the previously overlooked text 'De compositione quadrae', which is transmitted as part of a scientific miscellany assembled at Worcester Cathedral Priory no later than 1140. 'De... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of ScienceMedieval Science
The Infinity in the Few Lines: Sundials "Real Time" in our Modern Cities. Sundials are nothing more than a graphical representation, on the Earth, of the apparent motion that the Sun moves along the surface of the ethereal celestial... more
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    • Gnomonics
The present paper examines Borromini’s two sundial-related projects – the timepiece in Urban VIII Barberini’s garden on the Quirinal (1628) and the scientific device intended for the Villa Pamphilj (1644). Sundials in the villas and... more
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      Francesco BorrominiBaroque RomeGnomonics
Storia dei metodi e delle forme di rappresentazione / 10 SMFR 10
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      History of ScienceHistory of AstronomyVitruviusHistory of architecture
Esta es una traducción del clásico matemático de la cultura China: Zhou Bi Suan Jing. Bajo esta interpretación, se descubre una verdadera cosmovisión desarrollada alrededor del Tao desde un remoto origen hasta su culminación en el siglo... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsChinese history (History)
The interest here is molded around the concept of ‘gnomonic apprehension’ by percolating it as synonymous to the idea of ‘theoria.’ It follows a dramatization of Thales’ uncovery of the theory of homeothesis (as found with Michel Serres)... more
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      Michel SerresImmanuel KantThalesTeorema de Thales
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The astonishing case of an Analemmatic Sundial invented and patented in England in the year 1892, and lately patented in Spain in the year 2001 as a "new type of sundial". The original invention can be seen on the Science Museum of... more
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Relojes de Sol para Casas de Campo y Jardines. Enrique Alcaraz Mira. Madrid 1953.
Scanned by Alfonso Pastor. in 2018.
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      SundialsGnomonicsRelojes de solGnomónica
Investigation into the fate of an analemmatic sundial built near Brasov (Romania) in the early 1990's by British volunteers.
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      Romanian HistoryRomaniaKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans SolairesSundials
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      Belarusian StudiesJesuit historyHistory of AstronomyJesuit education
Peter Bienewitz, also known as Petrus Apianus, is a well-known scholar whose works have been studied in depth. The authors focus on a book by his son Philip, in which a new instrument is described: the so-called Trientis. The Trientis is... more
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      HorologyAstronomical instrumentationGnomonicsHistory of horology
We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction with an accuracy better than 1/100 of degree, superior to that of any other magnetic or electronic compass which do not resort to differential... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceInstrumentationMetrology
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      SundialKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans SolairesSundialsHistory of astronomy, ancient sundials, islamic astronomical instruments
In this article, we shall elucidate the use of shadow lengths for regulating prayer times among Zoroastrians, focusing on a part of a Zoroastrian religious book entitled Shāyest Nāshāyest , written in Middle Persian (Pahlavī) language... more
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      History of ScienceZoroastrianismIslamic StudiesZoroastrianism (History)
"Les informations concernant les cadrans solaires de l’Antiquité proviennent de sources multiples: archéologiques, littéraires, épigraphiques et iconographiques. La mosaïque est notamment une source importante permettant de les... more
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      ChristianityHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyArchaeology
Ce livre, écrit par Giancarlo Bonini, retrace la construction, en 2007, d'un ancien et important instrument astronomique, une méridienne à chambre obscure, dans une église du XVIIe siècle à Perinaldo (Province d'Imperia - Italie), lieu de... more
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      Catholic ChurchAstronomy Education, Astronomy OutreachAncient and medieval gnomonicsGnomonics
Solar compasses are designed to accurately find the true North in sunny days. However, no data on their performance are available when sunlight is partially blocked, e.g., by a cloud. We have measured for the first time the performance of... more
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      Instrumentation and Measurement ScienceSolarAstronomical instrumentationAstronomical Navigation
L’edificazione della Cattedrale materana in forme romaniche avvenne in epoca tarda, verosimilmente dal 1230 circa al 1270 e nel corso dei secoli la facciata principale, orientata a Ovest, è divenuta l’icona della città storica, anche per... more
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      GraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Medieval graffitiGnomonica Medioevale
The author wants to reveal the artistic meaning of Kircher gnomonics within the historical reconsideration of the cultural work of Athanasius Kircher.
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      MathematicsGnomonique antiqueGnomonica MedioevaleSundials